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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thyme was probably one of the first albums I ever bought. Been a fan ever since. While I usually wouldn't recommend a greatest hits collection, Negotiations and Love Songs is exceptional: Hearts and Bones is one of my favorite tunes ever.
  2. In a fire which would you save first, your junk or embryos in a petri dish?
  3. Cute as a speckled pup! Congratulations you guys. Puppies really make the house all sparkly.
  4. Apple introduces the new iPhone Chick Magnet 3G.
  5. Ryan Adams was booked for a KC casino last summer. I was about to buy tix when he cancelled that part of his tour. Neko Case played the same room. I thought it was kind of weird, but folks got to make a living. I guess in some towns there are only a certain number of rooms of a size on a particular night. Dunno about Vegas though.
  6. New Gaslight Anthem has been in heavy rotation last couple of weeks. I love that band so. Also catching up: He might be my favorite 'new to me' artist right now.
  7. Now I feel bad. Caroline needs to see teh Wilcos up close and personal like. Plus, I hope to be hiking the White Mountains with her all friendly like. There has to be a compromise here. PS. Evidently you east coast folks have a different idea of a shed than we do here in Missouri.
  8. Happy birthday to a fine, intelligent, not to mention devastatingly handsome, young man. Hope you have a wonderful year, Chris
  9. All these years I have been intensely curious of what took Powell from this... "The former American secretary of state Colin Powell has revealed that he spent 2
  10. I think the fact that Colin Powell and Obama are getting cozy is kind of interesting. Can't wait to read Colin Powell's memoirs.
  11. BUSH OIL 1999 - $16 barrel 2006 - $70 barrel 2008 - $140 barrel
  12. If Caroline says yes, and you say yes, I say yes. We can smoke mad weed on the lawn just like all the other hippies! (Oh calm down you people. It's a joke.)
  13. Wow, no shit. No I have to go find all of those albums.
  14. Huh. I dig it. Even with all the noise, it sounds spectacularly clean and confident. Warm even.
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