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The Brian JonesTown Massacre

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OH my God, this band is timeless.


WHo has seen dig?


"Thank God for Mental Illness" is a must own


I do not get these guys at all. When I listen to Anton, I keep thinking there is a reason the "Dandy's" were more popular. It just sounds SO derivative.

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True story: I was talking with a brand new friend before a Flaming Lips show and this is the conversation that transpired:


Anna: Do you know what music documentary is great?

Me: Yeah. Dig!

Anna: ...... You just freaked me out. How did you know?




I can't get enough of their album "Give It Back"

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the only thing that movie Dig did for me was open my eyes to how fucked up and crazy that dude is...i hadn't even heard of BJM before seeing the movie, and the movie just turned me off to ever listening to them. seriously, there was not one decent human being in that movie, including those idiots the Dandy Warhols.

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Well you really need to check out their music, the movie just shows what a metally ill guy anton was.... His albums are complete and udder genius.


This guy has it.


Well..he may have "it" by your standards, be one thing he certainly doesn't have is a good singing voice. I can barely make it through one song. Maybe I should try harder. I had that double CD retrospective and it made me just want to listen to my old Love and Rockets and Stones records....

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I think the whole point of the movie is that the brian jonestown massacre is obviously the superiorly creative band, but anton can't help but sabotage any chance of success they have.....


Like he's afraid of success or something...

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I'm going to see them next month in San Diego. A couple friends are huge fans and bought me a ticket. I've seen the movie and own a couple of Anton's records but haven't seen BJM live. I was fortunate enough to catch him in a previous band called Electric Cool Aid back in the late 80s when they opened for Big Drill Car at Chapman College. Fantastic show. I really look forward to this one as well. According to my friends, the last time they came through they played a 3 1/2 set . Talk about getting your $ worth.

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i've heard brian jonestown massacre and liked it.


Just checked out a clip of the movie on youtube: anton's a douchebag, but that line about the sitar is classic.

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My nephew swears he bought some DVDs from the tambourine guy at a media store in L.A.


He was a cashier :ohwell


At Amoeba records. The greatest record store in all the land.

His Wikipedia Entry of all things


He currently works for Amoeba Music in San Francisco. Gion now fronts a San Francisco band called The Dilettantes. Their debut album, the aptly titled "101 Tambourines", was released on July 24, 2007.
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I liked DIG, but the Brian Jonestown Massacre is sort of a joke. He doesn't even rip off the Stones' best period. He has some good songs, sure, but he also has a ton of crap.

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I can understand peoples fascination, but c'mon the guy is a self -absorbed, self righteous prick. Reminds me of my younger brother(26) no one understands me, no one can see my talent, I can't keep a job or a cell phone or a mailing address etc... PLEASE no time in my life for that shit!






Thanks for listening :cheekkiss

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