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Is Jessica Simpson cute?

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Jude has such a way with words.


That said, I'm not sure I've ever been more attracted to a woman than her in Heartbreakers.


No offense I hope, I wasn't being malicious.


X2 on the Heartbreakers sentiment.

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That have much greater potentially negative implications for woman, than men.


But that doesn't mean men don't have a voice in the discussion.


Especially since most people would argue that men are at fault for the negative implications.


Again, I have to say this is an example of personal vs. corporate responsibility, and in the end, in my opinion, corporate responsbility ends at the bottom line, and person responsibility never really ends.

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I ain't Reni, but I suppose I'll contribute my $.02...


I'm not one to take an uber-feministic stance on this, because I [too, for reasons other than just "looks"] would rather remain petite and slender rather than to have that "extra helping of backside."

Just like everyone else [Nick Lachey, Tony Romo {pretty soon, anyway}, Hollywood in general], I'm pretty tired of Jessica Simpson.

Not that I was or ever will be a fan of hers, but her lack of intelligence is a complete turn-off and [if other females are anything like me] more people possibly attracted to her personality will find out that there is nothing between those ears and stop paying attention to her as well.



Not one person can deny a certain level of shallowness in his or her own conscience. Tits and ass [in the right size and shape] are generally the mark of an attractive lady, and a good number of men subscribe to that--a shallow opinion of women indeed. It is also for each woman to decide if she will subscribe to that image standard--denoting a shallow self-image. Jessica Simpson may be portraying that "Barbie doll" image, but it is only because she wanted to be like that, and she obviously loves parading around like a big-tittied buffoon. You can't call it 'victimizing' or a problem if these certain women love that image.


I suppose I'm the type that isn't especially affected by stereotypes, be it the "barbie doll" stereotype, the pressure to be a "real woman" [with curves and a fudge brownie in hand most of the day], whatever it is.



I really didn't bring up any points...I guess I had more fun reading the discourse. = /




edit: I think men are more concerned with the female self-image than women are...or maybe I don't cavort with the right people.

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But that doesn't mean men don't have a voice in the discussion.


Especially since most people would argue that men are at fault for the negative implications.


Again, I have to say this is an example of personal vs. corporate responsibility, and in the end, in my opinion, corporate responsbility ends at the bottom line, and person responsibility never really ends.


I agree wholeheartedly, otherwise, we wouldn

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More or less, that for an hour and a half. Not a good movie (Jason Lee is pretty awesome as always), but you won't be able to turn away.


I apologize for being a chauvanist pig, by the way.


I sold shoes to that woman (JLH) when I was living in L.A... She was just as hot in person. Even when she wasn't all caked with make-up..

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I sold shoes to that woman (JLH) when I was living in L.A... She was just as hot in person. Even when she wasn't all caked with make-up..


BTW - This was also pre big ass (2002 if I recall).. I think I like the big ass look even better..

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She may be physically attractive but intelligence is way more alluring than anything she has to offer.


Yes, because talking quantam physics during sex is a real turn on. How do you decide which women to approach when your at a bar, a library, a Starbucks, or wherever? Do you give them IQ tests?


i would set up a five-night residency in her ass...while Charo watched. i looked at that gif for about 45 seconds and it almost compelled me to rob a 7-11 and send the $ to her.


if her posterior ran for the presidency w/ beyonce's as the running mate...even on the republican ticket...i'd vote for them.


Best post ever! I would not only vote for Shakira's ass, I would volunteer on her campaign!

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This thread gave me a massive headache. That Naomi Wolf book is good. "Survival of the Prettiest" is another one and it's amazing...it's like the "Fast Food Nation" of beauty culture. Did you know that a while back they made the Columbia Pictures logo chick thinner? They narrowed her waist. How stupid is that? How absolutely, ridiculously pointless!! The money that went in to that could have gone to so many better things.


I don't know how it works for other chicks, but I can't do the whole, "Yeah he's hot!" thing based on a photo of a fella alone. Unless, the photo shows him making an awesome looking baked ziti, holding a copy of Durant's "Story of Philosophy," writing a check to St.Jude's, and cracking everyone else in the photo up with his keen sense of humor all at once. That photo might make me purrrr a bit.


I just can't get hot and bothered over a celebrity guy (or girl, for that matter) unless I've read or watched an interview that led me to believe that they vibe on my wavelength. Even then, it's nothing like the awesomeness of what I'd consider real sexual attraction which only happens when you get next to a person and it takes everything you've got to keep from touching them.


With folks like Jessica Simpson, I mostly just think to myself "Wow. That's an impressive hip to waist ratio she's go there." or "Gee, look at the symmetry and masculine jaw line on that guy's face." I know what the popular standards of beauty are (and yes, Jessica meets them) but they don't really do it for me, personally. :D

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