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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. My personal experience is this; I am a student of Buddhism. One of my best friends is an evangelical Christian. Over the years I have spent many Sundays in the prophetic/evangelical Christian church. I know what they (the preachers, missionaries and hundreds of people saying YES! at the several churches I went to) think of my spiritual practice (many Christian missionaries spend a good deal of time knocking on monastery doors in the far east. I have heard the word "evil" used in this regard). I don't talk to her much about my spiritual beliefs (I call myself a "contemplative"). Though I do e
  2. In a case of espionage or treason I'm not so sure.
  3. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were the last people to be executed in the US for espionage. Brian Regan was up for the death penalty in 2003 for three charges of attempted espionage. He was sentenced to life without parole.
  4. Other statutes allowing the death penalty for non-murder crimes. Although no one is presently on death row for these crimes, capital offenses exist in state law for various other crimes: Treason (Arkansas, Calif., Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Washington) Aggravated kidnapping (Co., Idaho, Il., Missouri, Mont.) Drug trafficking (Fl., Missouri) Aircraft hijacking (Ga., Mo.) Placing a bomb near a bus terminal (Mo.) Espionage (New Mexico) Aggravated assault by incarcerated, persistent felons, or murderers (Mont.) Federal capital statutes for non-murder crime
  5. That's exactly how Joshua describes it. He messengered in NYC on one. So apparently パンケーキ is not a pussy anymore.
  6. My son says that fixed gear bikes with brakes are for pussies.
  7. My feet are quite lovely, actually. And still attached to the end of my ankles.
  8. How the Song of Songs made it past the censors is still a mystery to me.
  9. My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him. I rose up to open to my beloved; and my hands dripped with myrrh, and my fingers with sweet smelling myrrh, upon the handles of the lock. I opened to my beloved; but my beloved had withdrawn himself, and was gone: my soul failed when he spake: I sought him, but I could not find him; I called him, but he gave me no answer. The watchmen that went about the city found me, they smote me, they wounded me; the keepers of the walls took away my veil from me. I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my belo
  10. I'm pleasantly confused at the two cities chosen for the summer tour in the states (aside from Bonnaroo and NYC), but feel lucky. I mean Omaha, Nebraska and Kansas City Missouri? Here's the setlist from last night: Svefn G Englar Vaka Se Lest Vid Spilum Hoppipolla/Med Blodnasir Fljotavik Sud i Eyrum Olsen Olsen Inni Mer Syngur Heysatan Gobbledigook New stuff sounded amazing. Abbreviated setlists in both Omaha (where all had to go into the basement of the venue) and KC due to tornadic weather.
  11. So um. I saw Sigur Ros tonight. I can't remember getting spontaneous goosebumps so many times at a show ever. Man o man.
  12. "But as if frightened by it, we carve, prod and poke at it. We view mystery as the enemy of knowledge, and in trying to find knowledge we end up attempting to harm the sheath of mystery which encases that knowledge - cutting or attacking that mystery, in either fear or anger - and in so doing, harming or altering the knowledge that lies beneath that mystery. We take in a manner that does not replenish. We search out the last corners to do injury to them as if we have become confused - as if forgetting that we cannot live, cannot survive without grace and magic." Happy year, Charles.
  13. Yay Rosie! I hope you have the best year ever!
  14. That would be a great device to start seedlings in the spring. Most of the reviews say it grows great herb and lettuce. Not so much on the veggies.
  15. Theoretically I'm sure one could grow veggies indoors. You would have to invest in lighting ($300 fixture, $150 for halide and sodium bulbs), hand pollinate and manipulate light/dark periods for flowering and fruiting, and still probably get sub hot house quality veg. $50 tomato anyone? To make the good vitamins, sugars and flavors, food needs lots of sunshine.
  16. Off the subject of books, but there is a part of me that wishes those horrible nightly broadcasts would spill out into the laps of Americans with this war. Sorry. Carry on.
  17. Kansas City is pretending to be the Pacific northwest this season. I expect banana slugs to arrive in the garden any day now. Right now it is a cloudy, cool 67 degrees. Should be more like what the east coast is experiencing. Cool vibes!
  18. Most veggies require full sun and pollinators. Chicago is home to over 500 community gardens, though!
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