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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Sickness and death have come visiting my family this past week. Bethanydear's grandmother passed away on Monday. She was my earliest mentor and I loved her. "Nana, as her family called her, was a naturalist and loved her cottage home in the woods along the Blanchard River. Her father was a florist, and helped her start her own garden when she was five. She continued to garden, keep chickens, and was an active member of the Gathering Basket Herb Society until her death. She had just recently received her seed order for the spring. A Scottish Terrier breeder, she loved all dogs. She was a l
  2. I honestly can't tell which side of the argument you're taking here. It sounds like you are describing the posters who said they have based their entire existence around seeing this one show. Disappointment is one thing, but all the projected vitriol and extrapolation is just patently absurd.
  3. I'm really happy that Andrew Bird fits in so well with the Wilcos and all, but if it cuts down on him recording and touring with his own band, I'm going to be pissed.
  4. I hope you said many wicked gossipy things about me. I missed you all terribly as well. It was a physical ache. Damn. I almost wish I hadn't seen that t-shirt. That's tremendous! Sarah wanted one too, and owls are her favorite birds.
  5. I asked Jeff to play Ziggy that one time. He laughed at me.
  6. If you dance hard enough, all moisture gets excreted through your sweat glands. I danced so hard at the Columbia show that my pants fell off. oceanman knows. "Pants off dance off". Plus I only drink water, no booze. Alcohol is a diuretic which makes you have to pee.
  7. Wonderful news. Eric! Congrats to you, your lovely wife and especially big sis.
  8. oceanman called me from home tonight to apologize for not calling me from the show.
  9. Oh my those are just terrific! I recognize many of those ecstatic faces. The front rail must have been quite the sound baffle with all of those coats, scarves and hats. You guys are troopers! Thanks for sharing your work with us, Charles.
  10. Pick Up The Change. OMFG. Just break my heart why don'tcha. (Edie's voice sounds like 5 octaves lower than her usual Lauren Bacall, laughing at Jeff's banter. Poor bronchitis baby. )
  11. Oh, sweet call from Leo. I'm getting to hear these shows without even having to stand in line wearing a sleeping bag. You guys are just the best.
  12. I have met kidsmoke. I'm not saying if her mind is lost or not.
  13. The inside of your brain must be a very interesting place.
  14. A picture of Sweet Caroline (viatroy's daughter) and I, late last summer on Acadia in Maine. Just a glorious week! The week was a lot like this actually:
  15. Ha! A real live "Looks like they're not going to leave, better play a couple more songs for Lou" encore. Sounds like it was another amazing night. Andrew Bird? Fooking awesome! Sarah and I got to hear Muzzle Of Bees () and Via Chicago through the miracle of satellite. We added our voices to the sing along parts in Via Chicago and joined in screaming and clapping during the drum breakdown. Yeah, we're geeks. Thank you again Edie. You're a sweetheart for including us in the show.
  16. I always get so happy for Leo...knowing he's throwing his fists in the air during the opening notes of that one. Holy mackerel the band sounds awesome. Gave me goosebumps. Thanks for that!
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