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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. This reminds me that my cousin had to do similar detective work at one office and found a screensaver of animated M&Ms doing a performance of Ginsberg's Howl. It blew his mind. Long have I sought that on the web. I found traces of it years ago, but the actual file had been taken down.
  2. Well, .org is ok. We agreed to that.
  3. I remember one time the White Sox were supposed to face Edwin Jackson and then it rained. I was bummed.
  4. Here are some Canadian bands that I know. They should be on stamps.
  5. I have thought about that before--as USB drives get cheaper you can sell mp3s and still have a physical artifact with packaging and such.
  6. They pad those listings for the wee guys.
  7. I think David Eckstein is pretty scrappy. It is pretty impressive to be able to get a .350 OBP (almost on the dot every year) when you are the size of a child.
  8. Like most White Sox position player prospects, that Josh Fields is really producing! I bet Luis Terrero is there to be had, though.
  9. I like Firefox, but if Safari has never crashed then go with it. I'm not sure if it works better with the intel chipset or what.
  10. Does it crash all the time on PCs, too? Safari isn't even the best Mac browser.
  11. Right. His skin is too dark to be a grinder. And he is clean-shaven.
  12. I don't think I agree with a single thing you said. FYI Eno and Lanois are the producers they've worked with for most of their career. It's not some new thing--just a change from their previous album.
  13. So Luis Terrero has been tearing it up in limited ABs. .270/.372/.595 and half the White Sox board doesn't understand why the other half would consider taking ABs away from this currently injured player: .264/.311/.341, 7-9 SBs.
  14. It is not a memorable collection by any means. The allmusic review pretty much nails it.
  15. Well, I am not sure if it was officially "This is what they would've been like if we had enough time," but there were several remixes of songs from Pop on that album. And they were lousy.
  16. Right. They said that up and down for years--that the mixes were rushed. Then they redid them for the 1990-2000 Greatest Hits B-side and the remixes were just terrible. So I kind of think they're full of crap on that.
  17. There were plenty of political songs on the latest one, but they lacked any sort of nuance or style.
  18. That guy seemed to be kidding to me. It's similar to the mentally ill people they show on the first rounds of American Idol and the circus around Jacko's trial.
  19. Yeah, I was joking. It was in response to the previous post that Paris just did what she wanted and didn't hurt anyone. It's like saying a little murder never hurt anyone. It's meant to be obviously ridiculous.
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