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I just locked my keys in my car

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i seem to have recently acquired dyslexia, the past 3 mornings i've put the cereal in the fridge and the milk in the cupboard. furthermore, i remembered i forgot my books, ran back upstairs to grab them, and then ended up fetching my hat instead. and i made a fool of myself asking someone if they'd seen my glasses when i had them on.



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I backed over the protective flap in the back of my brand new lawnmower and the blade chopped it up and then the mower wouldn't start again. It took my 45 min. to remove the shredded remains from the back while simultaneously feeding and bathing three kids, and now the mower is working again. Yay me.


And yes, I feed them while they're in the tub. It's just easier that way.

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i filled a trash bag with winter clothes to store in the attic, and another trash bag with no-longer-wanted clothes to take to goodwill.


guess which bag got taken to goodwill.

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i filled a trash bag with winter clothes to store in the attic, and another trash bag with no-longer-wanted clothes to take to goodwill.


guess which bag got taken to goodwill.

Hey, at least there'll be some sharp (albeit very hot) looking bums walking around your town

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Yeah, and bring them the other bag! :thumbup


Lammy, alternatively you could make the kids go outside to eat. That works too. Then you just, ah, mow up whatever scraps they leave all over the yard. We'll call that, Parenting Tip #41.


(For parenting tips 1 through 40, please send a SASE and $5.95 to me.)

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I backed over the protective flap in the back of my brand new lawnmower and the blade chopped it up and then the mower wouldn't start again. It took my 45 min. to remove the shredded remains from the back while simultaneously feeding and bathing three kids, and now the mower is working again. Yay me.


And yes, I feed them while they're in the tub. It's just easier that way.


That's so smart it totally undoes the dumbness of running over the protective flap which, frankly, wasn't that protective if it's that easy to destroy. That's not you; that's faulty manufacturing.


Today's dumb move: deciding to make jam out of two quarts of cherries that require pitting less than 24 hours before leaving for a trip. I don't have clean laundry to take to Detroit, but coddamn I've got six half-pint jars of jam! Maybe I'll just wear that while I''m in Motown.

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I do so many stupid things every day there's no way to begin to tell about them.

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Hey, at least there'll be some sharp (albeit very hot) looking bums walking around your town

:lol the bums dress better than i do, so hey, now we'll all look alike.


this actually happened two days ago but was discovered today (i seem to make it a point never to complete a small project in one day when i can stretch it out to three or four). but yes, d, i'll take the real bag over there, and thank you for that hot tip! :hug

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