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:birthday :usa


Red and white/ blue suede shoes

I'm Uncle Sam/ how do ya do?

Gimme five/ I'm still alive

Ain't no luck/ I learned to duck


Check my pulse/ it don't change

Stay seventy-two/ come shine or rain

Wave the flag/ pop the bag

Rock the boat/ skin the goat


Wave that flag

Wave it wide and high

Summertime done come and gone

My,oh my


I'm Uncle Sam/ that's who I am

Been hidin' out/ in a rock-n-roll band

Shake the hand that shook the hand

Of P.T. Barnum/ and Charlie Chan


Shine your shoes/ light your fuse

Can you use/ them ol' U.S. Blues?

I'll drink your health/ share your wealth

Run your life/ steal your wife


Wave that flag

Wave it wide and high

Summertime done come and gone

My,oh my


Back to back/ chicken shack

Son of a gun/ better change your act

We're all confused/ what's to lose?

You can call this song



Wave that flag

Wave it wide and high

Summertime done come and gone

My,oh my



...sorry for the handout :cheers

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While digesting Reader's Digest

In the back of a dirty book store,

A plastic flag, with gum on the back,

Fell out on the floor.

Well, I picked it up and I ran outside

Slapped it on my window shield,

And if I could see old Betsy Ross

I'd tell her how good I feel.


But your flag decal won't get you

Into Heaven any more.

They're already overcrowded

From your dirty little war.

Now Jesus don't like killin'

No matter what the reason's for,

And your flag decal won't get you

Into Heaven any more.


Well, I went to the bank this morning

And the cashier he said to me,

"If you join the Christmas club

We'll give you ten of them flags for free."

Well, I didn't mess around a bit

I took him up on what he said.

And I stuck them stickers all over my car

And one on my wife's forehead.


But your flag decal won't get you

Into Heaven any more.

They're already overcrowded

From your dirty little war.

Now Jesus don't like killin'

No matter what the reason's for,

And your flag decal won't get you

Into Heaven any more.


Well, I got my window shield so filled

With flags I couldn't see.

So, I ran the car upside a curb

And right into a tree.

By the time they got a doctor down

I was already dead.

And I'll never understand why the man

Standing in the Pearly Gates said...


"But your flag decal won't get you

Into Heaven any more.

We're already overcrowded

From your dirty little war.

Now Jesus don't like killin'

No matter what the reason's for,

And your flag decal won't get you

Into Heaven any more."

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He had 3 whole dollars

A worn out car

And a wife who was

Leaving for good

Life's made of trouble

Worry pain and struggle

She wrote good bye in

The dust on the hood

They found a a map of Missouri

Lipstick on the glass

They must of left

In the middle of the nite


And I want to know

The same thing

Everyone wants to know

How's it going to end?


Behind a smoke colored

Curtain, the girl

Disappeared, they found out

The ring was a fake

A tree born crooked

Will never grow straight

She sunk like a hammer in to the lake

A long lost letter and

And old leaky boat

Promises are never meant

To keep


And I want to know

The same thing

I want to know

How's it going to end?


The barn leaned over

The vultures dried their wings

The moon climbed up an empty sky

The sun sank down behind the tree

On the hill

There's a killer and he's coming

Thru the rye

But maybe he's the Father

Of that lost little girl

It's hard to tell in this light


And I want to know

The same thing

Everyone wants to know

How's it going to end?


Drag your wagon and your plow

Over the bones of the dead

Out among the roses and the weeds

You can never go back

And the answer is no

And wishing for it only

Makes it bleed


Joel Tornabene was broken

On the wheel

Shane and Bum Mahoney on the lamb

The grain was as gold

As Sheila's hair

All the way from Liverpool

With all we could steal

He was robbed of twenty dollars

His body found stripped

Cast into the harbour

There and drowned


And I want to know

The same thing

Everyone wants to know

How's it going to end?


The sirens are snaking their

Way up the hill

It's last call somewhere in

The world

The reptiles blend in with the

Color of the street

Life is sweet at the edge

Of a razor

And down in the front row of

An old picture show

The old man is asleep

As the credits start to roll


And I want to know

The same thing

We all want to know

How's it going to end?

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I went home with the waitress

The way I always do

How was I to know

She was with the Russians, too?


I was gambling in Havana

I took a little risk

Send lawyers, guns and money

They'll get me out of this, yeah


I'm the innocent bystander

Somehow I got stuck

Between the rock

and a hard place

And I'm down on my luck

Yes I'm down on my luck

Well I'm down on my luck


I'm hiding in Honduras

I'm a desperate man

Send lawyers, guns and money

The shit has hit the fan


Send lawyers, guns and money

Send lawyers, guns and money

Send lawyers, guns and money

Send lawyers, guns and money

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Lime and limpid green,a second scene

A fight between the blue you once knew

Floating down, the sound resounds

Around the icy waters underground

Jupiter and Saturn,Oberon,Miranda and Titania

Neptune,Titan,stars can frighten


Lime and limpid green,a second scene

A fight between the blue you once knew

Floating down,the sound resounds

Around the icy waters underground

Jupiter and Saturn,Oberon,Miranda,and Titania

Neptune,Titan,stars can frighten


Blinding signs flap

Flicker,flicker,flicker blam,POW

Stairway scare,Dan Dare,who's there?


Lime and limpid green,the sounds surround

The icy waters under

Lime and limpid green,the sounds surround

The icy waters underground


:music RIP Syd :worship

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I used to seriously dig this tune as a young lad. I'd like to hear again soon:


I've been walkin' these streets so long

Singin' the same old song

I know every crack in these dirty sidewalks of Broadway

Where hustle's the name of the game

And nice guys get washed away like the snow and the rain

There's been a load of compromisin'

On the road to my horizon

But I'm gonna be where the lights are shinin' on me


Like a rhinestone cowboy

Riding out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo

Like a rhinestone cowboy

Getting cards and letters from people I don't even know

And offers comin' over the phone


Well, I really don't mind the rain

And a smile can hide all the pain

But you're down when you're ridin' the train that's takin' the long way

And I dream of the things I'll do

With a subway token and a dollar tucked inside my shoe

There'll be a load of compromisin'

On the road to my horizon

But I'm gonna be where the lights are shinin' on me


Like a rhinestone cowboy

Riding out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo

Rhinestone cowboy

Gettin' cards and letters from people I don't even know

And offers comin' over the phone


Like a rhinestone cowboy

Riding out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo



Like a rhinestone cowboy

Gettin' card and letters from people I don't even know

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Ring! Ring! It's 7:00 A.M.!

Move y'self to go again

Cold water in the face

Brings you back to this awful place

Knuckle merchants and you bankers, too

Must get up an' learn those rules

Weather man and the crazy chief

One says sun and one says sleet

A.M., the F.M. the P.M. too

Churning out that boogaloo

Gets you up and gets you out

But how long can you keep it up?

Gimme Honda, Gimme Sony

So cheap and real phony

Hong Kong dollars and Indian cents

English pounds and Eskimo pence


You lot! What?

Don't stop! Give it all you got!

You lot! What?

Don't stop! Yeah!


Working for a rise, better my station

Take my baby to sophistication

She's seen the ads, she thinks it's nice

Better work hard - I seen the price

Never mind that it's time for the bus

We got to work - an' you're one of us

Clocks go slow in a place of work

Minutes drag and the hours jerk


"When can I tell 'em wot I do?

In a second, maaan...oright Chuck!"


Wave bub-bub-bub-bye to the boss

It's our profit, it's his loss

But anyway lunch bells ring

Take one hour and do your thanng!



What do we have for entertainment?

Cops kickin' Gypsies on the pavement

Now the news - snap to attention!

The lunar landing of the dentist convention

Italian mobster shoots a lobster

Seafood restaurant gets out of hand

A car in the fridge

Or a fridge in the car?

Like cowboys do - in T.V. land


You lot! What? Don't stop. Huh?


So get back to work an' sweat some more

The sun will sink an' we'll get out the door

It's no good for man to work in cages

Hits the town, he drinks his wages

You're frettin', you're sweatin'

But did you notice you ain't gettin'?

Don't you ever stop long enough to start?

To take your car outta that gear

Don't you ever stop long enough to start?

To get your car outta that gear

Karlo Marx and Fredrich Engels

Came to the checkout at the 7-11

Marx was skint - but he had sense

Engels lent him the necessary pence


What have we got? Yeh-o, magnificence!!


Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi

Went to the park to check on the game

But they was murdered by the other team

Who went on to win 50-nil

You can be true, you can be false

You be given the same reward

Socrates and Milhous Nixon

Both went the same way - through the kitchen

Plato the Greek or Rin Tin Tin

Who's more famous to the billion millions?

News Flash: Vacuum Cleaner Sucks Up Budgie







:beer :beer :beer :beer

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I've got to know, yes, I've got to know, friend

Hungry lips ask me wherever I go

Comrades and friends all falling around me

I've got to know, yes, I've got to know.


Why do your war boats ride on my waters?

Why do your death bombs fall from my skies?

Why do you burn my farm and my town down?

I've got to know, friend, I've got to know


What makes your boats haul death to my people?

Nitro blockbusters, big cannons and guns?

Why doesn't your ship bring food and some clothing?

I've sure got to know, folks, I've sure got to know


Why can't my two hands get a good pay job?

I can still plow, plant, I can still sow

Why did your lawbook chase me off my good land?

I'd sure like to know, friend, I've just got to know


What good work did you do, sir, I'd like to ask you,

To give you my money right out of my hands?

I built your big house here to hide from my people,

Why you crave to hide so, I'd love to know


You keep me in jail and you lock me in prison,

Your hospital's jammed and your crazyhouse full,

What made your cop kill my trade union worker?

You'll hafta talk plain 'cause I sure have to know


Why can't I get work and cash my big paycheck?

Why can't I buy things in your place and your store?

Why do you close my plant down and starve all my buddies?

I'm asking you, sir, 'cause I've sure got to know

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my dewy-eyed disney bride, what has tried

swapping your blood with formaldehyde?


whiskey-plied voices cried fratricide

jesus don't you know that you could've died

(you should've died)

with the monsters that talk, monsters that walk the earth


and she's got red lipstick and a bright pair of shoes

and she's got knee high socks, what to cover a bruise

she's got an old death kit she's been meaning to use

she's got blood in her eyes, in her eyes for you

she's got blood in her eyes for you


certain fads, stripes and plaids, singles ads

they run you hot and cold like a rheostat, i mean a thermostat

so you bite on a towel

hope it won't hurt too bad


my dewy-eyed disney bride, what has tried

swapping your blood with formaldehyde?

what monsters that talk, monsters that walk the earth


and she says i like long walks and sci-fi movies

if you're six foot tall and east coast bred

some lonely night we can get together

and i'm gonna tie your wrists with leather

and drill a tiny hole into your head

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Andre Either, Christopher Sandes, Pickles & Price


In With The Prim


Out with the Cherry picker

Out with the Honeydripper

Out with the Fairy dipper

In with the prim


Out with the Hustlers

Out with the Crack pushers

Out with the Jerry-riggers

In with the prim




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made a man out of me

a killing machine

your baby's gonna die ma

your baby

is coming home,

you know they put a man on the moon

simply to prove that we all need someplace to go

where we're not known

where we're not


and to a lesser degree

i can recall breathing easy,

but the deficit rolls

built up i supposed

picking up the pieces

of another fucked up reason

for selling off some freedom that was never free,

never absolutely,

never absolutely


made a mess out of me

a killing machine

sometimes if i need them,

if i look hard enough to see them

i can find my feet,

so i push against gravity,

in and out of having them

being led by defeat,

so one more time is all i need.

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First heard this from ric von schmidt. he lives in cambridge.

Rics a blues guitar player.

I met him one day on the green pastures of the harvard university.


Baby let me follow you down

Baby let me follow you down

Well Ill do anything in this godalmighty world

If you just let me follow you down.


Can I come home with you

Baby can I come home with you?

Yes Ill do anything in this godalmighty world

If you just let me come home with you.


Baby let me follow you down

Baby let me follow you down

Well Ill do anything in this godalmighty world

If you just let me follow you down.


Yes Ill do anything in this godalmighty world

If you just let me follow you down.

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Half a mile from the county fair

And the rain keep pourin' down

Me and Billy standin' there

With a silver half a crown

Hands are full of a fishin' rod

And the tackle on our backs

We just stood there gettin' wet

With our backs against the fence


Oh, the water

Oh, the water

Oh, the water

Hope it don't rain all day


And it stoned me to my soul

Stoned me just like Jelly Roll

And it stoned me

And it stoned me to my soul

Stoned me just like goin' home

And it stoned me


Then the rain let up and the sun came up

And we were gettin' dry

Almost let a pick-up truck nearly pass us by

So we jumped right in and the driver grinned

And he dropped us up the road

We looked at the swim and we jumped right in

Not to mention fishing poles


Oh, the water

Oh, the water

Oh, the water

Let it run all over me


And it stoned me to my soul

Stoned me just like Jelly Roll

And it stoned me

And it stoned me to my soul

Stoned me just like goin' home

And it stoned me


On the way back home we sang a song

But our throats were getting dry

Then we saw the man from across the road

With the sunshine in his eyes

Well he lived all alone in his own little home

With a great big gallon jar

There were bottles too, one for me and you

And he said Hey! There you are


Oh, the water

Oh, the water

Oh, the water

Get it myself from the mountain stream


And it stoned me to my soul

Stoned me just like Jelly Roll

And it stoned me

And it stoned me to my soul

Stoned me just like goin' home

And it stoned me

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I loved the Morrison song. Beautiful lyrics.


Back to the gutter....




Well, they'll stone ya when you're trying to be so good,

They'll stone ya just a-like they said they would.

They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to go home.

Then they'll stone ya when you're there all alone.

But I would not feel so all alone,

Everybody must get stoned.


Well, they'll stone ya when you're walkin' 'long the street.

They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to keep your seat.

They'll stone ya when you're walkin' on the floor.

They'll stone ya when you're walkin' to the door.

But I would not feel so all alone,

Everybody must get stoned.


They'll stone ya when you're at the breakfast table.

They'll stone ya when you are young and able.

They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to make a buck.

They'll stone ya and then they'll say, "good luck."

Tell ya what, I would not feel so all alone,

Everybody must get stoned.


Well, they'll stone you and say that it's the end.

Then they'll stone you and then they'll come back again.

They'll stone you when you're riding in your car.

They'll stone you when you're playing your guitar.

Yes, but I would not feel so all alone,

Everybody must get stoned.


Well, they'll stone you when you walk all alone.

They'll stone you when you are walking home.

They'll stone you and then say you are brave.

They'll stone you when you are set down in your grave.

But I would not feel so all alone,

Everybody must get stoned.

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Guest Speed Racer

You only got one finger left

And its pointing at the door

And youre taking for granted

What the lords made on the floor

So Im picking up the pieces

And Im putting them up for sale

Throw your meal ticket out the window

Put your skeletons in jail


cause lord only knows its getting late

Your senses are gone so dont you hesitate

To give yourself a call let your bottom dollars fall

Throwing your two bit cares down the drain


Invite me to the seven seas like some seasick man

You will do whatever you please and Ill do whatever I can

Titantic, fare thee well, my eyes are turning pink

Dont call us when the new age gets old enough to drink


cause lord only knows its getting late

Your senses are gone so dont you hesitate

Move on up the hill theres nothing dead left to kill

Throwing your two bit cares down the drain


Odelay, odelay, odelay, odealy odelay, odelay

Just passing through

Odelay, odelay, odelay, odealy


Going back to houston

Do the hotdog dance

Going back to houston

To get me some pants.....

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Now, when the day goes to sleep and the full moon looks

The night is so black that the darkness cooks

Don't you come creepin' around - makin' me do things I don't want to


Can't believe that you need my love so bad

Come sneakin' around tryin' to drive me mad

Bustin' in on my dreams - making me see things I don't wanna see


'Cause you're the Green Manalishi with the two prong crown

All my tryin' is up - all your bringin' is down

Just taking my love then slippin' away

Leavin' me here just tryin' to keep from following you

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I'm waiting and diversing

I'm collecting...diversing information...


Bob Dylan wrote propaganda songs!

Bob Dylan wrote propaganda songs!

Manifesto on my window and my fruit...

rotation...admiration...outline my root...

Bob Dylan wrote propaganda songs!

Bob Dylan wrote propaganda songs!

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Early one mornin' the sun was shinin',

I was layin' in bed

Wond'rin' if she'd changed at all

If her hair was still red.

Her folks they said our lives together

Sure was gonna be rough

They never did like Mama's homemade dress

Papa's bankbook wasn't big enough.

And I was standin' on the side of the road

Rain fallin' on my shoes

Heading out for the East Coast

Lord knows I've paid some dues gettin' through,

Tangled up in blue.


She was married when we first met

Soon to be divorced

I helped her out of a jam, I guess,

But I used a little too much force.

We drove that car as far as we could

Abandoned it out West

Split up on a dark sad night

Both agreeing it was best.

She turned around to look at me

As I was walkin' away

I heard her say over my shoulder,

"We'll meet again someday on the avenue,"

Tangled up in blue.


I had a job in the great north woods

Working as a cook for a spell

But I never did like it all that much

And one day the ax just fell.

So I drifted down to New Orleans

Where I happened to be employed

Workin' for a while on a fishin' boat

Right outside of Delacroix.

But all the while I was alone

The past was close behind,

I seen a lot of women

But she never escaped my mind, and I just grew

Tangled up in blue.


She was workin' in a topless place

And I stopped in for a beer,

I just kept lookin' at the side of her face

In the spotlight so clear.

And later on as the crowd thinned out

I's just about to do the same,

She was standing there in back of my chair

Said to me, "Don't I know your name?"

I muttered somethin' underneath my breath,

She studied the lines on my face.

I must admit I felt a little uneasy

When she bent down to tie the laces of my shoe,

Tangled up in blue.


She lit a burner on the stove and offered me a pipe

"I thought you'd never say hello," she said

"You look like the silent type."

Then she opened up a book of poems

And handed it to me

Written by an Italian poet

From the thirteenth century.

And every one of them words rang true

And glowed like burnin' coal

Pourin' off of every page

Like it was written in my soul from me to you,

Tangled up in blue.


I lived with them on Montague Street

In a basement down the stairs,

There was music in the cafes at night

And revolution in the air.

Then he started into dealing with slaves

And something inside of him died.

She had to sell everything she owned

And froze up inside.

And when finally the bottom fell out

I became withdrawn,

The only thing I knew how to do

Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew,

Tangled up in blue.


So now I'm goin' back again,

I got to get to her somehow.

All the people we used to know

They're an illusion to me now.

Some are mathematicians

Some are carpenter's wives.

Don't know how it all got started,

I don't know what they're doin' with their lives.

But me, I'm still on the road

Headin' for another joint

We always did feel the same,

We just saw it from a different point of view,

Tangled up in blue.

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Don't want to bury my head in the crutch of society,

Perverted parent that takes my energy,

Sucking me dry with your morals, your threats,

Christ, your queen, your politics.

Fucking hypersensitive, super realist humanity,

I'm one of your super hybred community.

Commutes the arsehole of economy.

Watch out, watch out, it's all about,

Reversion's setting in, and I can see you,

Staring at me with your seizured brain,

Trying to put me down the drain again.

Well you're too smart, right from the start,

I learned it well that the truth will tell,

And you're done for, it's what the son's for,

It's what the gun's for, it's what I've come for,

You better run bore, you better run bore

You better run bore, you better run bore

You better run bore, you better run bore

You better run bore, you better run bore

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Caught between the twisted stars the plotted lines the faulty map

that brought Columbus to New York

Betwixt between the East and West he calls on her wearing a leather vest

the earth squeals and shudders to a halt

A diamond crucifix in his ear is used to help ward off the Fear

that he has left his soul in someone's rented car

Inside his pants he hides a mop to clean the mess that he has dropped

into the life of lithesome Juliette Bell


And Romeo wanted Juliette and Juliette wanted Romeo

And Romeo wanted Juliette and Juliette wanted Romeo


Romeo Rodriguez squares his shoulders and curses Jesus

runs a comb through his black pony-tail

He's thinking of his lonely room

the sink that by his bed gives off a stink

Then smells her perfume in his eyes and her voice was like a bell


Outside the street were steaming the crack dealers were dreaming

of an Uzi someone had just scored

I betcha I could hit that light with my one good arm behind my back

says little Joey Diaz

Brother give me another tote those downtown hoods are no damn good

those Italians need a lesson to be taught

This cop who died in Harlem you think they'd get the warnin'

I was dancing when his brains run out on the street


And Romeo had Juliette and Juliette had her Romeo

And Romeo had Juliette and Juliette had her Romeo


I'll take Manhattan in a garbage bag with Latin written on it that says

"It's hard to give a shit these days"

Manhattan's sinking like a rock, into the filthy Hudson what a shock

they wrote a book about it, they said it was like ancient Rome

The perfume burned his eyes, holding tightly to her thighs

and something flickered for a minute and then it vanished and was gone




a lovestruck romeo sings a streetsuss serenade

laying everybody low with a lovesong that he made

finds a convenient streetlight steps out of the shade

says something like you and me babe how about it?


juliet says hey it's romeo you nearly gimme a heart attack

he's underneath the window she's singing hey la my boyfriend's back

you shoudn't come around here singing up at people like that

anyway what you gonna do about it?


juliet the dice were loaded from the start

and i bet and you exploded in my heart

and i forget i forget the movie song

when you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong juliet?


come up on different streets they both were streets of shame

both dirty both mean yes and the dream was just the same

and i dreamed your dream for you and now your dream is real

how can you look at me as i was just another one of your deals?


when you can fall for chains of silver you can fall for chains of gold

you can fall for pretty strangers and the promises they hold

you promised me everything you promised me thick and thin

now you just say oh romeo yeah you know i used to have a scene with him


juliet when we made love you used to cry

you said i love you like the stars above i'll love you till i die

there's a place for us you know the movie song

when you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong?


i can't do the talk like they talking on the tv

and i can't do a love song like the way its meant to be

i can't do everything but i'd do anything for you

i can't do anything except be in love with you


and all i do is miss you and the way we used to be

all i do is keep the beat and bad company

all i do is kiss you through the bars of a rhyme

julie i'd do the stars with you any time


juliet when we made love you used to cry

you said i love you like the stars above i'll love you till i die

there's a place for us you know the movie song

when you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong?


a lovestruck romeo sings a streetsuss serenade

laying everybody low with a lovesong that he made

finds a convenient streetlight steps out of the shade

says something like you and me babe how about it



Spanish Johnny drove in from the underworld last night

With bruised arms and broken rhythm in a beat-up old Buick

But dressed just like dynamite

He tried sellin' his heart to the hard girls over on Easy Street

But they sighed "Johnny it falls apart so easy and you know hearts these days are cheap"

And the pimps swung their axes and said "Johnny you're a cheater."

Well the pimps swung their axes and said "Johnny you're a liar"

And from out of the shadows came a young girl's voice said: "Johnny don't cry"

Puerto Rican Jane, oh won't you tell me what's your name.

I want to drive you down to the other side of town where paradise ain't so crowded, there'll be action goin' down on Shanty Lane tonight

All them golden-heeled fairies in a real bitch fight

Pull .38s and kiss the girls good night


Oh good night, it's alright Jane

Now let them black boys in to light the soul flame

We may find it out on the street tonight baby

Or we may walk until the daylight maybe


Well like a cool Romeo he made his moves, oh she looked so fine

Like a late Juliet she knew he'd never be true but then she really didn't mind

Upstairs a band was playin', the singer was singin' something about goin' home

She whispered, "Spanish Johnny, you can leave me tonight but just don't leave me alone"


And Johnny cried "Puerto Rican Jane, word is down the cops have found the vein"

Oh them barefoot boys left their homes for the woods

Them little barefoot street boys they say homes ain't no good

They left the corners, threw away all their switchblade knives and kissed each other good-bye


Johnny was sittin' on the fire escape watchin' the kids playin' down the street

He called down "Hey little heroes, summer's long but I guess it ain't very sweet around here anymore"

Janey sleeps in sheets damp with sweat, Johnny sits up alone and watches her dream on, dream on

And the sister prays for lost souls, then breaks down in the chapel after everyone's gone


Jane moves over to share her pillow but opens her eyes to see Johnny up and putting his clothes on

She says "Those romantic young boys

All they ever want to do is fight"

Those romantic young boys

They're callin' through the window

"Hey Spanish Johnny, you want to make a little easy money tonight?"

And Johnny whispered:

Good night, it's all tight Jane

I'll meet you tomorrow night on Lover's Lane

We may find it out on the street tonight baby

Or we may walk until the daylight maybe

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Where do you walk on sunny times

When the rivers gleam and the buildings shine

How do you feel goin' up hallowed halls

And the summer clothes brighten gloomy halls


And they're all in love

And they're all in love


Where do you fit in zzzzip magazine

Where the past is the hero and the present a queen

Just tell me right now where do you fit in

With mud in your eye and a passion for gin


And they're all in love

And they're all in love


Hey, goodbye all you punks

Stay young and stay high

Hand me my checkbook

And I'll crawl off to die


But like a woman in childbirth

Grown ugly in a flash

I'm seen magic and fame

Now I'm recycling trash


And they're all in love

And they're all in love

And they're all in love

And they're all in love

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How can it be that you people keep posting songs I love (Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits?? A blast from the past, and one of my favorites). One day I'll grow out of this AWATT stage and get back to some of this fine, fine music, like ....




Take me to the station

And put me on a train

I've got no expectations

To pass through here again


Once I was a rich man

Now I am so poor

But never in my sweet short life

Have I felt like this before


You heart is like a diamond

You throw your pearls at swine

And as I watch you leaving me

You pack my piece of mind


Our love was like the water

That splashes on a stone

our love is like our music

its here, and then its gone


So take me to the airport

And put me on a plane

I got no expectations

To pass through here again

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