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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Christ. Thank goodness you people are finally coming to your senses. Conversation in the car last week: Sarah, picking music on the iPod: These guys are on SNL this week. M. (hris, rolling eyes: Yeah, everyone thinks they're the second coming. There was a thousand page thread about them on Sound Opinions. You said you didn't like them before when I played them for you. Sarah, listening a few more minutes: Ugh, that guy's voice. You're right, it's bad. (switches iPod to Califone) This child has grown up on a steady diet of ska, reggae, rock steady, soukous and dub. I trust her opinion.
  2. As a human who has loved many addicts and also once upon a time migraine sufferer, I read through this article with tears in my eyes. Until a couple years ago, I had never known anyone who had recovered from addiction. My loved ones either carried on with abuse or died. Every person that recovers from addiction is a hero in my book. Every person. Whether it's Jeff Tweedy or any of the other guys who were in treatment with him that are still clean. Especially those guys. But thanks Jeff, for being so honest and articulate. Keep telling your story. Redemption stories are my favorite kind.
  3. ERNIE LOCKE!!!!!!!!! Very cool, btw. Now I'll always think of that when I see you post.
  4. My old boyfriend lived on a tree farm with hundreds of acres of stomping ground. On Sunday mornings we put our fishing poles on the luggage rack and a well worn copy of Hollywood Town Hall in his dusty Jeep's cassette player, and played it till we went in the house at dinner time. I can't hear that album without thinking of those days. I listened to Jayhawks long before I ever heard of Uncle Tupelo/Wilco.
  5. 'Tis! And standing beside me in the red shirt is kidsmoke, taking a picture of Jeff taking a picture of us. (I should find that picture.) What a great little show that was. Little did we know the drama which was yet to unfold the very next night. Who knew Tweedy was a ninja?
  6. Danny dishes about SNL.
  7. Holy mackerel, what a setlist. This bodes well for the rest of the tour.
  8. See now I think that would be incredibly hot.
  9. What if he wore these boots with the suit? What would the n00bs think then?
  10. Both of those tunes put a big grin on my face. I have no Wilcos in my immediate future, and have had such a hankerin'. Thanks to the kind soul who captured these. Only way I'm staying up that late is if I'm standing right in front of them. What fun. Oh my yes. Lennon's tennis shoes and white suit fashion statement inspired me to buy my first pair of white Converse.
  11. Of all of the people posting in that thread, you were the most diplomatic. But surely you see the lack of adult integrity in a bunch of you coming over here to sling dirt clods and run away to giggle about it back at your fort. I hope you stick around, because you seem like a genuine kind of guy.
  12. OCD then? Most normal people get kind of fed up with covering the same territory over and over and over again. All you're getting is negative attention and to some folks I guess that's better than nothing. You really want to be part of the VC community? Bring something else to the table. I mean unless this is the kind of attention you prefer. Or unless it's just to go back and giggle like school girls about it on the other board.
  13. Awww. i think ellsworth just needs a lot of attention, and his yes-men buddies have all gone back to the wasteland of the Farrar board. Here's a hug, ellsworth.
  14. After the "Awkward" line, my Sarah said, "Well it's good that Jeff can write songs, sing and play guitar." He does make a pretty good straight man, though.
  15. Yeah, it's a good tune, but I wasn't talking about Farrar. I was talking about the board with his name on it. He must be so proud of you all.
  16. Things must be dull as ditch water over at the Farrar board, eh?
  17. It's pretty entertaining when one has to create another persona to agree with oneself.
  18. "Can you say cretins? Sure. I knew you could."
  19. Now maybe the virtiol statement didn't make it crystal clear that I was talking not about you, but the anger and bitterness expressed in this thread. For that I apologize. The only time I used the word "you" meaning you ellsworth, was when I was questioning which side of the argument you were on.
  20. One more time just for you sweetie. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about your argument.
  21. I wasn't talking about you or your will or your principals. I was talking about your argument. And yes I do know what virtiol means. Are you going to make me go though all the posts and find the bitterness too?
  22. Now you're going to sit in judgement of who is being objective? Oy. Now I've heard it all.
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