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Interesting stuff. I've seen them live 4 times on 3 different tours, including their last one (at the Greek in Berkeley in Nov 2004).

I pretty much listen to their first 5 albums and then scattered stuff after. REM will always be my #1 band, so I am not objective at all. But their recent stuff has been boring which is the worst sin a band can commit in my mind. Personally, I think Michael Stipe's ego destroyed this band. Maybe they can regain some of that rocker mentality - looking forward to the tour.



I totally agree. The last time I saw REM was in St. Louis in '99. I wanted to open up a vein in order to get this show over. Micheal Stipe was so friggin rude to the audience that I couldn't believe it. "Shut up", "Show some respect and turn your cell phones off! I turned mine off!" and , "Listen to the song!" were all shouted at the audience during the show. I remember thinking, "what a DICK!" and turning to my buddy and saying "Brett...I think I am DONE with REM." Haven't looked back since.


Granted, I was really there to see Wilco open for these guys, but still...what's with the attitude?!?!?!?!?!?!

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I totally agree. The last time I saw REM was in St. Louis in '99. I wanted to open up a vein in order to get this show over. Micheal Stipe was so friggin rude to the audience that I couldn't believe it. "Shut up", "Show some respect and turn your cell phones off! I turned mine off!" and , "Listen to the song!" were all shouted at the audience during the show. I remember thinking, "what a DICK!" and turning to my buddy and saying "Brett...I think I am DONE with REM." Haven't looked back since.


Granted, I was really there to see Wilco open for these guys, but still...what's with the attitude?!?!?!?!?!?!



Sounds like a Jeff Tweedy solo show.





You can download a live version of "Hollow Man" from the Florida show here: http://remring.com/index.php?option=com_co...0&Itemid=26

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That's what I was just thinking. BUT I'm not sure that I would call it behavior-befitting-a-penis, be it from Tweedy or Stipe or anyone else. In fact, I think the artist has every right to ask the audience for a little respect.



Agreed. But considering He did the same thing when I saw the band in Atlanta earlier in the year, I felt it was more than contrived.

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I would have to side with the artists on this one. I do not understand why anyone needs to talk on a cell phone at a show. Stipe may have been an ass at the show Tenderloin saw. I still don't understand why people are talking constantly during a show.

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I would have to side with the artists on this one. I do not understand why anyone needs to talk on a cell phone at a show. Stipe may have been an ass at the show Tenderloin saw. I still don't understand why people are talking constantly during a show.

Agreed. I don't understand why people pay $$$ to see shows and then spend half the time talking on the phone or to their friends. I guess it's just cool to be there? I'm pretty much stumped.

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R.E.M. Crowns First Day Of South By Southwest


March 13, 2008, 4:05 AM CT

Gary Graff, Austin, Texas


R.E.M. rocked unafraid last night (March 11) as it previewed its next album with an energetic and politically charged South By Southwest concert at Stubb's BBQ.


The, 22-song, 90-plus minute set, webcast live on NPR.org, offered a generous 10-song sampling from the hard-rocking "Accelerate," which R.E.M. releases on April 1. It all started with the album's opening couplet -- "Living Well's the Best Revenge" and "Mansized Wreath" -- and scored with other new songs such as "Mr. Richards," "Horse to Water," "Hollow Man" and the title track.


Hits were in short supply -- "Drive," "Fall on Me" and "Man on the Moon" came from that distinct minority -- but R.E.M. did dig into its catalog for rare fare such as "Second Guessing" and "Animal," the latter dedicated to Jim Fouratt, who frontman Michael Stipe said promoted R.E.M.'s first New York City show.


"That's the only gig we ever wanted to play," Stipe said. "If we broke up after that it would be OK." He also noted that "The Great Beyond" was his choice for the evening's set list, even though the band hadn't rehearsed it "in about two years."


Stipe punctuated the rest of the night with sharp political comments appropriate for an election year. He saluted Austin for its support of presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama and railed that he's "sick to death of politicians telling me what I should be scared of and what I should fear."


He acknowledged that the "Accelerate" track "Houston" was inspired by former First Lady Barbara Bush's caustic comments about Hurricane Katrina refugees who had moved to Texas, and before "Electrolite," Stipe said that he was "terrified history is gonna look back on this decade and the terrible overreaction of the (presidential) administration to 9/11. We have almost two years to make this decade worth something, and I think we have the power to do that."


Stipe also dedicated the new "Until the Day is Done," part of a trilogy of political songs with "Final Straw" and "Bad Day," to the late actor Heath Ledger, who Stipe said had heard the song and liked it when R.E.M. began working on it. He closed the performance with the salutation, "Goodbye Heath, we loved you."


R.E.M. is slated to tape an episode of "Austin City Limits" today before heading over to Europe to promote "Accelerate." including a March 24 concert in London. The group begins a short North American tour on May 23 in Burnaby, B.C., and will spend most of the summer in Europe.

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Thanks for that, Analogman. I tried to stay up for the webcast but didn't quite make it. Looking forward to hearing the archive though. Electrolite!


Also very excited to hear they taped an ACL ep!

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Thanks for that, Analogman. I tried to stay up for the webcast but didn't quite make it. Looking forward to hearing the archive though. Electrolite!


Also very excited to hear they taped an ACL ep!


I rather like that song - I listened to it a bit when I first got in this morning.

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New album sounds like it has some great songs and is a long overdue return to form. "Around The Sun" was an insult to long-time fans like me - a band who were taking the piss. Heard the NPR broadcast from SXSW. Good show if ragged in parts. Nice to hear "Second Guessing" and "Auctioneer" and the new songs were good also. I thought that stuff like "Walk Unafraid" and "The Great Beyond" sounded fresher as five piece songs. The one real pisser was Michael Stipe's little speeches about politics. There was a time, before the exponential growth of his ego, when Michael Stipe let the songs speak for themselves. Contrast that with Wilco who do fundraisers but keep the between song chatter to a minimum (most of the time) so that fans can hear as many songs as possible.

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Not sure if I'm feeling Accelerate or not, to be honest. The band did a great job of whipping their hardcore fans and the press into an "OMG the IRS years are back" frenzy, but this record actually sounds more like the Monster and Hi-Fi era than any other from the band's history. Some hard-charging rockers on here, for sure, but after two spins absolutely nothing has jumped out at me. :uhoh

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I think you have to put "Accelerate" in context. It's their fourteenth record and REM have (with the exception of one album - "Around The Sun") a very rich musical history. Bill Berry left over 11 years ago. Not only was he a great drummer but an important songwriter for the band. We aren't going to get another "Life's Rich Pageant", "Automatic For The People" or "Murmur". But I think what you have is an album that stands well on it's own legs and three to four songs that would fit comfortably in the top tier of their catalogue without being close to their best. Not too shabby for a band that put out it's first album 25 years ago and comparable to two of my other long-time favourites in Elvis Costello and Neil Young for ageing gracefully in musical terms.

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I'm not saying that recalling Monster and Hi-Fi's production is a bad thing at all. It's just that the whole "Accelerate is the second coming of Reckoning and Fables" press that has developed around the new album has positioned it as a bit of a letdown, since it's more reminiscent of the middle Warner Bros. period than any other.


Three listens in and everything is still blurring together in a sonic mass for me, aside from the two Automatic-esque songs. That's my main gripe, really, if I have one. It's not a bad record, just one I fear I'm already more or less done with.

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anyone who claimed it was the second coming of Reckoing/Fables is retarded, i haven't even read that myself

to me i'd imagined it was more of a back to their mid 90's sound from the single, and that kinda held true for the most part.


i'd say it's a solid 7.5 record, considering it's been 12 years since they put out anything better than maybe a 6

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I like Up and even Reveal a lot more than this one, personally, hype be damned. I'd slap a 5 on this release if I had to affix a number to it, I guess...which is still a sight better than the 0 I'd give Around the Sun.


Reveal has 2-3 decent singles, but overall, meh. Up i love about 1/3 to 1/2 of it. this one there's only 1-2 songs i don't like. not really an amazing songs, just a solid overall effort.

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anyone who claimed it was the second coming of Reckoing/Fables is retarded, i haven't even read that myself

to me i'd imagined it was more of a back to their mid 90's sound from the single, and that kinda held true for the most part.


i'd say it's a solid 7.5 record, considering it's been 12 years since they put out anything better than maybe a 6



I'd have to agree with the frog here, even though I hate amphibians.

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i'd say it's a solid 7.5 record, considering it's been 12 years since they put out anything better than maybe a 6


i'll give it .5 better and go w/ an '8'. definitely no 'second coming', but a solid album nonetheless...i'm just having a lot of fun hearing the band so upbeat in sound and peter buck turned up to 11. man, 'living well' is a great fucking track.

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I haven't had a chance to listen to this yet, but I'm hopeful. It probably didn't help though that I just downloaded their 1985 Rockpalast show and watched that yesterday...that I would rate a 9.5.

that's a great show.

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