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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. You seriously need to quit pissing all over these threads. You said you and your son had a great time at the Dallas show. Get on with it.
  2. In grade school, we collected money to adopt pagan babies. We even got to name them. Is that what you mean?
  3. Someone shot this video that night. Great quality. And oh look. There's me in the front row being all smitten and stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E-2zEV3lu8&feature=player_embedded
  4. Have fun at this show everyone. I had my Wilco cherry popped at the Vic.
  5. It makes no sense to camplain about "super-fans". That is not the issue. Tickets have become a mafia economy. It sucks, but that's the reality. In my town, $47 tickets are being sold online from between $130 and $202 a piece. Times 4 tickets that's pretty nice profit for a minute of work.
  6. Mid-set she did a cover of Pop Group's She Is Beyond Good and Evil. It was one of those rare moments that live music lovers live for. Small room, Annie giving it up and every one in the audience feeding her. The guy next to me in closed eyed ecstasy as if to look at her would sear his retinas. I looked back across the audience in the space it took Annie Clark to catch her breath before launching into Northern Lights. Everyone was saying, "Holy shit. What just happened there?". Annie Clark was full blushing. Fucking amazing.
  7. Don't kid yourselves boys. That might be the best show I see this year. Holy shit.
  8. Done. But only because it was skyflynn that asked.
  9. Seeing her in a couple weeks at the behest of my teenage daughter. Small room. Really looking forward to the show.
  10. I really hope this makes it into the set by the time they hit my town. And to close the show with it, sweet creamy Jesus. There are definite benefits to being a middle of the road stop in the tour of a new album.
  11. See, now I wish I had listened more than once. Tweedy hooks.
  12. My daughter Sarah called the lyrics "girly". I wrote earlier that this album had something further. Music has always been a touchstone for me and I am old. The first time I heard Wilco, the music seemed to embody so much that came before but pushed deep into something new. That's what was so compelling. That was what hooked me. This album has taken a leap in all of the elements we have mentioned here...the musicianship, the production, the subtleties. It's still more than the sum. Wilco's music is once again nascent.
  13. Listening to One Sunday Morning a second time. Going to try to put the album away now until I can hear a good rip. This album may contain some of Tweedy's richest tunes. Something further. This makes me happy. Ha! Perhaps the subtlest of difference.
  14. Listening on headphones. Looking forward to hearing a fat rip of this. Can't get over the scrumptious bass lines. I think there is plenty enough here to bring me back for multiple listens.
  15. Saturday night. I can see Fakeliz, then me. You were standing behind me that night, Aman.
  16. Not to overstate the obvious, but some hairs are more easily split than others.
  17. Oh good heavens. No mention of any conversational venue or names or any context was used and for good reason. The conversation seemed a simple way of illustrating the opinion of many folks through a specific instance. I happen to disagree with with it. The St Louis situation would seem to bear that out. Also, I like using the word "draconian". If this is what you see as referring to you, none of it was meant sarcastically. These are legitimate concerns.
  18. Thanks, ditty. I thought draconian was harsh also. I was making the point that these extra measures are not really appreciated by many fans. They are seen as overly complicated and do not accommodate the many extenuating circumstances one faces after purchasing tickets months in advance. That was her take anyway. My understanding is that rules for purchase varied with the venue. Ultimately I don't have the time to chase around after tickets. My work does not involve sitting in front of a computer screen waiting for the right moment to log in to the sale. St Louis is a 4 hour trip. If ti
  19. Not at the difficulty of getting tickets; apparently plenty of tickets can be found on Craigslist St. Louis. When getting tickets for a show becomes fraught with complications (general sale being sold out in 3 minutes while plenty of black market tickets are immediately available), I really can't be bothered with participating. A friend called newer ticketing policies "draconian". Until band management sees fit to tighten up the way tickets are sold, or until fans turn their backs on the rock and roll mafioso, my live music dollar can better serve hungrier musicians in smaller venue
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