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Versatile Hollow Body

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So I'm in the market for an electric guitar, wanting to shift from acoustic, and I've decided to go with a hollow body or semi-hollow body. However, I'd like to keep this purchase under $1000, so I've played some Epiphones and Gretsch guitars. Anyone out there who can offer help and/or recommendations? Thanks.

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A semi-hollow guitar will probably be more versatile than a full hollowbody. If I were you I'd see if I could find a Gibson ES-335, but it might be tough to find one for under a grand. If not, try an Epiphone Dot ($300 +/-) or Sheraton ($400 +/-), using the extra money to upgrade the pickups (if you feel that is necessary).

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look for a gibson es 333.

its a great alt. to the more expensive 335. you can get one on ebay for less than a grand. also, they look just like jeff's old 330. because they are a satin finish.


make sure you play whatever you decide on before buying, some people like fenders, some gibson, some both, it all depends on the necks.


good luck.

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The Gretsch Electromatic Hollowbody series is around $1k new I think.

Played a few of these and like 'em. Same body style as a Tennessean but on the cheap.

Open back tuners could prove a little wonky, but the pickups are bright enough.

And w/ a bigsby.


Depends on the feel and sound your going for really. The Korean Epi's are ok ( play a bunch, I've seen some inconsistency in the way the frets are dressed at the ends).


You can do a nice used late model Rick 330 or 360 for about that same money if you look around.

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I like my Ibanez Artcore w/Bigsby just fine.


I forgot about those. I tried one when I was thinking about getting a Dot. I liked the Ibanez better than the Dot. The Ibanez has a bound neck, which I like, and it felt very solid and well made. It also had a nicer looking finish than the Dot. (I didn't get to plug it into an amp, so I can really only comment on how it felt and looked, and not the sound.) You can get an Ibanez Artcore new for $329, maybe less.

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I've got an Epiphone Casino. Piece of shit never stays in tune.


Mine stays in tune, but the wiring sucks. I've heard the toggle switches on these are crap. That might be the problem I'm having with mine.

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I've got an Epiphone Casino. Piece of shit never stays in tune.


I had a newer Korean Epi Casino and it was just ok. I never had a tuning problem but it had a buzz I couldn't get rid of. Not fret buzz but a weird buzzy overtone. I traded it for a Strat.

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So I'm in the market for an electric guitar, wanting to shift from acoustic, and I've decided to go with a hollow body or semi-hollow body. However, I'd like to keep this purchase under $1000, so I've played some Epiphones and Gretsch guitars. Anyone out there who can offer help and/or recommendations? Thanks.


I could offer lots of suggetions. Most of what has been offered above are good suggestions too. But the real important question(s) you need to answer to get a recomendation that might make more sense for you is: what kind of music do you want to be playing on your new electric guitar? What are you into? Also:


- do you want to play LOUD? (how loud? like metal loud?)

- do you want to primarily sound jazzy / more mellow? (think Cowboy Junkies, Trinity Sessions)

- do you want to sound more jangly? (think AM)

- Are you interested in a fairly normal guitar sound, or are you interested in getting some distortion, crunch (ala Monday), feedback, or Nels Cline experimental weirdness going on?


The answer to each of these matters somewhat in making a guitar suggestion. Also - an electric guitar isn't much good without an amplifier. Do you already own an amp? If so, what kind. If not - your answers to the above questions matter just as much, but we need to know if we need to get a guitar AND an amplifier recomendation in under a grand?



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The Gretsch Electromatic Hollowbody series is around $1k new I think.

Played a few of these and like 'em. Same body style as a Tennessean but on the cheap.

Open back tuners could prove a little wonky, but the pickups are bright enough.

And w/ a bigsby.


A guitar store down here had these in the $700 -$800 range. They are currently out of stock though.

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