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Everything posted by ChicagoPepper

  1. A couple of years back I went that route, trying to get an interview for my school tv station in college. I used the contacts on their website and got a request in. Got denied, but it's worth a shot. You sound like you've got a better chance, being such a small venue and in a different country and all. Good luck!!
  2. Aw man if this torrent show up in places other than dime could you let me know? Awesome show. Thanks!
  3. My DVR cut out too. Could someone reup the divix file? Thanks so much!
  4. I still don't "get" the craze around Love & Theft, but boy, Modern Times hit me upon first hearing!
  5. Ohhh the idea of an SBS pt. 2 gets me really excited.
  6. I remember hearing the same thing. I feel like they said the same after AGIB too.
  7. Anyone know where I can get/download Wilco's PBS Soundstage performance from '03? It was my first wilco show, and even better, they opened with the original version of Handshake Drugs. This is all I could find online from the show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlmi4W9DyIU...28Soundstage%29
  8. Crap, tell me people aren't doing this during live shows.
  9. Some nice raw footage of the event: http://www.accesshollywood.com/news/ah5921.shtml
  10. What's on this ep again? One True Vine and Let's Not Get Carried Away?
  11. I read that Paul did most of the instruments on this track, but I too was under the impression that the album was recorded with his touring band.
  12. First time seeing them live was the taping for PBS Soundstage.
  13. David Kahne produced. He also did The Strokes' First Impressions of Earth, and Paul's 2001 Driving Rain album. I wish he'd gone with Godrich again though. While this song is catchy, the production is distracting. Who knows, maybe it'll make more sense when we hear the whole album. It'll be interesting to hear this stuff in Starbucks this summer...
  14. God I can't get over how bad that editing is. They might as well be in a soundstage.
  15. Either Way - Appropriate opener, sets the mood. You Are My Face - So good it hurts. Impossible Germany - Pefectly Executed Sky Blue Sky - Classic Wilco. Side With the Seeds - Was my most anticipated song, but I'm not a fan of the slower tempo. Sounds tedious at times. Shake it Off - Ouch on the vocals, but once it gets going, it rocks. But seriously, "Sunlight aaanglees oownn?" Do another take. Patient With Me - I'm trying, but I wish it wasn't on the album. It's a solo song. Hate it Here - new for them and I love it. Leave Me Like You Found Me - I see it as this album's Wishf
  16. I can't get over the range in taste for this album. Everyone seems passionate about certain songs while showing distaste for others. The only song that seems to get universal praise is You Are My Face. By the way, mark me down for loving Shake it Off.
  17. It's way too hard to pick right now, but I do have to say Shake it Off is up there for me. I'm surprised at the negative feedback for the song. What gives? That electric piano is killer.
  18. PM please! I promise to help others out once I get it myself.
  19. Could someone please PM or email a link? radiocure04@gmail.com ThanksQ,
  20. Man my quality is terrible but I'm still loving every second of this.
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