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Election Year!!!

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conventions are emotional events, for those there and, in various ways, for those watching from a distance. and then they end.


having seen palin speak (once before, last friday, like most everyone else), i knew that tonight she would charm, lower her voice this time, charm, talk tough, charm, highlight her "family values," charm, fake some knowledge of foreign relations issues, charm, and belittle & sneer at obama either covertly or overtly. (it turned out to be fairly overt, though no one will ever top guiliani, who i have to admit i always thought was a jackass.) i didn't know she'd lie, but conventions are for show in many ways, and she's not the first to have lied. not that i like it no matter who does it.


so that part is over now, and there will be, i think, a substantial bump for mccain in the polls.


if all this has anything to do with a "woman" candidate -- and of course it does -- i hope hillary clinton, who is far more substantive and experienced than palin -- will come forward and show the country once again, in her support for obama, the choice of her party, what true maturity and grasp of issues are all about.


mccain and his handlers were no dummies to pull this stunt almost within two months of election day. is that enough time for the glow to wear off and people to see the future for what it really will be under palin and mccain? i'm not at all sure. for a long time people were told they didn't know obama well enough. now suddenly he is old news. excitement can shadow truth fairly easily, and does all the time, and those republicans disappointed in mccain are now very excited about his extremely right-wing and attractive running mate.


i think (and hope) the debates will actually be meaningful this time around. palin is a very engaging performer -- you don't get as far as she did in the "miss alaska" contest or whatever it was without a lot of self-confidence and stage presence. we saw that tonight, for what it's worth when it comes to the pressing needs of the country and the world. may voters judge the debates on substance, that is my wish.


an end note: if i hear the maudlin & worshipful details about mccain's p.o.w. experience as leadership qualifications or empty patriotic rhetoric one more damn time i'm going to vomit. the repetition truly is like torture itself. and i certainly don't want to hear it even alluded to by obama one more time. talk about kissing feet.

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The convention is not for people of the other party. It's designed as one long ad for your party, which is why Democrats thought theirs was awesome, and Republicans thought it was condescending and empty.


That is why I can't wait to watch McCain/Palin get crushed in the debates. There is no way either of them will be able to think on their feet like Obama/Biden. Obama & Biden both talk in a way that we all understand, not like Kerry who used big words. We've seen McCain bumble around like an idiot over-and-over and it looks like Palin is good at reading a monitor. Their best bet is to avoid any debate.

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Not only does it make me vomit, it also seems very hypocritical thinking back both 4 years and 8 -- thinking of Kerry, and what happened with McCain/Bush in 2000 was just shameful. Not to mention Bush/Cheney both avoiding service like snide school children.

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That is why I can't wait to watch McCain/Palin get crushed in the debates. There is no way either of them will be able to think on their feet like Obama/Biden. Obama & Biden both talk in a way that we all understand, not like Kerry who used big words. We've seen McCain bumble around like an idiot over-and-over and it looks like Palin is good at reading a monitor. Their best bet is to avoid any debate.


You've seen Palin speak once, and by all accounts she was pretty well spoken and confident. I don't think her being steamrolled by Biden is a given (I said this a few days ago that she was the wildcard, she might really be able to go toe to toe with him), and McCain is always better on his toes than reading cards or prompters.


I expect the debates to be very good, and very firey. I don't expect much to be held back, and that scares me because I definitely think Biden will say something about Palin's daughter, which will hurt them alot since Obama said families are off limits.

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We've seen McCain bumble around like an idiot over-and-over and it looks like Palin is good at reading a monitor. Their best bet is to avoid any debate.


I'm thinking they will use a fake terrorist or media attack to get out of it. Perhaps exhaustion from all the unfair attacks on their family. Baby needs milk or something...

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You've seen Palin speak once, and by all accounts she was pretty well spoken and confident. I don't think her being steamrolled by Biden is a given (I said this a few days ago that she was the wildcard, she might really be able to go toe to toe with him), and McCain is always better on his toes than reading cards or prompters.


I expect the debates to be very good, and very firey. I don't expect much to be held back, and that scares me because I definitely think Biden will say something about Palin's daughter, which will hurt them alot since Obama said families are off limits.


Biden and Obama will not speak of such things, they don't have to. As far as Palin being a great speaker, anger and dirty looks with tight teeth are not considered a strong point in debates. She is very yucky and stings.Not good for a mom maverick. Obama and Biden have true confidence and smooth body language. Oh, and BTW, McCain/Palin said leave their families out of this shit, yet,they paraded Palin's fam all over the place today!Nice 200 shots of sleeping 4 month old.WTF?

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If he is better on his toes then he must be illiterate.


True dat. BobBob, for someone who says he refuses a vote on this one, you sure spend a great deal of time licking McCain's ass for him...and now Palin.


So are you voting in your local and state elections?Or, just not voting for anything all around..as a statement of sorts? Just asking. I mean you no harm :ermm

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The shot of the 7 year old licking her hand and smoothing down the baby's hair was pretty damn cute, I must admit.


But my favorite line of the night, by far, came from Olbermann: "I've heard it twice tonight, so I have to do this: P-U-N-D-I-T. It's pronounced pundit." :lol The same thing's been bugging me, the number of people who say "pundint". It's getting so that's more grating than than "nucular", for me.

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True dat. BobBob, for someone who says he refuses a vote on this one, you sure spend a great deal of time licking McCain's ass for him...and now Palin




I guess saying anything positive about him on this board could be considered licking his ass, so sure.


I'm going to start doing more research on local elections as they draw closer to see what I feel is important.

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proof of this quality? As I see it, every time he is on his own he gets angry and flustered. What jive are you being fed via Florida TV?


Well, I think you are so far gone on McCain that it's not really worth discussing his qualities, good or bad, but I've always felt he's more comfortable and likeable at the town hall style meetings and the debates than when he's reading scripted speeches.

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I don't think her being steamrolled by Biden is a given (I said this a few days ago that she was the wildcard, she might really be able to go toe to toe with him),


I'd love to hear her expand on McCain's nuclear energy plan. I like to hear anyone do that actually. Funny how they haven't mentioned it.

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Well, I think you are so far gone on McCain that it's not really worth discussing his qualities, good or bad, but I've always felt he's more comfortable and likeable at the town hall style meetings and the debates than when he's reading scripted speeches.


Scripted speeches annoy me from etiher side, unless they write them...which they rarely do.


But really, post even 10 things that McCain is about that do not involve flip-flopping to be prez, or go along with Bush...and don't say War hero or Maverick, or involve Palin's hockey vagina.

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Scripted speeches annoy me from etiher side, unless they write them...which they rarely do.


But really, post even 10 things that McCain is about that do not involve flip-flopping to be prez, or go along with Bush...and don't say War hero or Maverick, or involve Palin's hockey vagina.


How does this apply to what I was saying even a little bit? I'm not defending McCain's views, which I agree have changed quite a bit and have forced me to lose a ton of respect for him in the past few years. I was just saying I don't see the landslide in the debates that many of you do.


And for the record, republicans expect their guys to steamroll your guys in the debates.

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and so it will be. Please imagine a half drunk smiley laughing her ass off, I'm too tired to find one.


I'll find the smilie that represents neither side having realistic expectations about their chances in the debates.

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What about your local elections? Do they not count BobBob?




I guess saying anything positive about him on this board could be considered licking his ass, so sure.


I'm going to start doing more research on local elections as they draw closer to see what I feel is important.



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Fair enough considering that local and state elections just started yesterday...


I was just wondering how far you were going to push the "I'm not voting" jive. I respect your right not to vote though, but not in all elections.


That Reading Rainbow guy creeps me out. Is that still on? Yuck. On that note, good night BobBob. Have a fun nights sleep. I wish I was near a beach in Florida right now.

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McCain is always better on his toes than reading cards or prompters.


not sure about that. he definitely thrives in the "town hall" type of atmosphere, but behind a podium with no script? he has floundered and foundered before in that type of setting.

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And for the record, republicans expect their guys to steamroll your guys in the debates.

and they may be right. i can't claim much confidence in the big picture at this point. maybe optimism will creep back in overnight. but the sight of pod people applauding lies and performance art from an unknown charmer thrust out there by a wild-minded "presidential" nominee does lower my expectations a bit -- every time.

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and they may be right. i can't claim much confidence in the big picture at this point. maybe optimism will creep back in overnight. but the sight of pod people applauding lies and performance art from an unknown charmer thrust out there by a wild-minded "presidential" nominee does lower my expectations a bit -- every time.


I agree. I'm hoping they were drugged perhaps, or pods as you say.Where do they store the real people I wonder?

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