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Gene Simmons undergoes cosmetic surgery

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Halcyon hates you more than he hates Kiss.

I would hate him but he obviously likes Neil Young (and Wilco) and he lives in the Couver, sounds like a pretty cool dude to me!



I actually really love the first two Weezer albums, I listened to those CDs more then anything else, in high school.

I just hate how Gene Simmons whores him and his band. Also that show "Rock School" with the British kids, yeah, that made me temporarily hate music.

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Ugh, the only thing I hate more then Kiss is people who like Kiss. That's right, I'm looking at you, Rivers Cuomo.

I once got paid $400 for writing an oped piece entitled "Beck Is a Big-Ass Moron."

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Do you hate British kids more or less than you hate Kiss fans? I just need to update my charts.

Just rich British kids!



My foot is in my mouth!

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I know the air guitar parts to every song on Kiss Alive

Back when I used to teach air guitar, Kiss Alive was the record I would have my students start out on. Eventually they'd work their way up to "Eruption".

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You can see this on the show - it was on one of the episodes last fall or whenever the show was on.


No you can't. You can see him talk about maybe getting it done, but that's all.

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