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I just saw this movie last night and it was unbelievable. The cinematography was simply stunning. One of the best shot movies I've ever seen.


I can't get over how good it was. Film of the year? Maybe.


It is worth the price of admission simply for the absolutely unbelievable single take shot at the end. Stunning.

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I saw it Saturday night. It was incredible. I really dig the whole bleak future vibe, especially because it doesnt seem too unrealistic given the current world climate.


the cinematography was simply stunning.


Funny, that was one of the first things that struck me about it. It usually takes me 3 or 4 viewings before I notice that kind of stuff, but it jumps right out at you.

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Like I said, I really enjoyed the movie, but there was one part that bothered me, plotwise. When they are leaving the blown up building towards the end of the movie and all the soldiers stop shooting and just stare at the baby - I believed this. Seeing as a new born alive baby was the most important thing in the whole world, this is believable. But for every single soldier to turn away from the baby at the sound of an explosion and not take her into custody or try to help her or anything seemed like a bit of a stretch.


I sort of took it as the director showing how fickle people end up being, and while extraordinary events make us pause momentarily, we always just go back to fighting. The moment felt important to me, but I didn't believe it plotwise, and it sort of took me out of the movie for a second.


I also realize that the "plot" of the movie (i.e. women being infertile and this one woman being pregnant) is a MacGuffin, just a device to move things along so the director can show us what may happen if we continue down the current security over privacy road.


Anyway, great movie, and suberb cast.






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I didn't like this movie. Very real (aside from the spoiler above and the :TINY SPOILER: people not shooting him while he was pushing that car :END SPOILER:), great cinematography, but I didn't find myself caring about any of the plot at all. It was dull and way too long. You obviously know how the movie is going to end so you're just kind of sitting there waiting. And waiting. And waiting. Too little to the film to have me accepting these long stretches of waiting.

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For me, I guess the plot was just about the least interesting aspect of the film. There are so many other things going on in terms of character and theme that the actual plot--which essentially amounts to a chase film--was secondary.

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The book is supposed to be even better.

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I saw it last night because of the excellent reviews, and I'm not sure how I feel - which is probably a good thing as I'm hardly the type to think hard about movies. Clive Owen and Michael Caine were, as is to be expected, great, but I thought the ending was a cop-out. And while the movie was very intense, the plot did become a bit inspid at parts.

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It was only an hour and forty some odd minutes, 1:50 max. Maybe you needed more strawberry cough.

Then it was just boring. It felt like I was watching that third Lord of the Rings movie. I was so bored that I ended up looking around the theater at other people a lot of the time. As I said, the world presented was fabulous - scary as hell and realistic - but the characters were, as far as I'm concerned, stock and predictable.

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Then it was just boring. It felt like I was watching that third Lord of the Rings movie. I was so bored that I ended up looking around the theater at other people a lot of the time. As I said, the world presented was fabulous - scary as hell and realistic - but the characters were, as far as I'm concerned, stock and predictable.

Sounds like you could've used a dose of Quietus.

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