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:cheers my boyfriend is a huge bukowski freak, so i borrow his books all the time. i've only read this one, pulp, war all the time, and post office. now that i have more time to read though, i'll surely dig deeper.


You've got to read "Ham On Rye". It's a raw, gritty autobiography of his early years. That said, I think Pulp is my favorite. The way it's a normal story and then at the end it goes all psycho with talking birds and everything.....awesome.

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You've got to read "Ham On Rye". It's a raw, gritty autobiography of his early years. That said, I think Pulp is my favorite. The way it's a normal story and then at the end it goes all psycho with talking birds and everything.....awesome.


yeah, and the fact that it was his last book and (in my opinion) very different than the rest of his work i find very interesting. i like that most of his work is complex but a quick read. i'll put Ham On Rye next on my list ;)

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I love the Alchemist......


right now I am reading Anne Lamott - Blue Shoe


Our own Kidsmoke Donna sent it to me ages ago and I pulled it off the shelf. It has made my time while unable to walk much more pleasant....I am really enjoying it.

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yeah, and the fact that it was his last book and (in my opinion) very different than the rest of his work i find very interesting. i like that most of his work is complex but a quick read. i'll put Ham On Rye next on my list ;)



I have a Buk christmas card from Black Sparrow Press.

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Guest Speed Racer
Are the Sexus Plexus Nexus books any good? I read Tropic of Cancer and loved it. Haven't read anything of Miller's since though.


Very good. All of his books are basically about that same period in his life as the Tropics, but I do love is writing style, and so I can handle that.

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I'm glad you're digging it, Lou. Werner's takes on the socio-political aspects of music brought you to mind when I was rereading it for the first time in years. You had to have a copy. There are a half dozen other folks on VC I want to send this to but first I gotta find the scratch.

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