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Is Jessica Simpson cute?

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You're... you're still here? Why is this thread still going? Go. Go home. Go on.*













*I realize that I've done this bit on several occasions, but this thread reeeeeally needed it.


Nothing is over!!! Nothing!!! You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my war! You asked me, I didn't ask you! And I did what I had to do to win! But somebody wouldn't let us win! And I come back to this thread and I see all those maggots arguing, protesting me, spitting. Calling me baby killer and all kinds of crap! Who are they to protest me?! Who are they?! Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about!

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(Note:Quoted photo edited out by admin due to obscenity.)


No thread needs that.

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At first I thought to myself, "that is a really tight suit." But upon closer inspection...its paint...*shudder*



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I don't know what the f the spiderman thing was about...

I hope cartoon rabbits and leprechauns steal your f-ing cereal for that shit.


Let's get this back on track...


(Note: Image edited out by admin due to inappropriate content)


There, much better.

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We seem to be getting a bit free and easy with the posting of crude images and language lately. Let's clean it up, folks, and keep VC a place where younger members, or those with milder sensibilities, are also comfortable. We've asked before, and repeat the request, that you refrain from posting any NSFW (not safe for work) images. This is both to keep those of you browsing at work from coming to the boss' attention when you're noticed viewing inappropriate images....wouldn't wish that on any of you! :omg ....and also for the simple reason that we want Via Chicago to continue to be, as it has always been, a civil and welcoming sort of place....for all of our membership.


I refer you again to our pinned notice regarding these sorts of images:




Let's keep the place respectable, ok?

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We seem to be getting a bit free and easy with the posting of crude images and language lately. Let's clean it up, folks, and keep VC a place where younger members, or those with milder sensibilities, are also comfortable. We've asked before, and repeat the request, that you refrain from posting any NSFW (not safe for work) images. This is both to keep those of you browsing at work from coming to the boss' attention when you're noticed viewing inappropriate images....wouldn't wish that on any of you! :omg ....and also for the simple reason that we want Via Chicago to continue to be, as it has always been, a civil and welcoming sort of place....for all of our membership.


I refer you again to our pinned notice regarding these sorts of images:




Let's keep the place respectable, ok?

party pooper

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Sorry for the F bombs. :)


I will not apologize for the hot cheerleader/band girl ani-gif. :)

After witnessing that Spiderman thing, my vision went blurry and I blacked out for a moment....

No sane human needs to have that in their visual memory, so I will assume the brain kicked in some sort of self preservation mode.


After that, I HAD to cleanse the palate (so to speak) with a pleasant pleated skirt/panty shot like that. I certainly didn't mean to offend.


There is no nudity, and it has certainly been around before.... if anyone wants it, hit me with a PM.

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