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The New Pornographers...

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Admittedly I have only listened to the new disk once, but for a change they seem to have changed up the tempos and the arrangements and have produced something newish. Now if they would just figure out a way to get the three disks of outtakes, etc. to us in a reasonable fashion, that would be nice.



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I don't know about this record, it just seems boring to me. I'm not feeling it as much as I had on their first two records. Twin Cinema did nothing for me. I guess I just like the rocking side of the NP.

TC didn't do a whole heckuva lot for me either save for a couple songs, but enjoying this one a ton. granted not as much as the first 2 either...


i just love their super catchy pop stuff, rockin' or not

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Admittedly I have only listened to the new disk once, but for a change they seem to have changed up the tempos and the arrangements and have produced something newish. Now if they would just figure out a way to get the three disks of outtakes, etc. to us in a reasonable fashion, that would be nice.



I sorta like the slow rollout of the extras - nice to chew on the tracks one at a time. the album's great and has legs, I've been spinning it since they started streaming it, though I'd always like more Neko. Been trying to figure out whether or not this is a good review.

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TC didn't do a whole heckuva lot for me either save for a couple songs, but enjoying this one a ton. granted not as much as the first 2 either...

Same here. TC never quite won me over the way the first two did--those were albums that, when I wasn't listening to them, I was eagerly trying to get back to them. While I really liked TC, I never felt that way about it--but I do feel that way about Challengers.

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TC didn't do a whole heckuva lot for me either save for a couple songs, but enjoying this one a ton. granted not as much as the first 2 either...


i just love their super catchy pop stuff, rockin' or not


I honestly haven't listened to it a whole lot but I've only had for five days now. I've been listening to it to and from work. It's should be mention that I work 3 minutes from where I work though. I have given it about 3 solid listens though yet I feel nothing as of yet. I need to put it on the ipod so I can give it a real listen.

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I loved this one right out of the gate. It's nice to hear this band stretch their musical palette, producing a more varied and eclectic set of songs than any of their previous releases. It's definitely one of my favorites of the year so far.

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i like it too.

i only started with TC and haven't heard the first two, but i don't understand the critics giving Challengers a significantly lower overall rating (10 points lower) than TC (via the metacritic average).


so what from the last two records gives me an idea of what the first two records sound like?

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I was really, pleasently surprised by this. I was so disappointed with Twin Cinema, but when I played this, from the very firs time, I was completely blown away by it. The title track just sends shivers down my spine everytime I listen to it, Neko's voice is just perfect.

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I loved this one right out of the gate. It's nice to hear this band stretch their musical palette, producing a more varied and eclectic set of songs than any of their previous releases. It's definitely one of my favorites of the year so far.


Ditto for me.


that band plus the case, newman, and bejar solo records pretty well own the decade. Only M ward comes close in consistency.

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I'm pretty sure something must be terribly, terribly wrong with me (er, wronger than usual, I mean) because I really have not enjoyed anything I've heard from them yet. I keep trying mostly because of Neko's involvement. I love Neko's voice, but hate her "NP voice". :(


Damn them for making a record where it sounds like they've shifted tempos/moods a bit, because now I'm probably going to end up having to give them another shot in hopes that I've just been listening wrong all this time...

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that band plus the case, newman, and bejar solo records pretty well own the decade. Only M ward comes close in consistency.
Aside from the Neko which I own, I need Newman and Bejar's work too I guess.



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I love Neko's voice, but hate her "NP voice". :(


does her voice sonically sound different on her solo discs?


her voice almost sounds synthetic on this album as if it has been altered by autotune or something.

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that doesn't change the fact that something about it sounds odd. i guess it's just heavily eq'd then. there is quite a 'clean' sound to at least the last two New P records.


maybe she's so good - and i like what she said above - that it sounds perfect.

i have not heard any non New P's or live stuff by her, so i have no idea.

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maybe she's so good - and i like what she said above - that it sounds perfect.

i have not heard any non New P's or live stuff by her, so i have no idea.

Wow, time to check out Neko solo disks then....her live set The Tigers have Spoken is actually a good place to start. Nice selection of her tunes, cover tunes and some great musicians. (and i was in teh audience one night...)



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