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Beulah Fans!! - Miles Kurosky....

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  • 1 year later...

Miles is in the news again! This time ... at Pitchfork!




copied here for your reading pleasure ... ;)


Former Beulah Frontman Miles Kurosky Prepares Debut Solo Album


Around the turn of the decade, the San Francisco indie pop crew Beulah cranked out ornate, catchy Beach Boys pastiches, generating themselves some serious buzz in the process. But after releasing beloved albums like 1999's When Your Heartstrings Break and 2001's The Coast Is Never Clear, Beulah broke up in 2004, and we haven't heard much from the band's principals since.


Well, former Beulah frontman Miles Kurosky has signed with the Shout! Factory subsidiary Majordomo, home to the Airborne Toxic Event, the Von Bondies, and Earlimart. And he's just finished work on a solo album, which is set for a March 2010 release. A U.S. tour will follow.

In a press release, Kurosky said, "Shout! Factory made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Needless to say, I've never been happier to find the head of a horse between my sheets. I'm very excited to be part of the 'family.'"







And I guess he has a website, nothing much there yet "until the missus learns how to build a website." :lol

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  • 2 months later...

I can't wait to hear this new album. Plus gotta catch one of these shows! :w00t


article here:






3 Song EP Available On iTunes Tuesday, January 12


January 6, 2010, 10:46 PM


by altsounds


Miles Kurosky (ex-Beulah) has announced national tour dates for March and April following the release of his solo debut, The Desert of Shallow Effects, March 9 on Majordomo Records / Shout! Factory. Touring with a full band, Miles will be hitting several major markets, including Austin, TX for SXSW. These dates will be the first chance in several years for fans to see Miles perform live. A 3-song EP preview of the album will be available exclusively on iTunes starting Tuesday, January 12.


For Miles Kurosky, former leader of indie-rock heroes Beulah, the six years since the demise of the San Francisco-based band have been tumultuous. In addition to writing the most personal and sophisticated music of his career, he got married, but also suffered from severe shoulder problems that made playing the guitar—and even lifting his arm—impossible and required two reconstructive surgeries. Then, just as he was recuperating, that horror was followed by kidney troubles that also required hospital time. “When you're having a surgery every few months for a couple years, you don’t do anything, really,” says Miles, explaining the lengthy break between Beulah’s final release and his first solo. “You just kind of hang around. Your main thing is not being in pain.”


For Kurosky, the period dominated by his illnesses and convalescence provided ample time for self-reflection and an opportunity to reassess his identity. “I wanted to evolve,” he says. “We all want to be something greater than what we truly are when we stare at ourselves naked in the mirror.” It ultimately emerged as a larger-than-life post-pop masterwork, its tracks a pastiche of all manner of stringed instruments and keyboards, horns and percussion—all in service to the voice and words of Miles Kurosky.


For fans of Beulah who’ve been wondering for so long now when that band’s creative center would re-emerge and what direction he might take, The Desert of Shallow Effects, produced by Kurosky and former Beulah member Eli Crews (Deerhoof, Why?), will feel comfortable but also surprising and fresh. “To me this album sounds like a logical progression, almost as if I was still in Beulah and I took it to another level. I think it’s different but only because I’m different as a human being and as a songwriter.”




and from his myspace Jan 6 2010:




O Cracker Barrel, my Cracker Barrel! Our fearful trip has just begun. How I miss your grandmotherly embrace and your delightfully mass produced faux rustic décor. Not to mention your charming and utterly authentic clientele, who, when not waiting for the rapture and praying for lower taxes, gorge on your better than Denny’s home cooking. I can almost hear them whisper “You know, Obama’s gonna take away our guns and pot roast. It’s on page 9,992 of section A, subsection G, paragraph 3, line 4 of his socialist manifesto.” O Cracker Barrel, fear not. The tree of liberty will be watered with your delicious gravy…


.. ..


Well, you get the picture. Like the ill fated Kurtz, I’m going up river, into the belly of the beast…the horror. Tour dates are below.


March 16 - Dallas, TX - The Cavern


March 17, 18, 19 - Austin, TX (SXSW)


March 20 - Houston, TX - Rudyards


March 22 - Nashville, TN - The Basement


March 24 - Washington, DC - DC 9


March 25 - Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda's


March 26 - New York, NY - Mercury Lounge


March 27 - Allston, MA - Great Scott


March 29 - Pittsburgh, PA - Brillobox


March 30 - Columbus, OH - The Basement


April 1 - Chicago, IL - Schubas


April 2 - Minneapolis, MN - 400 Bar


April 3 - Omaha, NE - The Waiting Room


April 5 - Denver, CO - Larimer Lounge


April 7 - Los Angeles, CA - The Echo


April 8 - San Francisco, CA - Bottom Of The Hill


April 9 - Portland, OR - Doug Fir Lounge


April 10 - Seattle, WA - The Tractor

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  • 2 months later...

I listened to it on the way to Chicago last weekend, loved it, started listening to it a second time but decided against it because I was in really bad traffic and it didn't deserve that!




I definitely want to catch a show still, undecided where.

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I am fairly underwhlemed by it so far. I feel it's lacking and I have the feeling of "this is all we get after a six year wait?"



If you have been following the trials and tribulation of Miles over the past 6 years (see excerpt below from Beulah website, a 2007 entry), then I think this record has a much more profound impact on you. Take an hour to put on some headphones and read the lyrics (in the CD insert) as you listen. It's quite a visceral experience; pain, loss, shame, love, hope. This record is a glimpse into the Hell where he has been the past 5-6 years. I think it's an amazing piece of work, and I am so happy that Miles is back. It's really quite startling when you realize how dark and sad some of these songs are, when on first-listen they seem like happy, sugary poppy songs on the surface. Total sick irony.



from: http://www.beulahmania.com/news/2007news.html

Hello friends of Beulah,


Since many of you have been asking about the status of Miles' solo album we thought this might be a good time for an update. Here's the good news: Miles is about 70% finished with the record. He just needs to add the vocals and some minor instrumentation. Now for the bad news: As was previously mentioned in the older news section, Miles had two surgeries on his shoulder in 2005/2006 which prevented him from playing guitar for about a year. Around this same time he was diagnosed with a disease of his large intestine/colon which has led to some problems with his kidney. After visiting the emergency room on 4/24, he was scheduled for surgery 48 hours later. Unfortunately there were some concerns with his blood work and the risk of cardiac arrest so his surgery was rescheduled for this past Friday. The surgery was a success and he's doing well. Here are a couple of pictures. The reason this is noteworthy is because Miles was scheduled to finish recording on April 30th. That said, all recording is canceled until he recovers.

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Yeah, I had read that on the Beulah site back when it was originally posted. The album just doesn't do it for me though. I know I should spend more time with it but...I purchased it off of i-tunes, so no lyrics for me. I'll wait for a cheap used copy to show up...

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  • 2 weeks later...

The San Francisco gig turned out to be a mini Beulah reunion--I mean, even more so, what with two guys from the last touring incarnation of Beulah already in the band. Bill Swan chipped in on trumpet and backing vocals, and he generally goofed around with Miles. For the encore, they took and attempted requests from the audience (I got my "Silver Lining"!), and at the very end, they turned the mic over to a longtime fan who actually had a pretty good handle on "Maroon Bible." Miles joked that when the evening turns into Beulah karaoke, it's probably time to call it a night. Miles vowed that he's never going to tour again. While I hope this isn't true, I'm glad I got to see him and his band all the times I did. :D

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