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arcade fire on austin city limits

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I haven't seen my mother 10 times this year.

i haven't seen mine since Christmas, and probably won't until next spring :hmm


I thought I saw GoodFellas in a theater a lot - 10 times over 17 years now doesn't seem like a lot.

glad i could help make you feel like less of a nerd/freak/weirdo! :yay

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I haven't seen my mother 10 times this year.




FYI, this is on in HD in the Chicago (Comcast) area tonight. I don't think it was aired in HD over the weekend.


My local station only showed the AF show twice, instead re-running the Wilco show about 4 times this week.


Nothing against the Wilco show - it was great, but damn you TWC! Made my DVR miss AF rocking the house!

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What a performance. Damn. I've never seen ACL rockin like that.



I was always lukewarm on them. But now, they are at the top of my "must see" list.


"Damn" is right.


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I have seen Arcade Fire three times now, own "Funeral" and took a pass on "Neon Bible" which I have heard several times. I really think AF are one of those, once in a ten years bands that many people while be discussing and discovering and rediscovering way into the future. Live, they are probably without peer. To paraphrase the Pistols "they mean it man" bringing a passion and intensity to their performances that few can match. Add in the fact that you have ten talented multi-instrumentlists on stage and that they amp up the theatrics on stage and I would recommend anyone to go see them. They stole the weekend at Coachella this year amongst lots of other great music. I saw them first at Sasquatch in 2005 when they had a 45 minute slot at 2.30 p.m. on a blisteringly hot day and they stole the show that day amongst performances by the Pixies, Modest Mouse, Kanye West and Wilco who had the misfortune of playing right after them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I finally got around to downloading this and it is quite impressive. So impressive in fact that I want to be able to listen to it anytime, anywhere. So... has anyone ripped the audio yet? I'm no good at that crap and have become dependant on others for some of the little things in life I now take for granted.


Any info would be much appreciated!

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So I finally got around to downloading this and it is quite impressive. So impressive in fact that I want to be able to listen to it anytime, anywhere. So... has anyone ripped the audio yet? I'm no good at that crap and have become dependant on others for some of the little things in life I now take for granted.


Any info would be much appreciated!


Is this still avaible somewhere; isn't the link dead?

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Guest Speed Racer

Never heard Arcade Fire before, and a lot of the hype really turned me off (coupled with the fact that the folks who recommended them to me have music taste contrary to my own). But, I thought I'd try.


I just watched the ACL performance, and I have to say that I was definitely not into it. Aside from the fact that I didn't like Win's voice, the lyrics were really forced to me (both in thought and actual expulsion from the mouth...). They had a 'broadway-like' aspect to their performance - as other people have been saying, that "let's make it look spontaneous!" aire. Definitely not into that. On top of that, I'm just not into their particular 'genre' of indie.


The SNL thing (which I watched after reading this thread) was, to use Solace's analogy, the cherry on a sundae I really didn't like. BOY was that contrived. If he gets all riled up and smashes his guitar at every show where a string breaks, I should imagine he's damned near out of guitars. The very act of smashing a guitar is contrived - there's absolutely nothing natural about it, it simply *has* to be premeditated. There's either the tantrum version (a la Tweedy in AZ) or the Townshend version (rock spectacle). He was the latter trying to be the former. Glaring at the camera before you calmly smash a guitar during a live taping is the musical equivalent of showing your hand, I guess.

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I just watched the ACL performance, and I have to say that I was definitely not into it. Aside from the fact that I didn't like Win's voice, the lyrics were really forced to me (both in thought and actual expulsion from the mouth...). They had a 'broadway-like' aspect to their performance - as other people have been saying, that "let's make it look spontaneous!" aire. Definitely not into that. On top of that, I'm just not into their particular 'genre' of indie.


well said sir

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I finally watched this tonight. Musically, I love them and I thought they sounded great. But spare me the melodrama. It probably wouldn't bother me, except they were doing the exact same schtick when they were promoting "Funerals" on Conan nearly three years ago. It seems inauthentic. I wound up just listening to the show after the first few songs.

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The very act of smashing a guitar is contrived - there's absolutely nothing natural about it, it simply *has* to be premeditated. There's either the tantrum version (a la Tweedy in AZ) or the Townshend version (rock spectacle).

Jeff smashed a guitar on stage before? Wow! There must have been a ton of talkers at that show!

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