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Wilco makes Rolling Stone

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yes, it is a movie made by guys for guys, and we will enjoy the mindless sex, violence, and degradation of women. But then we will come home and act extra sensative because you let us go watch our movie with the boys.


Also, I think I'd rather read an interview by someone who isn't a Wilco fanboy. The review was alright, but you won't get a very fair review from fricke about Wilco.

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Relatively Clean Rivers





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It's become a pretty big problem as of late, and it's only a matter of time before a record label catches wind of it and puts the hammer down on this site and it's admins. We dont' allow it for Wilco, so it's unfair to allow it for other bands.


So from now on, anyone who posts a link to a full commercial studio record will be given one warning, and after that, they will be suspended from this site.


If you want to send someone a PM or email about where to find it? Fine, but no direct links, as it's gotten out of hand the last few months, and something needed to be done.


If you want to post links to individual songs from mp3 blogs, legit sites, etc., that's not a problem.



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I hate Lester Bangs. I read one article where he explains that Bob Dylan wrote "Hurricane" just so he could say (pardon my language) "nigger" and get people talking about his music again. Bad enough comment already. Then, he went on to talk about the genius of Black Sabbath, and how they are the greatest band around. That makes no sense whatsoever. Black Sabbath v.s. Bob Dylan... Think about that one. I think David Fricke wrote the article well, because to a non-Wilco fan, (which most people are) it gives a decent overview of the album, and at least it puts them on the map.

I don't think I agree with one thing Lester Bangs ever wrote and he is probably my favorite rock writer.

EDIT: Probably? More like easily.

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I hate Lester Bangs. I read one article where he explains that Bob Dylan wrote "Hurricane" just so he could say (pardon my language) "nigger" and get people talking about his music again. Bad enough comment already. Then, he went on to talk about the genius of Black Sabbath, and how they are the greatest band around. That makes no sense whatsoever. Black Sabbath v.s. Bob Dylan... Think about that one. I think David Fricke wrote the article well, because to a non-Wilco fan, (which most people are) it gives a decent overview of the album, and at least it puts them on the map.

Usually I say there's no accounting for taste, but in your case, I will say you are wrong to hate Lester Bangs, who was, at his peak, the best writer not only in American rock, but in America period. And Black Sabbath is about as underrated as Bob Dylan is overrated.

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I'll agree that Sabbath is underrated, but there are a few people ( Dylan, the Fabs) that simply cannot be overrated imo. Hell, Dylan's most trivial bottom-of-the-sock-drawer tunes are still more captivating than 90% of the swill that passes for popular music today.

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I'll agree that Sabbath is underrated, but there are a few people ( Dylan, the Fabs) that simply cannot be overrated imo.


Who are the Fabs? For someone who can't be overrated it's just weird I have no clue who they are :unsure

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Who are the Fabs? For someone who can't be overrated it's just weird I have no clue who they are :unsure

These old codgers. I'm sure you've heard their music, even if you haven't heard of them. They were pretty big once upon a time.



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Fricke is no Lester or Greil, but he's probably the last decent writer left at RS. Why are you so offended by his stuff when, if I had to choose just one word to describe his work, I'd probably tag it "inoffensive?" He writes some snooze-worthy shit, but is that really enough to label him a disgrace?


If you've seen the Wilco movie or any number of music docs featuring interviews with Fricke, you know that he loves himself 100 times more than any of the music he reviews. Honestly, if I had just read his stuff and not seen footage of him talking I would probably just take him for another boring rock journalist. For the majority of his bits in IATTBYH I can't help but notice that he has this dirty smirk because he is so impressed with himself.

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I would be impressed with myself too, if I could make a living writing about music. The shit-eating grin would be permanently etched upon my face.

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If you've seen the Wilco movie or any number of music docs featuring interviews with Fricke, you know that he loves himself 100 times more than any of the music he reviews.


I couldn't disagree more. I think Fricke's love of YHF and music in general just powers out of that 40 gigawatt Cheshire cat smile of his in IATTBYH. Just because the guy comes on a little strong in video interviews doesn't necessarily mean he's full of himself.

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I think Fricke's love of YHF and music in general just powers out of that 40 gigawatt Cheshire cat smile of his in IATTBYH. Just because the guy comes on a little strong in video interviews doesn't necessarily mean he's full of himself.

I agree. I like David Fricke a lot--even when I disagree with his opinion, I think he expresses it intelligently and with some degree of perspective.

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Fricke ain't God, but he's the only good thing left at Rolling Stone, which keeps digging lower and lower lower and lower and lower with every issue.

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Both Dylan and the Beatles are both great and overrated.



I'll do you one better...


Bob Dylan is the greatest songwriter of the modern era and is easily the most overrated.


The Beatles are the most influential band in the history of music and are easily the most overrated.






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I disagree. I don't think Dylan or the Beatles can possibly be overrated, such is their greatness ... but I'm a total fanboy, and that's just my opinion.


Thereby proving the truth of my statement.


The greatest of all time...most definitely. Overrated...most certainly (You know my name..., Self Portait)

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Pretty boring article.


P.S. David Fricke is a disgrace to music journalim...and to anyone who has ever had an opinion on something.



I don't know but when I read his articles I can understand him. Whenever I read other writers articles in RS and say Pitchfork I have no idea what the hell they are writing about. I like the fact that you don't need a hipster decoder ring to understand what he's writing about.

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Guest Rufer
For the majority of his bits in IATTBYH I can't help but notice that he has this dirty smirk because he is so impressed with himself.


I think he just has a lot of big teeth. Cut him some slack.

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