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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Fear mongering. I'm not fear mongering. I was using humor to make a point.
  2. I guess I haven't spent enough time in here lately to be hardened to the extreme sarcasm of his post.
  3. I have not watched any television coverage of Palin. I listen to NPR and read. I expected the debate last night to be a train wreck based on those sources. Don't act like a jerk, Jules. I want the Democrats to win this election, and I see it is not going to be as easily done as my insular resources have led me to believe.
  4. I'm a yellow dog Democrat. Palin did exactly what she needed to do last night.
  5. Next week marks the 4th anniversary of my sister's death. Like Gary and his dad, she was my best friend and elements of our relationship will never be duplicated. She understood me, both light and dark, like no one since. We communicated telepathically it seemed. I so long for her company again. We played this at her memorial; her favorite Bowie song: Love me, love me, love me, love me, say you do Let me fly away with you For my love is like the wind, and wild is the wind Wild is the wind You touch me, I hear the sound of mandolins You kiss me With your kiss my life begins You're spring
  6. Happy birthday Natalie. You talked my ear off that one afternoon in SF in front of the Fillmore, and I never tired of hearing your sweet voice. I hope your travels have been amazing, though I admit we miss you tremendously around these parts. Safe travels sweet sister.
  7. Damnit! I thought sure I could slide that one by.
  8. I love how Ryan kept spewing nothing but rehab psychobabble. If the show continues with this caliber of writing, it's going to be a great season.
  9. The plot thickens. Sarah and I were jumping around on the couch like a couple of jr. high (well ok she is in jr high ) girls at some of the lines in last night's show.
  10. Letterman wasn't pissed. He has always made fun of people who refuse to come on his show, or guests who have blown him off. That's what he gets paid to do.
  11. Suspending the campaign is damage control at this point. The Republicans now have Davis and Palin as huge PR liabilities and the less they have to open their mouths right now, the better. I can see Davis scratching his head: "We have to go to the mattresses. How can we spin this?"
  12. It's just bad form to blow off Dave. If election year is good for nothing else, it's tremendous fodder for our funny guys. Who was it said that the only media not putting spin on the truth are the comedians? Thank God for those guys.
  13. If you google 'cocaine' and 'last waltz' you'll find out way more than you ever wanted to know about the making of that film. After I read about it, the editing to erase the coke hanging out of Neil Young's nose during, what? Helpless? and his jaw going like he was grinding wheat, I just saw it a bit differently. Not to take away from still being able to see all of those performers at that point in history. Man, I do love that.
  14. Got this email from a friend this morning: "Instead of (in addition to?) us all sending around more emails about how horrible she is, let's all make a donation to Planned Parenthood. In Sarah Palin's name. And here's the good part: when you make a donation to PP in her name, they'll send her a card telling her that the donation has been made in her honor. Here's the link to the Planned Parenthood website: http://secure.ga0.org/02/pp10000_inhonor You'll need to fill in the address to let PP know where to send the "in Sarah Palin's honor" card. I suggest you use the address
  15. I'm not getting at anything. A human being who subdues ego in the service of the lesser fortunate beings is motivated by something far deeper than "heavenly reward.' She says she lived 50 years in a crisis of faith. And still she did the work she felt called to do. When Bill Gates lives his life as an ascetic taking care of the sick and dying, you come talk to me. Your comparison is outrageous.
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