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The Scary Man with the Red Suit and Beard

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So, we took the Twinsleys over the weekend to the Brentwood Country Mart to see Santa and reindeer. The Santa was what one would expect at a small-ish shopping center - all the realistic looking Santas are booked at the mall. He was fine for having a picture taken with toddlers, although as you can see here, Aaron wasn't having any of it.



We had our 2 minutes with Santa (probably more for mom & dad's benefit than anything, but whatever), got some lunch, and sat at a bench in the courtyard behind and off to the side of Santa. While we were sitting there my wife says, "Oh brother, Santa still has the tag on his beard." I looked more closely and realized it wasn't a price tag, but I wasn't sure what it was. So, I took a picture and inspected further using the zoom feature on the camera's viewer (which I have duplicated in Photoshop with a close-up of the 'tag.')



It's not a tag... it's a used blister pack from cold medicine!


Stay classy Santa.



Anyone else have good mall/shopping center Santa stories?

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I was all set to become a mall Santa until I got my first journalism job.

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Well this is more of a Santa/Reindeer story. But when I was a little kid, probably around 7 or 8, everybody had gone to my grandmas house for a Christmas Eve thing. Two of my uncles came in the house and about 5 minutes later there was this banging on the roof. Of course all of us kids started screaming that it was Santa. Next thing we know my uncle Chuck grabs a shotgun and says I'll go see what it is. He walks outside, and we hear a couple of gunshots. My uncle starts screaming so everybody runs out onto the front porch, and sitting in the front yard just in front of the porch is a dead deer. My uncle jumps up and says "oh no I think I just shot Rudolph". Needless to say all of us kids just fucking lose it. We are whaling and crying and screaming. My mom was pissed and yelling at my uncle because apparently, either that day or the previous day, a couple of my uncles had gone hunting and thought it would be a funny joke to play. All of us kids were scarred for life.

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My mom was pissed and yelling at my uncle because apparently, either that day or the previous day, a couple of my uncles had gone hunting and thought it would be a funny joke to play. All of us kids were scarred for life.


Wow! That's just awful :no

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That is an AWESOME story, fliz.


I played Santa once for the granddaughter (& friends) of some lady I used to work with, and it occurs to me that she is going to ask me again, now that I am moving back. Except maybe she's retired now. Either way, I'm gonna tell her I have hepatitis.

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The blister pack? Hilarious! The dead deer? Sounds like something my uncles would do.


No outstanding Santa stories here, but I'm hoping to have one by the end of the week. Belleville has the Santa House, which is just about the cutest thing ever. They always have the best, most realistic Santa. For the past three weeks my friends and I have tried to get together to take our kids, because we have this wild fantasy of getting a picture of all of our kids (six of 'em, ages almost-4 to 10 months with most of them landing in the Terrible Twos range) with Santa at the same time. Apparently, the universe knows this is ridiculously impossible. Every time we've scheduled, at least half of our group has gotten sick. One of them even had the gall (ahem) to land in the hospital for five days with a gall bladder attack on the evening we had planned to go.


Santa really doesn't want to deal with this motley crew. I can't say I blame him. We're going to try a sneak attack this weekend.

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Last year did not go so well:


(I forgot to prep her for it and just kind of tossed her at him. Neither party was amused.)


This year went super swell but I haven't got any pictures right handy of that visit. She told him she wants a puppy and he talked her into a stuffed puppy instead. Go Santa!

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When D-man was three ( a LONG time ago), Downtown and All the young girls love... took him to see Old St. Nick at the local mall. D-man, who has always been dramatic, pitched a pure d fit and kick Santa in the nads. Needless to say, we did not get a Xmas picture for 1997. (Magic K, who was 7 that year, still tells this story as SHE got her picture taken that year).


The next year, ole Crow had a plan. I took Magic and D-man to a different mall and started prepping him a couple days in advance.


"Santa is a really nice man. He was pretty sad that you got so upset last year...I bet he remembers you this year."


Waiting in line with Magic Kristen and D-man, I was prepping them both. When we got to the Elf who was taking the money I clued her in out of earshot of the kiddos: "The boy is Named _ _ _ _ _ and his sister is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . He was pretty freaked out last year, so I would appreciate it if you could have a talk with Mr. Claus and give him a heads up."


The Santa was PERFECT.


As D-man and Magic approached his chair he let it fly:


"_ _ _ _ _!!! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !!! HOW HAVE YOU TWO BEEN THIS YEAR!? I was pretty sad last year when I scared you. Come over here and sit in my lap and tell me what you want."


He yucked it up nicely and D-man was never scared again. Magic probably believed a year or two longer because her old man knows how to work the old Christman Whimsy.

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I can't believe I forgot to mention that I peed on Santa when I was a kid. I don't remember it but we have a photo with me on one knee and my older brother on the other and Santa looks a little uncomfortable. My dad thinks it's hilarious.

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My dad thinks it's hilarious.


Because it is! :lol


We took Clara Jan to see Santa tonight. It was the first year where she's really been into it and wasn't afraid of him. Santa barely got a word in edgewise. She rattled off a litany of stuff she wants, took a great photo, and, at the end when Santa gave her a candy cane, announced, "I love candy canes. I get these when I pee and poop on the potty.* The first time I pooped in the potty, it was soooooooo great!"


*Yes, I bribe her with candy to get her to use the damn toilet.


I think Santa might have had a stroke, he was laughing so hard. The thing is, she flat-out lied to him! This kid acts like snakes will devour her butt if she poops in the potty!


I don't embarrass easily, but I sort of melted into a hot puddle of shame. Giggling shame, but shame nonetheless.

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Because it is! :lol


We took Clara Jan to see Santa tonight. It was the first year where she's really been into it and wasn't afraid of him. Santa barely got a word in edgewise. She rattled off a litany of stuff she wants, took a great photo, and, at the end when Santa gave her a candy cane, announced, "I love candy canes. I get these when I pee and poop on the potty.* The first time I pooped in the potty, it was soooooooo great!"


*Yes, I bribe her with candy to get her to use the damn toilet.


I think Santa might have had a stroke, he was laughing so hard. The thing is, she flat-out lied to him! This kid acts like snakes will devour her butt if she poops in the potty!


I don't embarrass easily, but I sort of melted into a hot puddle of shame. Giggling shame, but shame nonetheless.



That's classic!

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