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Greatest singers in rock

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While he's not the first that comes to mind (others have pretty much listed everyone I've thought of), I listened to Return Of the Frog Queen this morning and Jeremy Enigk has a great set of pipes.

Nice one. I didn't even think of him.

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If perfect pitch and vocal range were the requirements for greatest singer in rock, then Mariah Carey would be in the finals. Dylan's voice has qualities to it that few other singers have. You either love those qualities or you don't. But no one else -- and I mean no one else -- could get the hair on my head to stand up singing Not Dark Yet or Sweetheart Like You or Visions of Johana.


Dylan's voice has pain, anger, longing, etc. I know I am a biased fanboy, but his vocals are so much more complex to me than almost anyone else in rock. Ever. I dont think its crazy to say he's a great singer if you are clear about what you mean by great.


These arguments never (start or) end well, but I had to throw my hat in the ring.

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Neil Young

Bob Dylan

Richard Manuel

Leonard Cohen (especially the deep, spooky/sexy voice)

Jeff Tweedy


Thank you Judy. I knew I could count on you :yay


I think that while his voice is not at all perfect, he has a way of singing that is singular and memorable. I would take his singing over anyone who might have a "better" voice.

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If perfect pitch and vocal range were the requirements for greatest singer in rock, then Mariah Carey would be in the finals. Dylan's voice has qualities to it that few other singers have. You either love those qualities or you don't. But no one else -- and I mean no one else -- could get the hair on my head to stand up singing Not Dark Yet or Sweetheart Like You or Visions of Johana.


Dylan's voice has pain, anger, longing, etc. I know I am a biased fanboy, but his vocals are so much more complex to me than almost anyone else in rock. Ever. I dont think its crazy to say he's a great singer if you are clear about what you mean by great.



You've elucidated the difference between polished technique and meaningful self-expression (which sometimes has little to do with conventional notions of craft). In my view, being able to appreciate the difference is key to being able to appreciate art.

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