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The White stripes suck *SS

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sure its ok......



I just think its beyond bizzare that you don't think their music has an older feel too it. But I wont argue with you about the obvious. the music speaks for itself. Most of it is just old style rock/blues.......

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I think having no bass player is a gimmick and they would sound even better if they had one.

Now see, this is part of what I was talking about when I said I don't 'get' them.

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I personally think De Stjil is right out of the seventies......


That is the definitive album that made me realize jack and meg traveled from the past to enlighten america with some good old time rock n roll.

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The lack of bass is percisely the point.


Just the two of them creating the sound and energy is amazing.

Having seen them live, I can attest to their power.


Should Ghostland Observatory add a third? or are they fine the way they are?

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If anything, I get an "old, weird America" feel from (some of) it - 10s, 20s. So there's that.

I'm kinda in this boat. I always get a sense of antique-y Vauldeville images when I listen to a lot of their stuff. I don't get the "try listening to______ and if you still don't get it..." stuff, either. I'm not so sure there's a lot to "get." You either like it or you don't.

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well I used to hate the white stripes, and now Im a major fan. So I def. think there is something to get because I didn't get it before, and now I do..


If we can base your fandom on your number of posts in this thread, you must be a huge fan.

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De Stijl was the one that got me hooked. I think Icky Thump is fantastic. It's funny, as hard as anything (makes 'heavy bands like Metallica sound like marshmallow), lyrics are great.....

It makes perfect sense not having a bass player, well not having a band really. Meg does a great job, and the way it is means that Jack can just do whatever he likes. He'll go into another song slap bang from the middle of another one.

He ain't the best guitarist in the world, but he knows what works. He gets a great sound (which is something these days), he understands how dynamics work, and live... well it's a little freaky really. I saw them at Glastonbury a couple of years ago, and he had 50,000 (could have been more) standing in a field with mud up to our ankles spellbound and having a ball. We took a neighbour of ours who hadn't a clue what the White Stripes were like, and she was kind of confused until they did 'We Are Going To Be Friends' (clip of it here).. and it all fell into place...

Saw a Jeff Beck concert a few years ago, and he did about 20 minutes of classic Yardbirds songs with The White Stripes as his band :o ...

We're all off to see them in November... can't wait

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totally. i call shenanigans on this thread.


Captain O'Hagan: I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says, " Shenanigans."

Mac: Hey Farva what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?

Farva: You mean Shenanigans?

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