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Election Night results

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Bad news:


Schwarzenegger re-elected with 55.7%. :yucky


Prop 87: alternative energy research, production, incentives; tax on California oil producers, defeated by54.6% :hmm



Good news:


Prop 85: waiting period and parental notification before termination of minor's pregnancy, defeated by 54.1% :yes


Nancy Pelosi the new Speaker of the House :w00t




Prop J, San Francisco calls for impeachment of Bush and Cheney, approved by 59.4% :D

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in my local election they voted to up the funding for the fire department but not the police department that was pretty interesting.

That is interesting.


Maybe people were thinking "Heck, I got a gun, but I don't got no fire truck." :yay


also surprised that there was such a wide margin between Granholm and Devos. I thought Mr. Amway would beat out Jenny from the block but thankfully not.

Yeah, the margin surprised me too. Devos reportedly put over $35 million of his own money into this race (he's a billionaire), and he's been running TV ads since at least March (several months before the primary). Couple that with the suddenly-more-visible Amway (suspiciously running TV ads for the first time in my memory) and he had quite a media juggernaut on his side.


I think Granholm countered all that with two ads: the Devos-morphs-into-Bush ad (which is eerie, it's so good) and the ad pointing out Devos' claim that the factory he started up in China only made products to be sold in China -- then showing a teddy bear bought from his company in the U.S. with a "Made in China" tag. That ad was constructed perfectly, and people do remember that kind of stuff ... and Devos couldn't respond to it.

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if Lieberman has any gumption or inkling to try and not be so arrogant, he will go back to the Democratic party.

It'll be very interesting to see how Joe governs now that there is a split in power. In my observation, Joe tends to slide in the direction of power, whichever way that may be. How do you explain that he was a VP candidate in a tight, bitterly-contested campaign against this very same administration that he went on to later become very cozy with? For the past several years (I didn't live here and wasn't paying attention before that) he's had the look of someone who has possibly sold his soul as he has noddingly rubber-stamped virtually everything that comes his way.


His biggest boast in his campaign was about saving the sub base that was threatened to be closed in Groton. And while its true that it would have been a huge blow to that part of the state to lose it, its kind of uncomfortable to watch him suck up in order to receive such "favors". If the balance of power is shifting, or at least neutralizing, which way will he go now?

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about damn time a woman was House Speaker. White guy rulers are so last century.



Happy as I am with the voters overall right now, NOTHING will change until



a. campaign finance is reformed with public and equal campaign financing, and

b. reversal of the robber baron era Supreme Court ruling that made corporations citizens.

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There was a great "WTF?" moment--I can't remember now if it was on CNN or one of the local stations here--but at the very same moment they broke in to call the race for Lieberman, the tally at the bottom of the screen refreshed and showed him down by 4%. :ermm


I'm assuming they knew more about the race than the on-screen stats were showing at that point, but it was definitely a head-scratcher.


It was on CNN. They must have had results from specific areas to know whether it was going to swing back the other way.


As for Rell, I voted for her. The only Republican I voted for yesterday. I like her because I'm fairly confident she will remain honest after what happened with Rowland. She's moderate enough that I agree with some of her policies. And look who the alternative was. :hmm

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about damn time a woman was House Speaker. White guy rulers are so last century.

Happy as I am with the voters overall right now, NOTHING will change until

a. campaign finance is reformed with public and equal campaign financing, and

b. reversal of the robber baron era Supreme Court ruling that made corporations citizens.


As speaker of the house, I pledge to take into account the legitimate concerns of all North Americans


(screw Bush)

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is equal to






I'm upset about this one. O'Malley is a piece of crap. Erhlich was an unfortunate casualty of the democratic backlash. As far as everything else goes I'm glad we'll finally have checks and balances back on the Federal level.

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As far as everything else goes I'm glad we'll finally have checks and balances back on the Federal level.


except between the judiciary and the legislature. that's been gone for ages...

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In regard to the Michigan gubentorial race, the only metropolitan area Devos carried in SW and West Michigan was Grand Rapids. That doomed him as this part of the state historically is carried by the Republicans by a wide margin.


I might have considered voting for Devos if his campaign theme song was We are not Men ... We are Devos. Or not.

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My understanding is many of these "new" Democrats are pretty conservative. It was a great strategy and clearly effective for the party, but it seems Democrats are just excited that some people got elected with a "D" next to their name rather than for what the candidates really stand for.

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My understanding is many of these "new" Democrats are pretty conservative. It was a great strategy and clearly effective for the party, but it seems Democrats are just excited that some people got elected with a "D" next to their name rather than for what the candidates really stand for.


This will all be taken care of during Democrat Camp. Our methods are effective and reliable, and leave no memory traces.


(bush is a douchebag)

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My understanding is many of these "new" Democrats are pretty conservative. It was a great strategy and clearly effective for the party, but it seems Democrats are just excited that some people got elected with a "D" next to their name rather than for what the candidates really stand for.


Wow, your sour grapes are showing a little there, Ace.


Throw out an example or two to support your claim, or don't insult everybody on the board that voted Democratic yesterday. At least let us know who, specifically, you're trying to insult. And then tell us why the fact that the Democrats they voted for are moderate means that they voted simply for the party and not on the issues.

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I didn't really follow this one too closely. I know O'Malley was generally pretty popular in Baltimore, but haven't really done my homework on him. What makes him so piece-o-crappy?



He hired and fired 7 police chiefs in 7 years. There's a boat load of money missing from the public schools. His police department got caught skewing murder statistics and it has been alleged that he ordered the skewing. Drugs are noticeably out of control and murders are at an all-time high. Gangs, which were basically non-existent before O'Malley have become a serious problem on his watch.


Also I don't like him because he, like Erhlich is for slots. -- But since MD will once again be a one party rule, he will actually get the legislation through if he is really for slots. I hope not.



Again, I don't think anyone seriously thinks that he has been a success in Baltimore but they are voting against all republicans. -- Even the ones who have done a pretty good job.

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