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Why come Republicans never cry about tax breaks for these folks??

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The price of bread has gone up 50% in the last year also, I don't see much concern about that though.

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[quote name='JUDE

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It doesn't cost as much to fill my belly with bread as it does to fill my gas tank with gas. At the risk of sounding exceptionally stupid, higher energy prices force the price of everything else upward with it.

We just had a price increase on beer here. This shit has gone too far! :lol

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It doesn't cost as much to fill my belly with bread as it does to fill my gas tank with gas. At the risk of sounding exceptionally stupid, higher energy prices force the price of everything else upward with it.



I understand how energy prices have an effect upon the prices of goods, however my argument is that everyone feel's we are being raped by the big evil oil companies, yet are oblivious to the possibility that they are being fleeced by everyone else under the guise of increased transportation costs. I will argue the it doesn't cost 50% more today to transport that same truck load of bread as it did last year. Furthermore I have seen fuel surcharges on nearly every invoice that comes through our doors, it's funny because we do 90% of our business electronically and actual shipping or handling of our product has become a thing of the past.

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$2.80 a gallon in 1981 is probably around $10.00 today. Gas is still cheap (historically), and I don't think having a Democrat in office has anything to do with it either.

In IRDB's defense:

Not sure that people really read the title of the graph - it's in today's dollars. So when he says it's more expensive now, it's correct. If you want to argue other factors like previous artificial price reductions, that's legit.


Not in IRDB's defense:

Why come? Dude.

And I think people jump all over you and your arguments less for the content than the way you present them. Just a thought.

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In IRDB's defense:

Not sure that people really read the title of the graph - it's in today's dollars. So when he says it's more expensive now, it's correct. If you want to argue other factors like previous artificial price reductions, that's legit.

Yes, I missed that. Thanks.

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Oh no, the price of gas in America, which was kept artificially low for 2 decades, is just now catching up to something that the rest of the world can even comprehend.

I don't live in the rest of the world.

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All of which points directly to a common sense solution - alternative fuels.


FORGET GLOBAL WARMING! Even if it's BS (which I doubt) there are so many good reasons to go full-bore on investing in other ways to get around - I'm not going to quibble about which would be best, I'll leave that for the "experts." But if we got together and quit bickering this would be doable - and probably cheaper.

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FORGET GLOBAL WARMING! Even if it's BS (which I doubt) there are so many good reasons to go full-bore on investing in other ways to get around - I'm not going to quibble about which would be best, I'll leave that for the "experts."


Unfortunately, the "experts" aren't doing so well either. Instead, they choose to invest in things like ethanol which is arguably worse than oil.

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Before we get all Karl Marxy and Kurt Englesy, remember one thing:


Corporations don't pay taxes. Stockholders do.


Stockholders, who include plutocrats, pension funds and your grandmother.


Are excess profits good? Probably not as bad as the huge bonuses that the corporate executives will pay themselves.


Now back to the grandstanding.

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