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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. I was a Frappuchino addict until I started brewing & concocting my own iced coffee. In fact my iced coffee won the ms yvon Seal Of Approval. Man I love coffee.
  2. Maybe... Groups of people band together with big money and send a bidder to the auction. Three separate groups of folks have won an Evening With Tweedy for the past two years. The form and tenor of each show varies according to the groups. Is that what you mean?
  3. Indeed we were. 'Twas a magic night. I was the one that requested "Workin' At the Car Wash Blues". Tweedy would not play it, but happily played Muzzle Of Bees (skillful guitar work, that) for me instead.
  4. The night SBS was streamed was the night of the living room show. Tweedy said that SBS was his favorite album. Straight up. No qualifier. I don't remember any honey or fire ants though. Or maybe that's what they were doing in the basement before we were all allowed to go down there.
  5. This part of Bradley's interview of Dylan on 60 Minutes has always haunted me: ED BRADLEY: I've read somewhere that you wrote 'Blowin' in the Wind' in 10 minutes
  6. Ha! No worries, Cousin Tupelo. I'll further embellish myself by adding that there is a kind of joy I get watching arc of artistic output from a writer whose work I admire. Tweedy is one of those writers. If he was still writing songs about spilling his beer in the car I would have lost interest a long time ago.
  7. I was sitting in a lovely study in Winnetka, Illinois that night. I had just listened to Tweedy sing and play guitar and harmonica in the basement of that house. He and his wife had gone, but we were still there with that beautiful album streaming. I won't ever forget the first time I heard it. Like Wendy I have a tendency to play stuff I like over and over, so I'm happy when new stuff gets released just to save me from myself. I love this album lyrically and sonically. Plus John's bass work is incredibly melodic. It's a soul record made by grown ups. Tweedy isn't an adolescent anymore, the
  8. Awww. Btw, I'm pretty sure Meat is out of my league.
  9. Yeah, but you're incognito with the beard, so no one would even know!
  10. This single kicks some mighty tall ass. I really dig the punchy horns and the way the lyrics fold in on themselves. I'm looking forward to this.
  11. And a big thank you to one who was not there, but helped so much. See, my one issue with being at the rail was not being able to see the sooie and Meat show. :guitar
  12. I was just thinking today how lucky I feel to live in the midwest (doesn't happen often ), if for no other reason than the 2 Wilco shows I got to see last week, both for the amazing shows and the people I got to hang with.
  13. Looked like Jeff and Nels can't keep out of the guitar stores. It was guitar porn up there. After waking up with a sore throat yesterday morning, driving to St. Louis w/o tickets on the outside chance...thanks so much Wilco. What a freakin' amazing show. Started out kind of pensive and subtle and then just of blew the roof clean off of the Pageant. Christ. I hurt myself dancing. Thank you for Pick Up the Change, boys. First time I have heard it during a show. Gotta show some gratitude to the VCers for being such kind human beings. You kids are the best. My voice sounds like a squeak
  14. I'm not sure why, but this made me laugh pretty hard. You all have a great time these next two nights!
  15. It's Sarah May. She slept with the drumsticks last night.
  16. I thought exactly the same thing. That's funny! You were missed on the rail, girly. I did, oman. Thank you, sweetie. She's on the phone with her best friend, reliving the night. Again. Nope. But a picture was posted in one of these previous After the Show threads.
  17. Sarah just told me about Paul showing Glenn the photo of Glenn in the Shapeshifter mask. Sarah, imitating Glenn's voice, "Uh, yeah, that's really embarassing. Please don't ever show me that picture again."
  18. Awww. I kinda think so. Thank you.
  19. I was afraid that picture would show up. That photographer was yum.
  20. Thank you Paul. Really fun, loose show. Honestly I have run out of superlatives for this band live. My best little concert buddy had a great night. During Greatest Lost Track Of All Time, a tiny bra was thrown on stage (Tweedy: "It's a 12 year old's. I could be arrested for touching this."), Tweedy tried to snag it w/ the head and tuning keys of his guitar to throw it back, managed to fling it off, then it was thrown back onstage. Finally he threw it at Sarah telling her, "I know this isn't yours, and I'm not throwing it at you. I just know you won't throw it back." Best part though...al
  21. Happy birthday, Graham! I hope you have a terrific day.
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