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MLB 2008 Part 3, Take 2

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Props to me for shutting the TV off and going to bed when the Red Sox went down in the 9th with the game tied.

I finished a paper at 8:30-ish (MST) and was pleasantly surprised to find the game still going. Another close loss but it had it's share of moments.

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Props to me for shutting the TV off and going to bed when the Red Sox went down in the 9th with the game tied.

that was a good idea you had there. it was really hard to turn it off, though. the game was so tight and the score at a complete standstill after the first couple of innings. it went on so long that by the 9th the suspense was killing me.

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that was a good idea you had there. it was really hard to turn it off, though. the game was so tight and the score at a complete standstill after the first couple of innings. it went on so long that by the 9th the suspense was killing me.

Yeah, I finally turned it off and went to bed in the 11th.

As much as I like Mike Timlin, I don't think he's got anything left.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again, Kerry Wood needs to retire. I don't care how much money he generates for the club. he has risked game after game for the Cubs, single handedly. he almost cost us the game last night. it's time to go Kerry.

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Wood hasn't been terrible out of the bullpen, in general, this year. Not sure what kind of $ he actually generates for the club as he's been injured/washed up for the most part of the last 8-9 years.

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Wood hasn't been terrible out of the bullpen, in general, this year. Not sure what kind of $ he actually generates for the club as he's been injured/washed up for the most part of the last 8-9 years.



every time he comes up to close the last inning, I bite my nails. he inevitably loads up the bases pretty much EVERY TIME! my husband is fully prepared to boo him if he closes at the Mets games in a couple of weeks. it's frustrating as hell. when he's good he's good. when he's bad, he's absolutely awful.


he's actually been pretty good. some bad blown saves and close calls, but good.



no. he throws more pitches than should be necessary for a closer every time I see him play. he blew it the other night against the Cards, a team that we must beat. no no no. get rid of him!

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every time he comes up to close the last inning, I bite my nails. he inevitably loads up the bases pretty much EVERY TIME! my husband is fully prepared to boo him if he closes at the Mets games in a couple of weeks. it's frustrating as hell. when he's good he's good. when he's bad, he's absolutely awful.






He has great numbers this year. WHIP, especially. There's no way he's loading up the bases every time with a WHIP around 1. That means he averages 1 baserunner per inning. He's been a little worse since the all-star break, but not bad.


Closers can often be perceived as a lot worse than they are, since they're often in high pressure situations. It's easy to remember the bad and forget the good.

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so, they should get rid of their closer 3 weeks before the playoffs start?



yes. whatever his stats are, every time I see him play he either barely makes it through the inning or he blows it. he's blown it too many times and he could do it again and ruin our chances in the playoffs. the Cubs have other closers, like Carlos Marmol, that can do the job just fine. sorry, but I'm not waivering on this.

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One year, my favorite team's closer seemed like a disaster. Every time he entered the game, I gritted my teeth, because it was extremely rare that he'd have a 1-2-3 inning -- he usually gave up a hit or two, maybe with a walk thrown in, and possibly some runs. He was my least favorite player on the team, and I frequently complained to a friend of mine that the team should just get rid of him. I think my hair started going gray that year, and he was probably part of the reason.



The year: 1990

The team: Chicago White Sox

The closer: Bobby Thigpen, who just happened to set the MLB record that year with 57 saves, a record that still stands (though K-Rod will probably break it this month).

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yes. whatever his stats are, every time I see him play he either barely makes it through the inning or he blows it. he's blown it too many times and he could do it again and ruin our chances in the playoffs. the Cubs have other closers, like Carlos Marmol, that can do the job just fine. sorry, but I'm not waivering on this.

They are going to the playoffs.

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yes. whatever his stats are, every time I see him play he either barely makes it through the inning or he blows it. he's blown it too many times and he could do it again and ruin our chances in the playoffs. the Cubs have other closers, like Carlos Marmol, that can do the job just fine. sorry, but I'm not waivering on this.

Marmol's been just as hot and cold as Wood. And I don't know what the hell Samardzija did last Saturday, but I blame Notre Dame football for that turd of a performance. :yucky

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Marmol's been just as hot and cold as Wood. And I don't know what the hell Samardzija did last Saturday, but I blame Notre Dame football for that turd of a performance. :yucky

I can only remember Marmol having one short, bad patch -- post All-star break. He's made things interesting a few times, but I think he's been pretty amazing this year.

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