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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Some first-year chick (friend of my roommate's hot, dumb and almost-criminally-young first-year girlfriend) puked a red "W" on our carpet after drinking half a bottle of aftershock. It never came out, but we still got our security deposit back. Guess the landlords liked what it did for the hallway. edit: this was back in college, of course. edit: this is ron cey
  2. I'm not about to correct Mr. T's grammar.
  3. Mr. T has his own reality show. In every city, there's fools to pity.
  4. The God I believe in isn't short of posts, mister.
  5. You're a smug little shit. Expressing an opinion regarding the direction one would like the band to go ≠ shitting on Wilco or Jeff. Even if it did, it wouldn't matter whether or not you agreed. Everyone is entitled to say what they do and don't like.
  6. I'm not into watersports, thanks. Thanks a lot.
  7. Sometimes I'm right and I can be wrong My own beliefs are in my song The butcher, the banker, the drummer and then Makes no difference what group I'm in I am everyday people, yeah yeah There is a pop one who can't accept the Neu one For living with a drone one trying to be alt-country one And different strokes for different folks And so on and so on and scooby dooby doo-bee Oh sha sha - we got to live together I am no better and neither are you We are the same whatever we do You love me you hate me you know me and then You can't figure out the bag l'm in I am everyday people, yeah yeah
  8. Actually, what the negativity over the new songs shows is that some people don't like the new songs. There's nothing inherently snobbish about not liking something. The last line of your post, however, absolutely reeks of snobbery and condescension.
  9. All the Wild Houses - Ray Lamontagne Save a House (Ride a Cowboy) - Big and Rich Wild Houses - Rolling Stones
  10. Jay Bennett wasn't in the first incarnation of Wilco, but I wouldn't mind hearing another album with him in the band.
  11. He can't take a pay cut. The players union won't let him.
  12. Bobbo, there's nothing wrong with taking what you're offered. Nobody made the Rangers offer ARod a ridiculous contract (10 X fucking $25M?), but when he took it, he goddamn well better have performed. I'm one of those who thinks he's gotten an unfair shake in New York (especially since the Rangers are still paying a huge chunk of that salary), but he has absolutely failed the last two postseasons. To say so is an objective criticism, and not colored at all by the fact that he makes a lot of money. 2-15 (2005) and 1-14 (2006) is pretty damn bad.
  13. I'm just gonna assume that's a Rasputin reference...
  14. Do you have to order a separate coffee for your beret, or do you guys share?
  15. Cynthia Watros is neither Penelope nor Juliette. The actress who plays Juliette was Angelina Jolie's girlfriend in Gia.
  16. Taking into account the fact that he's extremely tired, dehydrated and malnourished, not to mention recovering from knockout drugs, I can forgive him not being completely on the ball. Give him a session or two to ask the questions...
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