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Enjoy Wilco on YOUR terms

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I guess the point of me starting this topic is that you are the only critic that matters. If you like it then like it; if not, then don't. I like most Wilco, but a small portion doesn't do it for me. I am not going to fool myself and think that everything is GREAT. Being an honest critic allows you to appreciate what the band does for you. The fact that they are now on Letterman, sell out tours, and can be seen or heard most anywhere now makes it kinda cool but shouldn't dictate your taste in what is good or bad.

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the more I question people's true fandom.

I love everything you say except for this. I love the new album alot. It's my favorite record since last Loose Fur and Sonic Youth but we don't have to rip each other about fandom. This is music. Baseball that's another story

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A few days ago I posted a long recommendation that people just turn the volume up on SBS in order to hear every nuance on the album. Sorry if this offended you. I don't think anyone should take a reviewer's opinion too seriously, no matter who the reviewer is. But reviews do make for interesting discussion sometimes. I only recently discovered metacritic.com (I'm sure many of you have been using the tool for a long time) which tracks almost all the blog/mainstreem reviewers for albums and consolodates it into a rating. Pretty cool.


Let's all just not forget that this a great place to discuss Wilco and share opinions, so don't put anyone down for it.

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Let's all just not forget that this a great place to discuss Wilco and share opinions, so don't put anyone down for it.

Exactly, I thank the new album for getting me excited again. The webcasts were amazing thank you!!!!!!

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Guest ChooChooCharlie
I get excited when I hear a band I like on the radio. I used to play Modest Mouse's The Moon and Antarctica at work a lot and people bitched about it until Float On became pretty regularly played. I was pretty happy about that.


See, that's very mature of you. Me on the other hand, albeit, I'm an adult now, but back in the day, I was tempted to rip the "Joshua Tree" tee shirts off the backs of my middle school classmates as I knew for DAMN sure they had never heard of "October" "Boy" and "War". I remember refusing to make eye contact with some kid in my math class as he had the

audacity to wear a Bauhaus tee shirt when I prided myself on being the ONLY kid in school who owned a copy of "In the Flat Field". Geezzz...was I really that much of a dork?? Sadly, not much has changed :-)


These days, I'm Far from up on a whos whos in a list of "Cool band to Know", and those of you who dug the band from way back in The UT days have 20 legs up on me, but all I'm saying is, if I walk into an Urban Outfitters and see a Wilco shirt on the rack, I think I'll shoot myself in the head....



But then again, Who am I to begrudge the band from affording the luxury of sending their kids to college...Hard call :)

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First post!


Although I am a huge Wilco and Tweedy fan in general I have to admit I am incredibly dissapointed by SBS. Saw them at Shepherds Bush the other night, and all you can say of the new stuff is that it is pleasant - be it live or on CD.


It is really hard to admit the band you love have produced a bit of a dud, but in this instance sadly I think they have.


I will try turning it up loud, but I don't think it will help!

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it grows on you :lol


listening to the mp3 stream for the last couple of months, i thought it was pretty good.


listening to the proper cd version from yesterday, i love it. the first time with wilco, parts of songs grab me at different times. in the past, i've either liked or "hated" a song from the first listen

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Guest ChooChooCharlie
Although I am a huge Wilco and Tweedy fan in general I have to admit I am incredibly dissapointed by SBS. Saw them at Shepherds Bush the other night, and all you can say of the new stuff is that it is pleasant - be it live or on CD.


I will try turning it up loud, but I don't think it will help!


Shit, I turned it up to "11" pleading to be engaged by these new melodies and "pleasant" is about the best I came up with as well. VERY WELL SAID!!

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These days, I'm Far from up on a whos whos in a list of "Cool band to Know", and those of you who dug the band from way back in The UT days have 20 legs up on me, but all I'm saying is, if I walk into an Urban Outfitters and see a Wilco shirt on the rack, I think I'll shoot myself in the head....

Ha! Well, I guess I have no room to talk here since bands like REM, The Cure, U2, etc--you know, kind of the defining bands of my generation--only in the last couple years have I finally given them a fair listen because back then they just seemed "too popular" to me. Not that I was exactly a music snob back then, since I was listening mostly to classic rock and jam bands, but a lot of kids were wearing t-shirts of the above mentioned bands around school and I always had an instinctive distrust of anything too popular. (although I like to think I've grown out of that...maybe)


Looking back now, I'm actually kind of astounded at the relatively good taste of the "cool kids" at my school. Maybe they weren't all idiots after all. :lol

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good thread and message because it's basically truth and real. in the end, no one should matter (when negativity is involved) but yourself.

it's the greatest thing in the world when you can relate to someone or a large group of people (like this message board) in being interested in the same thing.

but one should never bring themselves down to a low level just because of some critic who writes for a site like pitchfork.

if someone reads that review and doesn't go out and listen to the album and draw their own conclusion, then they aren't meant for a band like Wilco (or any band for that matter) in the first place.

sure, it sure does get lonely when you feel like you're in the only person who likes a certain band, but that's certainly not the case with Wilco.

SBS is a good album. and it is not impossible for an album to slowly reveal itself to you, a concept that some refute. it is entirely possible.

and SBS is so straightforward, so clear in its execution that it ironically acts like a puzzle and takes several listens to realize just how simply beautiful it is.

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SBS is a good album. and it is not impossible for an album to slowly reveal itself to you, a concept that some refute. it is entirely possible.

and SBS is so straightforward, so clear in its execution that it ironically acts like a puzzle and takes several listens to realize just how simply beautiful it is.

The argument is not that an album cannot grow on you. The argument is that any particular album will grow on everyone if they "just give it a chance." Some people will not "get" Sky Blue Sky, and it will not be because they have failed to listen to it properly, but rather because there is nothing for them to get from the album. Enjoyment of art is a subjective experience, and different for everyone. There is no album, painting, song, sculpture, whatever, that will speak to everyone.

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The argument is not that an album cannot grow on you. The argument is that any particular album will grow on everyone if they "just give it a chance."


Enjoyment of art is a subjective experience, and different for everyone. There is no album, painting, song, sculpture, whatever, that will speak to everyone.


that's precisely what i meant. some albums tend to grow on you if keep tuning in.

as far as the "not impossible to slowly reveal itself to you" thing, i was refering specifically to a post by someone who said they don't listen to albums that are supposed to grow on them, that they have to and should hit him immediately.


and i agree with the last statement. i meant that as well.

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that's precisely what i meant. some albums tend to grow on you if keep tuning in.

Man oh man - this is the very first time someone on VC's suggested that you'd like an album if you just gave it a few more listens.

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haha. all i'm doing is reiterating. i never claimed it to be a new concept or thought.

its just something some people tend to forget when they don't like a new album.

funny. i hate when my posts are taken as confusing when i meant them to agreeable.


i'm confused.





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so am i haha.

i edited my post by the way.


i should've stayed out of this. i meant well and got the dreaded (my dreaded, at least) sarcastic remark

i agree with the original poster. that's all i have to say.

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It is horrible when a band you love release an album that personally you just don't engage with.


I remember (going back a bit) when The Stone Roses released "Second Coming". Been waiting for that album for five years. Expected massive things as every single track the Roses had previously released had been perfect. The lead single got me a bit worried but I convinced myself it was great. A wave of largely awful reviews for the album followed, but I was still convinced they were all deaf idiots, and THE album would be a triumph. Got Album. Listened to album over and over - loud, quiet, drunk, stoned, asleep etc.


Argued with other doubters about its greatness. But after two weeks I had to admit to myself it was by and large awful. After about 2 months I could admit that universal truth to others.


I don't think SBS is as bad as Second Coming but I do feel the same disappointment.


(If you haven't heard of The Stone Roses or their album "Second Coming", think De La Soul and the release of "De La Soul is Dead"!)

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