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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Oh yeah, I'm not calling McCain's qualification into question. Just found it a tiny bit ironic.
  2. Funny, I know for a fact that John Sidney McCain III was born outside of the United States.
  3. So calling someone a euphemism for a penis isn't using profanity?
  4. I'm not sure that's precisely how it was worded.
  5. Are we seriously going to compare the national political experience of the two presumptive presidential nominees? If so, I'm sure JUDE would have voted for Gore in 2000 and Kerry in 2004, had he voted for president.
  6. Still, those people must do math a shitload better than, say, Elliott Smith or Jeff Mangum, or (gasp) Wilco.
  7. Billions of people buy Britney Spears and Spice Girls albums because they are really good at math?
  8. I'm done with you, Mr. Goodwrench.
  9. Nobody told anyone what to do, and it's NOT AN ASSUMPTION. People don't inflate their tires properly, and doing something about it WILL save them gas, and therefore $$. It's a small part of the overall energy conversation that people have jumped on for some reason.
  10. Man, if collectively saving 2.8 million gallons of gas per year by spending 75 cents at the gas station air compressor is silly, producing 1.4 million gallons of gas per year by spending billions of dollars to pump and refine gas from beneath thousands of feet of ocean and rock must be like wearing plaid pants, a polka dotted shirt and a spinning bow tie. (Sorry, Jules. I understand your point, and I'm done now. )
  11. PEOPLE ARE NOT SMART ENOUGH TO FIGURE THIS OUT ON THEIR OWN. The articles posted earlier in this thread point out that millions of Americans drive around on underinflated tires. This is not conjecture. If you already drive around with properly inflated tires and a properly maintained car, then you are not the intended audience and thus there is no reason to feel talked down to.
  12. Because there is no negative environmental impact to putting air in one's tires and there is to punching holes in the ocean floor and sucking out oil?
  13. Actually, the numbers were in the other article posted above by Winston Legthigh. However, here's a line from the article that I think is worth something. Discussion, anyway. Now, putting doubts about whether or not global warming is a real phenomenon, is what the author says here false?
  14. Actually, based on the numbers in the linked article, it would be roughly 1.5 times as "good" (strictly in terms of oil produced/conserved).
  15. Aside from the fact that Kicking Television is a live album, not a studio album, I don't have any problem with it.
  16. I don't see what's on that list that's either: 1. all that bad 2. news Corey Dillon is a thug? Really? Tedy Bruschi is kind of a jerk? Not surprised. Bill Belichick is an introverted asshole who likes to fuck? So?
  17. I can be certain that he is absolutely correct, as of this date. There is no question whatsoever of his statement's veracity.
  18. I am. I don't have kids, but I like Wilco. I have nothing to hide.
  19. I may be the only real participant, but I think I'm doing ok. Next week, I'm gonna start exercising.
  20. You are on a Wilco message board. Most of the people here are Wilco fans. Some are larger than others. eta: that's a good looking dog you've got there.
  21. I weighed 260 at the beginning of last week and I'm down to 253 today.
  22. Hey man, just like what you like and don't worry about what anyone else says.
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