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shins - wincing

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i have fallen a bit more for a few songs (Red Rabbits, Split Needles, Turn On Me) but even still, none of those tracks are even close to some of the best songs i've heard this year.


also, Black Wave might be my least favorite Shins song to date. it just goes NOWHERE at all :no

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For what it is worth, I am still amazed by (and frankly a little suspicious of) anyone that can listen to an album once or twice and come to a final conclusion about its merits.

When I wrote record reviews for money, I had to do that all the time.

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All elbow-nudging aside, who said anything about final conclusions? Should we abstain from discussing new records at all until a certain grace period has passed by? All we can do when offering an opinion of a newly released record is talk about how it makes us feel right now. Historical context will arrive years later, whether we want it to or not.


Fair point. Perhaps I took those reviews too literally but people speak in absolute terms about how this album isnt as good as the others. That's all I meant. From a lot of those comments, it seemed as if this was based on 1 or 2 listens. There's nothing wrong with discussing albums immediately. Nothing at all. I think we are all saying the same thing.


Although in fairness, if you review records and you write for Pitchfork, then the 5.6 or the 8.2 or the 9.6 rating you give, actually is a pretty final conclusion. Not to say that those reviewers arent listening to albums more than once or twice. Just that opinions are formed, and conclusions are made, on very few listens. I didnt say it shouldnt be done. I only said that I am skeptical of reviewers that do this. That's all.


As an aside, how many pitchfork reviewers do you think wish they could go back and re-review the albums that they have forever stamped with their inital reactions? I bet its quite a lot.

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The Shins sound great recorded,

but good lord are they boring live.

Almost as boring as you boys' conversation up to now.


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I haven't heard the new record yet (and would very much like a PM from someone with a kind heart), but I have to disagree with the live thing. I saw them in 2005 at a free concert thingy at a college in Pittsburgh, and they pretty much forced several thousand people to dance. And I mean dance. White kid style. It was awesome.

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i have fallen a bit more for a few songs (Red Rabbits, Split Needles, Turn On Me)


I think Red Rabbits is pretty damn great, too. Make yourself comfortable, there's plenty of room on the bandwagon. :thumbup

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I have to disagree with the live thing. I saw them in 2005 at a free concert thingy at a college in Pittsburgh, and they pretty much forced several thousand people to dance. And I mean dance. White kid style. It was awesome.

As glad as I am that you enjoyed their show, at LOLLA

they were the human equivalent of stick figures on stage, and lame ones at that.

I had waited excitedly to see them all day, and was pretty disappointed.

The crowd wasn't too excited either.

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That's too bad...


Especially for people who only see them once, cause then they don't know how good they can be...


Ah well...Can someone point me in the right direction to the new album? I can't use my Oink account or anything, so I have to go pretty basic MP3 download (I'm in Germany and the computer's not mine...)


Thanks a lot...

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  • 2 months later...
they've never been all that exciting of a live band unfortunately.

The Shins could benefit from a little Candystations help (or somebody like that). Not that Wilco is boring, but I loved it when they had the visuals on the screen behind them. And those great Fred Tomaselli works too.


222425110.jpg 222425114.jpg

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yeah, i have watched that SNL/Phantom performance several times and i like the song now. it seemed kinda bland at first listen (and maybe it still is).


i think part of the reason i want to watch it is because of the Viva Voce tambourine player.

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yeah, i have watched that SNL/Phantom performance several times and i like the song now. it seemed kinda bland at first listen (and maybe it still is).


i think part of the reason i want to watch it is because of the Viva Voce tambourine player.


Yes, who was the tambourine player? Also, when did the new guitarist join the band? Sorry, I've been out of the Shins loop since Lollapalooza. I think it was just the 4 of them at that time.

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I am not a Shins aficionado by any means, but I will say that I was completely bored by their SNL appearance last night.

I have seen them discussed quite a bit on here, so I sat down to watch that intentionally. It was my first exposure to their music and, sadly, it will probably be the last. :lol

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I have seen them discussed quite a bit on here, so I sat down to watch that intentionally. It was my first exposure to their music and, sadly, it will probably be the last. :lol


Yeah, they probably should have played a more upbeat second song, instead of New Slang. I could see how people would be bored if this was their first exposure. If they ever re-air their Austin City Limits episode, check it out, you might think otherwise.

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