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Cryptogramophone Nights @ Jazz Standard, NYC

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Meant to post this earlier, but I was wondering if anyone made the Nels Cline Singers show(s) last night or is going to see the Scott Amendola Band and the Singers tonight. I'd love to hear reports.


Unfortunately I could only make it to the first night of Crypto week, on Wednesday, which was great. The first set featured the Jeff Gauthier Goatette. The five-piece band played a couple songs off their upcoming record, House of Return, which will be released in June. Gauthier on violin and David Witham on piano and keyboards gives this group an interesting sound, plus you have the incomparable Alex Cline on percussion. One tune they played was Nels' rather rocking composition, Satellites and Sideburns, off the new one. And then they took it down for a contemplative rendition of Bill Evans' Time Remembered, before closing with the opening cut, Ahfufat, off the last Goatette record.


Then Nels and Alex, in a rare duo performance, came back to play the second set. Nels said they didn't really know what they were going to do, but they wound up doing a few improvised pieces that really allowed Alex to shine behind the drum kit with Nels adding some electronic touches. They closed the set with a version of Paul Motian's Inspiration From a Vietnamese Lullaby (or at least as much of it as Nels said he could remember).


Anyway, it was a great night to kick off what I'm sure will be another great week at the Jazz Standard. I hear Charlie Hunter is sitting in with the Scott Amendola Band tonight in the early set in case that helps motivate anyone to get down there in the next 90 minutes or so. :thumbup

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I was really impressed with the club. It was very intimate, and the sound was superb. I got there relatively early and got a spot right down front as I'd wanted, a few seats back from the front, but at an angle where I had a perfect view of Nels the whole night.


Charlie Hunter sat in with the Scott Amendola Band--Nels, Scott, and Jenny Scheinman. I wasn't sure what to expect since I guessed they hadn't had a lot of time to rehearse, but they were spot-on for the whole set. In fact, I thought they sounded better than the line-up I'd heard on their last album, Believe. They opened with a new song called Lima Bean, a hard-driving, high-spirited, funky groove. It was such a fun tune. They also played a few songs off of Believe--Buffalo Bird Woman and Oladipo--and closed with Diana Maria, from their first album. They played a few other songs, too, but I didn't remember the titles. One had Lullabye in the title, I do remember that (and wasn't Lullabye for Ian, which the Singers played later). Jenny Scheinman was mesmerizing. She and Nels were at opposite sides of the stage, and I found myself having a hard time deciding where to look most of the time. Scott is also a great bandleader--warm, funny, and encouraging--not to mention an amazing drummer. It was great to be close enough to watch how all four of them encouraged one another while they played.


The set was recorded and will be available for purchase and download on Scott's website sometime this week.


I had extremely high expectations for the Nels Cline Singers, and somehow they still managed to exceed them. They opened the first set with Lullabye for Ian and closed with a song from the Nels Cline Trio's album Silencer called Exiled. The highlight of that set for me was an explosive version of A Mug Like Mine from Instrumentals. They played around with a lot of effects, which some (like the two polo-shirted frat boy types next to me) didn't like, but the crowd on the whole was really responsive, and the place was packed.


By the time the late set rolled around, the room had cleared out quite a bit. There were maybe 25 people, if that. They were a little looser then, going off on more tangents, having more fun. Nels played his ass off--not that he doesn't always, but he was even more intense than he'd been earlier in the night. I loved watching his hand become a blur as he strummed quick flurries of notes. A few times, he just let his head drop back and yelled while he was playing. They opened with the Andrew Hill song Dedication, and the set was filled with a lot of what Nels called "executive decisions," last-minute changes. He was a bit more chatty. He said he's not much of a storyteller on stage, but he told a story after Blues, Too about the guitarist Jim Harris (to whom the song is dedicated) having the courage to play for Ornette Coleman's Science Fiction sessions when "another guitarist, who shall remain nameless" was too chicken to do it. I really wanted to ask him who the guitarist was! They also played Fly, Fly, Attempted (this may have actually been during the first set--I wish I'd remembered to write down the setlists when I was there!), and a rollicking version of Confection. In between, they kept coming back to this Sonic Youth-tinged surf pop tune Nels humorously calls Thurstonious.


The two new(ish) songs were stand-outs for me--a great rocking jam called Vamp, which Nels dedicated to Charlie Hunter "because he's a FREAK!" and an untitled song that was lovely. It started out with a quiet, somewhat simple melody that Nels kept repeating. Just when it started to seem like it might get monotonous, Scott came in with a clatter of effects that built up to a powerful full-band finish. It was a very moving song for me, made even more moving by the fact that it led into an absolutely gut-wrenching version of Something About David H. By the end of it, Nels was playing with such ferocity that his shirt collar flew up, and he seemed a little dazed as they took their final bows and left the stage.


I got a chance to talk with him for a few minutes at the end of the night. That last song seemed to completely wipe him out, so I didn't stick around for long, but it was nice to chat a little. I'd written to him a few months ago, and strangely enough I got a letter back from him Thursday, so I wanted to thank him for that. He knew me by name, which made me get all :wub He's such an incredibly gracious and genuine guy.


What a great night of music. Both of these bands are brave, raw, generous, and wholehearted in their playing. No BS, no showing off--just musicians with a deep respect for one another and an amazing amount of talent. The whole night felt like a gift, and one I was extremely grateful for.


Okay, I've gushed enough... :blush

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Thanks for the review! I'm seeing the Singers here in about 6 weeks and I'm more excited for that show than any I've seen in a long time.

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Thanks for the review! I'm seeing the Singers here in about 6 weeks and I'm more excited for that show than any I've seen in a long time.

Are they playing down your way or are you coming to Chicago??



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Three days later I'm still amazed by how great they were. I was worried I was going in with expectations that were too high, but they really impressed me. I'm coming out for a few of the Midwest shows then heading up to Montreal (my first time in Canada!) to catch their show with Scarnella. Nels and Carla play together so rarely anymore that I don't want to miss them.

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Are they playing down your way or are you coming to Chicago??



They're playing in Indy on my friend Alan's (the dude you met in Lafayette) birthday.


Off topic - the reunited Return To Forever ( Chick, Al , Stanley!) are in Indy at the end of June. You should come down. :thumbup

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I was planning on seeing the Singers in Chicago, but Martyr's is 21+. However, the Singers are playing at the High Noon Saloon in Madison, and it's 18+, which means I get to see them!


I have been waiting to see Nels outside of Wilco for a long time. I tried to see him with Glenn Kotche when they played Chicago, but that show was 21+, and I tried to see him with the Scott Amendola Band at the Empty Bottle in Chicago, but that show was 21+. I mean I know the venues need to sell alcohol in order to make ends meet, but I'll pay for the alcohol that I won't drink anyways. I just want to see the show, not get drunk.


But great review Three dollars and 63 cents and thanks for sharing though I think you had a typo with the name Jim Hall since I remember reading from the liner notes of "The Giant Pin" that the song "Blues, Too" is dedicated to him.

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Thanx for the post $3.83,


That was a pleasure to read . . .


Nels had surf guitarist Dick Dale on his phone machine message in 93 . . .


. . . when I saw Scarnella this year it was 10 days b4 the residency shows and, as you pointed out, he was recovering from an arm injury so he performed by just using effects with Carla's guitar & voice as the source . . . amazing that he can be so creative without even playing his instrument . . .


our local straight ahead jazz station used to play a cut off "Silencer" it was the Gil Evans piece.


keep writing :thumbup

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Three days later I'm still amazed by how great they were. I was worried I was going in with expectations that were too high, but they really impressed me. I'm coming out for a few of the Midwest shows then heading up to Montreal (my first time in Canada!) to catch their show with Scarnella. Nels and Carla play together so rarely anymore that I don't want to miss them.


Thanks a lot for the review, Three dollars and 63 cents! Sounds like it was a great night. I like the Jazz Standard as a venue and the food is pretty stellar as well. I'm looking forward to a couple of the Singers gigs in June, although I *really* wish that I could make it up to Montreal for Scarnella. Some other time, for sure.


By the way, I got an e-mail from Jenny Scheinman (she is awesome) a couple of days ago and noticed this line at the bottom, among her upcoming gigs:

-October 28 through Nov 2 at The Village Vanguard with Jason Moran (piano), Rudy Royston (drums) and Nels Cline (guitar)


Now that will be an absolutely killer band! :dancing


P.S. WaronWar, I know Nels was highly bummed about the Martyr's gig being 21+, but I guess it was out of his control this time because of the people that booked the tour.

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Thanks for the tip about those shows at the Vaguard. I'll definitely be trying to make a trip down for one of those. My trip to the city last weekend was a lot more manageable than I expected it to be, so I'm up for doing it again.


Right now I'm trying to figure out how I can see the Singers the most for the least amount of travel. I know they're playing two sets in Minneapolis and Indianapolis, but Minneapolis is way too far from the other cities for me to make it work. Did somebody mention they're playing two sets in Madison? I can't find confirmation of that on the club's website. Right now I'm building a Frankenstein's monster of a possible travel itinerary involving buses and trains. It's surprisingly not that expensive, but it's going to involve a lot of time for me on big things with wheels :uhoh


WarOnWar, you're right about it being Jim Hall. I meant to double check that before I posted it, and I forgot.

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I am not sure if they are playing two sets at Madison, but I do know there is an opener and the show starts at 8, which means I think there might be only one set. But I could and hope to be wrong.

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whats the deal witht he nels solo shows? I am a noob to his work outside of wilco.

I will be in Montreal the weekend he is playing and was thinking of going to check him out.

Where can I find some of the music that he might be playing up there??


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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whats the deal witht he nels solo shows? I am a noob to his work outside of wilco.

I will be in Montreal the weekend he is playing and was thinking of going to check him out.

Where can I find some of the music that he might be playing up there??


Any help is greatly appreciated.


If I'm not mistaken, he'll be doing a set with his band, the Nels Cline Singers up there, as well as a set with Carla Bozulich under their Scarnella moniker. In terms of the Singers, track down a copy of their latest record, Draw Breath, for sure. And if you get ambitious, then also pick up the one before that, The Giant Pin. You should be able to find those fairly easily online through the usual sources.


In terms of Scarnella, they have a record as well, although whether they'll do anything off that at the show is anyone's guess. That could just end up being some improv pieces with Nels and Carla. I don't know; I've never seen them live (you should go, though, because it's a rare thing indeed for the two of them to play a set together given their busy schedules.) Either way, I'm sure it will be a night to remember. :thumbup

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They're playing in Indy on my friend Alan's (the dude you met in Lafayette) birthday.


Off topic - the reunited Return To Forever ( Chick, Al , Stanley!) are in Indy at the end of June. You should come down. :thumbup

Yea, I should. Let's see what I can do.


Waronwar....Martyr's is intolerant of under 21 year olds at 21+ shows sadly....it is just a few days before TGs 21st so I doubt if I can even get her in.



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  • 4 weeks later...

For anybody who's interested, the Scott Amendola Band's set from the April 25 show at Jazz Standard is available to buy on Scott's website. The band featured Charlie Hunter, Jenny Scheinman, Nels, and Scott. It was an excellent set, and the recording sounds great.


Remember that the Singers hit the road a week from tomorrow, playing in Minneapolis June 1, Madison June 2, Chicago June 3, Indianapolis June 4, Ann Arbor June 5, Charlottesville (VA) June 6, and Montreal June 8. Aside from about ten days in Europe, these could very well be the Singers' only shows outside of California this year, so don't miss them! Links to all the venues can be found on the calendar part of Nels's website. Tickets for most of the shows are around $20, I think.


I'll be in Chicago, Indianapolis, Ann Arbor, and Montreal. Hopefully I'll get to meet some more VCers. Nels will also be playing with Carla Bozulich's Evangelista June 7 in Montreal.

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Looks like Nels is also hitting some spots with ROVA/Nels Cline Celestial Septet as well. I guess I now have plans for this Wednesday!


May 28


San Francisco, CA


May 29

Kuumbwa Jazz Center

Santa Cruz, CA


May 30

Palm's Playhouse

Winters, CA

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Does anybody know who else is in the septet besides Nels and Scott Amendola? I only know Scott is because these shows are listed on his website.

According to a SF Examiner article:


"This Wednesday night, at Yoshi's in San Francisco, the Nels Cline Singers (with Devin Hoff on bass, and Scott Amendola on drums and electronics) team up with another of my all-time favorite genre-busting units, Rova Saxophone Quartet, melding as the Celestial Septet."

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