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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. The Libertarians have me up until this point. The problem lies in that there are aspects of society which are not well served by the free market system; where the profit motive is the incorrect approach. If your argument is that charitable organizations fill the gap, why haven't they already done so? Imagine for a minute that the last two Democratic presidents were not as much interested in infiltrating capitalism with socialism, but answering a real need in our society. The medical/insurance system is broken. When the Libertarians can come up with a system that makes more sense than 30k
  2. "Let them die and decrease the surplus population."
  3. The history of Don and Anna's relationship was fraught with karmic undertones. She left the ring for him. All the pieces fell together like a mandala.
  4. I felt uncharacteristically optimistic for Don's development. The scene with Betty in the kitchen was a perfect bit of closure. Drinking expensive liquor out of a cheap glass in the empty house they once shared.
  5. "I hope she knows you only like the beginnings of things."
  6. M. (hristine


    I'm only partially Caucasian.
  7. While doing extensive rose work on the walls of an enclosed courtyard today, I was Chinese tortured by having to listen to 8 hours of Sirius "Blend" on a kick ass sound system. I heard Rod Stewart sing some vaguely Celtic tune and Cher sing something through an Auto-Tune. I wondered idly whether they were both dead. I really should receive hazard pay for this day.
  8. The line was brilliant and the delivery was...I don't even know. Child-like or something. No, that's not right. So subtle like you could have missed it had the scene not been so entirely riveting. I interpreted it in a metaphoric sense. But that's the kind of girl I am. Yeah, I really hope not.
  9. "You know what? There's a way out of this room that we don't know about."
  10. The Suitcase brought this show to a new level. Jon Hamm was astounding. When I was a youngster, my dad sometimes drank like that. The two men are also physically similar. The subtlety in acting that long office scene with Elisabeth Moss was spot on. Help me remember you oldsters...in the Samsonite ad featuring the elephant, wasn't it a mouse that had him standing on the suitcase?
  11. Draper did his homework for the Honda account, reading The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, then playing by the 'rules'. Peggy in red, riding the bike in circles around the white soundstage. Cut to: Brilliant tv. I'm wondering whether the focus group doctor character is loosely based on Dr. Joyce Brothers, who worked in NY in the early 60s.
  12. Oh my Jesus yes. Having myself been suckled on soul and Motown, Tweedy's transformation into the Dadfather of Soul is somehow familiar and gratifying. He's got the pipes. But has he got the moves?
  13. These stories never lose their luster. I love it that there were so many n00bs at this hootenanny. Thanks guys for letting us live vicariously.
  14. A rousing game of Three Tango Twister with a long legged Scandanavian beauty would indeed warm the cockles of my heart.
  15. How I adore your reviews, Andrew. So wishing for a stateside solo show in the near future. I see also my friend Lotti was in attendance. The mind boggles. I mean talk about a fascinating trio of dinner partners...
  16. It's been a while since I've seen it, but I remember the first quarter of the film being a slow burn. I was irrevocably drawn into the story whose pieces didn't immediately fit together. Good call.
  17. It was only last night a friend and I were talking about how life was much sweeter when simple. She then sang the chorus from Spanish Pipedream. It really hit the spot: Blow up your T.V. throw away your paper Go to the country, build you a home Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches Try and find Jesus on your own
  18. I'm on a bit of a roll with this subject matter:
  19. A bit more research might be in order.
  20. Tweedy's nostrils always make me wax poetic.
  21. I have gazed up into the twin black infinities of Tweedy's nostrils on many occasions. That's the height of heightiness in my book.
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