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I'm embarking on my first listen ... this post isn't intended to be a review -- more of a track-by-track blog.


"Don't Make Me a Target" sounds good. It's a bit of a step back from Gimme Fiction's apparent precedent of writing most songs on the piano -- though there are keys throughout the track, it's a guitar vehicle, and this is good.


"The Ghost of You Lingers" is decent, but a poor choice for the # 2 track on the record, which in my opinion should be occupied by the strongest song. Little more than a piano being banged on for three and a half minutes.


"You Got Yr Cherry Bomb" may be the track that should be slotted at # 2. I'm digging the horns. There certainly wasn't anything like this on Gimme Fiction -- aside from the different instrumentation, this might have fit on Kill the Moonlight or Girls Can Tell.


"Don't You Evah" ... a nice groove on this one when it finally breaks into verses. Four tracks in and I'm already liking this record a lot more than its predecessor. This seems to recall earlier Spoon while not sounding that much like it, if that makes sense.


"Rhythm & Soul" ... the acoustic guitar in the opening reminds me of "Laffitte Don't Fail Me Now." In fact, the rest of the song kind of does too -- and that's not a bad thing. I'm enjoying the different keyboard sounds being employed on this record.


"Eddie's Ragga" isn't a raga, not that I expected it to be. Good track -- I think if it were at a faster tempo and the vocal had a bit more bite I'd like it better. Maybe it'll be that way when they play it live.


"The Underdog" ... is this Spoon? Except for Britt's unmistakable voice, this doesn't sound like the same band. The thing is, I like it. The horns are back, and they're great.


"My Little Japanese Cigarette Case" is the second track (after "The Ghost of You Lingers") that's not really doing much for me. A lot of "ohhh" and "mmm" from Britt, and aside from the Spanish guitar break (which is cool), not much else. Filler, basically. On a 36-minute album, you probably shouldn't have any of that.


"Finer Feelings" steers the album back on track. I'm reminded yet again how great Jim Eno is. This song should be fantastic live -- it will give Eno a chance to stretch out, and there will be opportunities for old-school Britt Daniel guitar freak-outs.


"Black Like Me" starts off as a bit lackluster, but about a 1

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I think for me, this is a case of low expectations being greatly exceeded -- I really didn't think much of Gimme Fiction, and wasn't expecting to like this new record much either. A few of the sharp edges have been polished off since their early work, but this album is proof that there's still some kick left in this band. I'm not crazy about the album title, but it doesn't affect my life, so who cares?


On Pitchfork's 10.0 scale, I think I'd give this about a 7.6. No masterpiece, but solid.

yeah, that's what i was thinking myself, solid 7.5 for sure. and i also am liking it more because of my lowered expectations after GF too.

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yeah, that's what i was thinking myself, solid 7.5 for sure. and i also am liking it more because of my lowered expectations after GF too.


I don't understand all the knocks against Gimme Fiction. There are a few missteps, but that album starts off so damn strong. Compared to prior Spoon efforts I would say that it's not my favorite, but people seem to think that something comparable to Gimme Fiction would be bad.


I'd be happier than a pig in sh*t.

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I don't understand all the knocks against Gimme Fiction. There are a few missteps, but that album starts off so damn strong. Compared to prior Spoon efforts I would say that it's not my favorite, but people seem to think that something comparable to Gimme Fiction would be bad.


I'd be happier than a pig in sh*t.

well.. and i'm not saying you're in this camp, but...


most of the people i know who think that record is as great, if not better, than Girls, Sneaks, or KTM (depends, as KTM was a lot of peoples intro to Spoon), were first introduced to Spoon via Gimme Fiction.


but yeah, that's it for me, and Cryptique as well... it's not that Gimme Fiction is BAD, but for both of us, as much as we loved the previous 3 full lengths (and in Tom's case, 4), Gimme Fiction, as great as it is (solid 8+ album still), was a let down as an overall record. killer singles, but didn't quite flow for me, seemed more like a collection of tracks as opposed to an album.


kinda like The National's "Alligator", an absolutely incredible record, but i was still a bit let down w/ it from Sad Songs For Lovers... granted i eventually got over any and all "disappointment" after a year or so listening to it, but still, a slight letdown or somewhat disappointing album doesn't mean bad by any means to me.

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well.. and i'm not saying you're in this camp, but...


most of the people i know who think that record is as great, if not better, than Girls, Sneaks, or KTM (depends, as KTM was a lot of peoples intro to Spoon), were first introduced to Spoon via Gimme Fiction.


but yeah, that's it for me, and Cryptique as well... it's not that Gimme Fiction is BAD, but for both of us, as much as we loved the previous 3 full lengths (and in Tom's case, 4), Gimme Fiction, as great as it is (solid 8+ album still), was a let down as an overall record. killer singles, but didn't quite flow for me, seemed more like a collection of tracks as opposed to an album.


kinda like The National's "Alligator", an absolutely incredible record, but i was still a bit let down w/ it from Sad Songs For Lovers... granted i eventually got over any and all "disappointment" after a year or so listening to it, but still, a slight letdown or somewhat disappointing album doesn't mean bad by any means to me.


So how do you feel about SBS?

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So how do you feel about SBS?

love it honestly...


went in with very low to no expectations like w/ this new Spoon album, but even still, i think it's gorgeous.


i can see why some might find it "boring" or a "retread" somewhat, or are disappointed that Nels or Glen don't "freak out enough" for them, or they miss the "weird noise", but i could give a shit about any of that, i just think it's really well written, flows extremely well, and it fits my mood/mindspace right now.

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well.. and i'm not saying you're in this camp, but...


most of the people i know who think that record is as great, if not better, than Girls, Sneaks, or KTM (depends, as KTM was a lot of peoples intro to Spoon), were first introduced to Spoon via Gimme Fiction.


but yeah, that's it for me, and Cryptique as well... it's not that Gimme Fiction is BAD, but for both of us, as much as we loved the previous 3 full lengths (and in Tom's case, 4), Gimme Fiction, as great as it is (solid 8+ album still), was a let down as an overall record. killer singles, but didn't quite flow for me, seemed more like a collection of tracks as opposed to an album.


kinda like The National's "Alligator", an absolutely incredible record, but i was still a bit let down w/ it from Sad Songs For Lovers... granted i eventually got over any and all "disappointment" after a year or so listening to it, but still, a slight letdown or somewhat disappointing album doesn't mean bad by any means to me.


did your finger get stuck on , key? holy commas batman.

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well.. and i'm not saying you're in this camp, but...


most of the people i know who think that record is as great, if not better, than Girls, Sneaks, or KTM (depends, as KTM was a lot of peoples intro to Spoon), were first introduced to Spoon via Gimme Fiction.


Gimme Fiction was, in fact, my intro to Spoon. But my ranking for their albums is:


Kill The Moonlight

Series Of Sneaks

Girls Can Tell

Gimme Fiction


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Agreed, I heard this on the Current last night and Mary Lucia said it was from the new Spoon album of the same name. So is the name Ga Ga Ga, or The Underdog? Let's hope for The Underdog.


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So to stray a little away from the new album, does anyone know what gear they use? Specifically Britt's guitars and effects. I know he has a Guild something or other, a Telecaster and some sort of Gibson ES something. As you can tell I'm not too familiar with their gear. But any info would help (I really want to know how he does the crazy solos in songs like Beast and Dragon Adored).

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