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Just a thought for all of you lucky Northerners, Southerners etc. seeing Wilco in OCtober. Is it just me or is shouting Freebird about as obnoxious as a svieg heil (excuse my bad german). If I ever hear someone shout 'play freebird!' in any live music situation I believe I will burn their body and throw their skull in the river.


Thoughts? Feelings?

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  planetvibes said:
Quite the contrary. I think this is one of the funniest jokes around; however, I do believe it is better fit for a bar. Lighten up, don't take everyone that serious.


No, I like jokes alot. Maybe thats why I hate when people yell freebird, its like a grown man with a knock knock joke, 'arent ya glad I didn't say bananna.'


But a real jerk friend of mine came up with a good heckle for a bad bar band. After they play like three songs and you realize you hate them you say "Hell, yeah. Do two more!"

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About ten years ago, I went with a friend to see a local band, The Holy Cows here in Ann Arbor at the Blind Pig. After consuming about 5 beers and around 10 songs into the set my friend shouted out "FREEBIRD!" The band then lauched into a blistering rendition of the song and it is still one of my most memorable concet experiences of all time. Sometimes you get lucky.

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My Morning Jacket, errrr I mean, Ruckus, does a ripping, fire starting version at the end of "Elizabethtown." Pretty funny stuff, but they seem to really be into it.

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I actually feel like "Don't Fear the Reaper" and the cowbell thing is becoming the new "Freebird."


It wasn't all that funny on SNL, but I thought it was cool when Wilco covered it on Halloween 2 years ago - since then, I've seen about half a dozen pretty prominent bands do it. And THEN (2 years ago) the joke was old.


8 bands or so later, I'm just like "wow, no more, pleeeease." The Roots, before Son Volt at Taste of St. Louis a week ago, was my limit for this song. I so don't wanna hear The Roots cover old, white-boy 70s rock for a laugh any more, or hear those girls blow their whistles in my ear. No thanks.


Give me Freebird anytime instead,



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  loraaw said:
It wasn't all that funny on SNL, but I thought it was cool when Wilco covered it on Halloween 2 years ago - since then, I've seen about half a dozen pretty prominent bands do it. And THEN (2 years ago) the joke was old.


i would like to see that if anyone would be willing to share.

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Phish's take on "Freebird" (a capella..including the guitar solos) is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard & also one of the reasons I gotta love 'em :yes

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Thats a great example. I think half of what is so infuriating, and both reaper, and freebird have been victim of it, is that theyre both really good songs. Unfortunately they may have been overused to the point that a classic gets so well worn that it cant be done without a trace of irony. A comedian is clever and attentive and makes a joke out of this irony, and then the joke becomes as common as the song, it preceeds the song. And irony is only funny for a stretch but if everyone jumps on it becomes annoying that we cant hear a great sounding song like 'Dont Fear the Reaper' and all we can think of is kitsch, camp, and someone doing an impression of there friend doing an impression of Will Farrell. Have I thought about this too much?

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  Analogman said:
This thread does not really belong here - this section is for POST-SHOW reviews, setlists, etc. You may get more action on this if you post it somewhere else.


Hey now, that one guy heard someone yell it at a show he saw five years ago. Here how bout this: Anyone ask for or play 'Don't Fear the Reaper', or 'Freebird' at the last three Wilco shows, the M. Ward shows, or the Beck show. Anyone? How did that make you feel. :punch

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well, I believe that Freebird will always be funny. If you don't hear someone hollar out "Freebird" it wasn't a complete show. But I personally like to request "Sympathy for the Devil." And as far as "Don't Fear the Reaper" is concerned. I would never request that after seeing Elliott Smith end his show in seattle with it. Man, that was the SHIT!!!!

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  lost highway said:
Hey now, that one guy heard someone yell it at a show he saw five years ago. Here how bout this: Anyone ask for or play 'Don't Fear the Reaper', or 'Freebird' at the last three Wilco shows, the M. Ward shows, or the Beck show. Anyone? How did that make you feel. :punch


I don't find this funny at all - and I bet if you look in the archives there are probably already a bunch of threads about this very thing. These threads may now be more offensive than people yelling songs at concerts. IF whoever started this would have posted in the music section they would have probably got more people to post in it.

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  Analogman said:
I don't find this funny at all - and I bet if you look in the archives there are probably already a bunch of threads about this very thing. These threads may now be more offensive than people yelling songs at concerts. IF whoever started this would have posted in the music section they would have probably got more people to post in it.


Ole'! Offensive thread......dont spill your juice, were gonna be alirght. :no

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  jono11 said:
Freebird isn't just an old joke that's overdone. It's an inside joke for people who go to enough shows, of any artist, to know that it always gets requested.


if everyone knows it (and everyone does) its not an inside joke.

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