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Honestly, I'd recommend the whole catalog.


If you want the more acoustic stuff, try The Creek Drank The Cradle.


If you want full-band stuff, it's hard to beat the latest one, The Shepherd's Dog.

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Our Endless Numbered Days is probably Sam Beam's best and most accessible. Highly recommended.


Agreed. LOVE this album. The others were a little flat for me. But OEND is one of the best records of the '00's IMHO.

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The Creek Drank the Cradle is one of my all time favorite records, it's beautiful. Great album in the autumn. Our Endless Numbered Days is good though I don't think it's on the same level as The Creek. The EPs are all really strong as well, The Sea and the Rhythm, In the Reins, and of course Woman King.

Basically their all good, though I didn't get really into the last one like I did for all the other releases. It is a great album to listen to on headphones though, most of the songs "link" together and the album is mixed really well, it's so deep and wide.

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Honestly, I'd recommend the whole catalog.


If you want the more acoustic stuff, try The Creek Drank The Cradle.


If you want full-band stuff, it's hard to beat the latest one, The Shepherd's Dog.


correct answer

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I have a theory that the songs aren't as good on that one was they were on the previous two albums, so he tried to cover it up with elaborate arrangements.

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I don't think the songs on Shepherd are as strong as past efforts, but I also don't think it has anything to do with the more elaborate production.

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No, I didn't mean that the arrangements ruined that record, if anything they helped but it seems like they were just trying to cover up the lack of good songs. There were no songs that stuck out like Upward Over the Mountain, Jezebel, or Passing Afternoon.

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i dunno if i'd say it's his best, but i'm failing to see the difference in quality between his 3 proper studio records and various EP's... maybe i'm just a fanboy, but there's 3-4 songs on Shepherd's Dog that are up there with Sam's best work (Carousel especially)

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I still think OEND is head and shoulders above the others, if only for the fact that it contains two staggeringly perfect songs in Sodom South Georgia and Naked As We Came. They're fucking stunning, almost as if they'd always existed and were simply plucked from out of the ether by Sam. Most artists will never produce anything on that level.

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I love 'em all, and I have a hard time understanding what people don't like about The Shepherd's Dog.


"Resurrection Fern" is absolutely gorgeous. I'm not the kind of person who puts a single song on repeat, but I've done it with that song. :yes

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I love 'em all, and I have a hard time understanding what people don't like about The Shepherd's Dog.


yeah, me either...


i mean if it's the more elaborate (it's still pretty minimal compared to many acts) arrangements that turned people off, i could somewhat understand (if disagree fully), but songwriting & lyrically i think he's only improved throughout the years.


when i first heard Woman King, i realized that Sam was going to take a different direction on his next album than those first 2, but for quite a while Woman King was my favorite thing he had done.

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It's not the production (or added instruments) that hinders the last album so much as it is the mix. One of Iron & Wine's strengths is his voice, and it's too buried behind instrumentation in the mix. The songs prove themselves strong and worthy in the live setting when the mix has a better blend and balance.


Our Endless Numbered Days is a masterpiece, although I like them all.

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I like Shepherd's Dog quite a bit, the songs might not be as strong individually as his earlier works, but I enjoy the album quite a bit as a whole. It's sort of like Graceland meets YHF or later-period Califone. Though not quite on that level. My favorite realease of Sam's might actually be the In the Reins EP, Iron and Wine did with Calexico.



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I find the Shepards Dog kind of boring..the rest is pretty good though.




i'm the opposite.

i think OEND was too repetitive, and then the eps didn't really change all that much.

i really like the arrangements and sound of SD.


i've still never heard Creek though.

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