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So, who on the board do you feel that you have the most in common with?

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Great! Someone new to bore with my Stuffies stories!! I think quarter will be more than happy to pass the torch. :dancing


I don't think that I own anything by them, though. But I did used to play their records when I was a college DJ.


Looks like it's time to pick up some Wonder Stuff.

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Great! Someone new to bore with my Stuffies stories!! I think quarter will be more than happy to pass the torch. :dancing

If the torch must be passed, so be it. I'd like those guys better if they stretched their songs out 30-40 minutes or so. Just sayin'. :wave

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There are countless people here whose taste I trust, but off the top of my head I'm thinking especially about Kidsmoke, MattZ, TheMaker, and solace.

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I don't think that I own anything by them, though. But I did used to play their records when I was a college DJ.


Looks like it's time to pick up some Wonder Stuff.



My husband and I flew to London in 2000 for their week of reunion shows. So yeah, I'm kind of a fan. :lol

I've been fortunate enough to meet most of my Brit Pop heroes over the last 10 years, which is totally cool, and I know Miles, the singer for The Wonder Stuff.

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I always check out what the Brit contingent (including honourary Brit Bridget) are going on about.


I think this qualifies as one of the nicest things anyone has ever said about me... :yes


As far as introducing me to stuff that I tend to fall in love with, I'd go with Tualla, Kyle & those Rich guys across the pond.

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I hadn't been able to scrobble my last.fm stats lately since I switched to Mediamonkey (kicks itunes and winamps asses). That all changed yesterday.




In the now listening posts I'm always interested what our British friends are listening to.

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mediamonkey can scrobble now? shit, i downloaded it like a month ago & it wasn't really working then. i loved it though.


It took a bit of tweaking to do, but eventually I was able to get MM and Winamp to scrobble at the same time. :dancing

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I use foobar on the computer and XBMC through the television. It's a good setup, someone can listen on the headphones at the computer while someone else is listening through XBMC on the big living room speakers and both folks can scrobble to their respective accounts at the same time.

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I guess I would have to say I have the most in common with anyone who is a fan of:


Tom Waits

Bob Dylan

Elvis Costello

Dr. Dog

M. Ward

Dr. John

Patti Smith

David Bowie

Jesse DeNatale


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I scrobble on last.fm like it's my job. I use the handle I use almost everywhere (except here thanks to a judicious admin). iPod, on the computer, I probably piss off my roommates with stuff like Anodyne and The Soft Bulletin among other things that are constantly played.


Not too sure on who I'm similar to here...but I'm certain last.fm can take care of that business for me.


Tracks played: 16' date='773[/quote']


That's a goddamn lot of tracks. I haven't been on last.fm for a long time but I had it tap into history to get some numbers.

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  • 5 months later...
Of the people that regularly post in the Now Playing thread--as these are the only ones that I can get a good enough idea of their musical tastes--I'd say Cortez, PopTodd, llynn and Froggie are the ones that most often listen to stuff I have and like. Of course there are numerous other posts from other people in that thread that I quite like too :).


If I recall our tastes were quite similar over at that other place. ;)


I don't post here often enough. I was looking through the Via Chicago last.fm group, and I seem to have medium-to-low compatibility with most people here. I don't put too much stock into last.fm's algorithm thingy, but most of my "super" neighbors are Westerberg/Mats/Neko/Ryan people.


(Now I feel guilty for letting Wilco slide too far down my list.)

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