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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. I just laughed until only air was coming out.
  2. Because there are no snuggly pictures of you and me?
  3. He has a very fine set of legs. Hubbab hubba and ding ding ding. Hi oceanman. I was just looking at a snuggly picture of you and me.
  4. This economy continues to hemorrhage, and Bush is going to slice the femoral to make sure to bleed it dry for the Democrats. Not unlike a woman I know racking up the credit cards before the divorce is final. Classy.
  5. And I can vouch for the allure of your more free residents.
  6. This should really get him riled. My tits in sports bra mp3: They have lost none of their allure after 50.
  7. Bobby Fischer on women: "They're all weak, all women. They're stupid compared to men." I like a little misogyny with my anti-Semitism. It keeps things spicy. I wonder if he ever called women "fucking bitches" or "dumbasses."
  8. Adolescent insecurity goes with the territory. As parents, you just can't shield your kids from everything, NOR SHOULD YOU. There is a bit of social hardening off that must occur during those years that creates an exoskeleton against unwanted input and harm. Adolescence needs to make a kid strong before venturing out into the larger world.
  9. Well see, I've got nothing against little missy either. I have been living in my non Jessica skin for a long time. It's not kept me from having amazing sex, deeply satisfying relationships or wonderful children. I just don't get the problem. And you, miss Loretty, are an especially hot VC chick.
  10. I had to stand on a chair to properly converse with him.
  11. If you can you might listen to this interview and live performance that solace linked. It's really good.
  12. This little record company might be crazy overwhelmed by the demand. Ah....he sounds SO AMAZING. I am very envious of you mister. gluey feathers on a flume sky is womb she's the moon God.
  13. 5'6" in the morning, a bit shorter at the end of the day.
  14. And women are different than men, thank God.
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