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Everything posted by bböp

  1. Hey Steve, thanks a lot for the kind words! I'm glad to play some small part in helping people who can't make it to shows feel like they're still able to keep up with what Jeff is up to. See you again before long, I'm sure. Great to see you, man! Weird night, but thanks for the perspective vis a vis the Warm/Warmer material. You're right — you've got to take the opportunity to see these shows while you can. Hey, really nice to meet you man! I appreciate the kind words, and thanks a lot for reading my drivel over the years. Hope to get back to another (slightly less weird, maybe) show
  2. Thanks for reading! And yes I am planning to go to Europe for some of the Wilco shows in June and September. Yeah, that's pretty much it. I like those recaps! Maybe I'll skip all the drivel and just boil each show down to its essence from now on... Thanks for following along with my blatherings! I sure wish I could get Down Under for the run of shows coming up next month, but I'll certainly be looking forward to reading about them from your perspective (and others' as well).
  3. The story was writing itself quite nicely: After two nights of relative bedlam, Jeff closed out a long run of solo acoustic performances in support of Warm (and Warmer) by returning to his home state and putting on a solid show for a respectful audience. Back in the familiar confines of a darkened theater, Jeff was able to return to his usual unplugged setup and got to play some of the quieter, sadder songs that he hadn't been able to in the more "festive" atmospheres of the previous evenings. Of course, given some of the weird things that have happened on this tour, you knew things would pr
  4. Yeah, I think weird (or maybe just long) is a pretty apt one-word description. Coming down for the finale? There’s still time!
  5. Thanks for filling in some gaps (and correcting me when necessary), Vince! That show was just too bizarre from a crowd interaction and banter standpoint to fit into a reasonably sized recap. I forgot about the, er, dance contest! Sorry again about your song, but good to see you the past couple nights either way. Onward!
  6. Hoo boy...where to even start with this one? I guess the best place is the most obvious, which is to say that while there have been more than a couple of odd venues and peculiar audiences on this Warm tour — Jeff did play five shows in Florida recently, after all — this penultimate performance in Cincinnati probably took the proverbial (wedding) cake. Seriously, about the only things missing from this scene were a bride and groom (or bride and bride or groom and groom) feeding each other said cake — and maybe a run through the Electric Slide. Jeff has probably performed at weddings of family
  7. In retrospect, I suppose the first sign that this wasn't going to be the kind of show that has come to define most of Jeff's solo acoustic tour in support of Warm — that is, a relatively quiet performance in a darkened theater with a modicum of crowd participation — was when he took the stage and immediately plugged in his guitar. Usually Jeff isn't plugged in at all, using just a vocal microphone and another for his guitar. But in certain situations, like bar-type venues or festivals, he will plug in to give his guitar more oomph. Earlier in the tour at a similar venue (the Orange Peel in A
  8. Yeah, I guess I shouldn’t have said “awfully short.” I meant a bit short. More telling was the (alleged) lack of any Warm or Warmer songs. But yeah, it’s a testament to Jeff that he was able to go on at all.
  9. Wilcoworld currently has the following listed as the setlist for this show, which seems awfully short even for a festival set under the effects of a bad case of food poisoning. Also, it seems a little odd to me that he wouldn't have played a single thing off Warm (or Warmer, which had just come out that day). And also a friend of mine just confirmed that he "definitely, 100 percent," played Don't Forget because it made her think of her dad. So I would say this setlist is incomplete at best... New Madrid I Am Trying To Break Your Heart Heavy Metal Drummer California Stars Passenger Side I'm
  10. Claptrap territory reached! Somebody plant the flag...
  11. I should have thought of that! Henceforth, call me blues harp — harp for short...
  12. It seems almost ridiculously long ago now, even though it has only been about six weeks, that Jeff started off this solo acoustic tour in support of Warm with jokes about having a rash and how his performances should have an asterisk next to them because he was on steroids. Now as the U.S. leg of the tour wraps up this week and Jeff's new solo record Warmer is finally out, I guess it's probably fitting (though I'm sure not pleasant) that Jeff would suffer another physical ailment that requires another course of medication. "What drugs did you take? And why don't you start taking them again?" i
  13. Apparently Georgians aren't too big on show reports (part 2)... Did anybody make it down for this (Record Store Day) gig? All I know is Jeff apparently persevered despite, apparently, a bad case of food poisoning. And Jon Hamm was supposed to interview/chat with Jeff at a book event earlier in the day but Jeff had to beg off because of said food poisoning...
  14. Apparently Georgians aren't too big on show reports (part 1)... All I know is this day in general probably wasn't the greatest for Jeff, as I believe this was where he suffered a pretty bad case of food poisoning (though I'm not sure whether it really set in before or after the show).
  15. Finally got my full recap up (for the five people who care about my opinion). Was a busy day, being in transit, etc., but also took me a little while to figure out what I wanted to say with this one. Better late than never! Anyway, carry on.
  16. Four songs into his set at the Lincoln Theatre, Jeff checked in with the audience for the first time — as he usually does — and the subsequent exchange resulted in a joke he has made at recent shows about how people often feel the need to check in with him, which is “like a reverse David Lee Roth.” But what really struck me wasn’t the playful, sometimes misanthropic, usually awkward repartee he maintained with the crowd from that point on. Rather it was the half apology he issued near the end of the main set when he had been joking about — again, as he usually does — how every song he has wr
  17. Jeff hasn’t said what it is yet, but Wilcoworld lists it as “new unreleased Wilco.”
  18. It sort of depends on who’s playing and what kind of music he’s into, but as far as interesting smaller venues, maybe check out the Borderline (which might be more of a singer-songwriter kind of place). Also the Lexington, which is a newer venue on the second floor of a pub near the Angel Tube stop often has good up-and-coming indie bands. And the Electric Ballroom in Camden is kind of a dump but also pretty good for indie-type acts. And the Jazz Cafe in Camden for neo-soul and jazz-type stuff; D’Angelo cut a live record there. In terms of slightly bigger places, Shepherd’s Bush Empire and th
  19. Thanks for the reports, and look forward to ones from tonight’s main event!
  20. Ah, I see. I don't dwell in this particular subforum much at all, if ever, so I just had to do a double take when I saw your handle attached to a recent post!
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