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The "society, media and gay people" thread

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you forgot redundant. you've soapboxed about the religious persecution of gays a bunch of times, is there some new development we missed?


we get it. certain people w/in certain religious faiths have fostered an atmosphere in which homosexuality can be defined as sinful, abhorrent, something to be despised

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You cannot discuss homophobia without acknowledging that which perpetuates and sustains it - it needed to be said.




Is that exclusive to religious people?

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I would also add that I think the hatred, dislike, etc., for homosexuals is more heavily created within the groupthink atmosphere of young boys and men who are in a constant battle to prove how masculine they are during their teen years.


There are definitely some religious aspects to these views for some, but when you hear the term "gay" being used in the pejorative sense, it's not because those people think it's sinful behavior.

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I would also add that I think the hatred, dislike, etc., for homosexuals is more heavily created within the groupthink atmosphere of young boys and men who are in a constant battle to prove how masculine they are during their teen years.


There are definitely some religious aspects to these views for some, but when you hear the term "gay" being used in the pejorative sense, it's not because those people think it's sinful behavior.



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I'd like to point out that being gay is not a sin. Having sex outside of marriage is, whether it's with a man or a woman. Since the Catholic church believes that marriage can only happen between a man and a woman, gays are pretty much left to live a celibate life if they don't want to sin. Same with heterosexuals who don't get married.


Whether you agree with that or not, is another thing.


I personally say to each his own. If you're not Catholic, have at it. If you are Catholic, maybe you need to reconsider.


At best, the Catholic Church

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I would also add that I think the hatred, dislike, etc., for homosexuals is more heavily created within the groupthink atmosphere of young boys and men who are in a constant battle to prove how masculine they are during their teen years.


There are definitely some religious aspects to these views for some, but when you hear the term "gay" being used in the pejorative sense, it's not because those people think it's sinful behavior.


I agree. It's the same type of mentality that men use to make their boys play football instead of soccer.

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Man, I hope one day we live in a world where nobody gives much of a crap if anybody is gay, so poor people like Clay Aiken won't have to state it like it's a big confession and assholes like People magazine won't be tempted to put it on their front cover. :hmm

big confession, or big publicity opportunity?

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I would also add that I think the hatred, dislike, etc., for homosexuals is more heavily created within the groupthink atmosphere of young boys and men who are in a constant battle to prove how masculine they are during their teen years.


There are definitely some religious aspects to these views for some, but when you hear the term "gay" being used in the pejorative sense, it's not because those people think it's sinful behavior.


I agree to an extent, but young boys are not responsible for current or future laws strictly defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman. Young boys are also not responsible for drawing parallels between whom one sleeps with and morality. Outside the halls of religion, there is nothing to suggest homosexuality is immoral.

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I agree. It's the same type of mentality that men use to make their boys play football instead of soccer.

...which is hilarious, because football players slap each other's asses a lot and tend to find themselves piled up on top of each other.

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I agree to an extent, but young boys are not responsible for current or future laws strictly defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman. Young boys are also not responsible for drawing parallels between whom one sleeps with and morality. Outside the halls of religion, there is nothing to suggest homosexuality is immoral.



They're not responsible but that's where their feelings are fostered and developed, and then they grow older. I'm not trying to absolve religion of any fault, I'm merely suggesting that there are other motivations behind people's prejudices than just religion.


I also don't think DOMA was solely passed based on religious viewpoints. It might be one small reason among many others. But solely blaming religion for all of society's ills is just as intellectually dishonest as not bringing up religious belief when discussing the challenges faced by homosexuals in this country.

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bleed orange


They're not responsible but that's where their feelings are fostered and developed, and then they grow older. I'm not trying to absolve religion of any fault, I'm merely suggesting that there are other motivations behind people's prejudices than just religion.


I agree that religion is not solely responsible for society

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i love your posts! not news, i know, but this one made me say it again. :cheekkiss

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Bob Barr wrote it and it passed both houses very easily and was signed by Clinton. I can only guess that your response to these facts will be that this is an example of religious dogma permeating all levels of our government. I see it as a more complex issue relating to history, the ability of individual states to set their own laws, with some personal or religious belief thrown in.

Or, more likely, the legislators who voted for it didn't want to be seen as "gay-friendly," and knew that it would hurt them less politically to vote for it.

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One of my least favorite things about that show is how it beats you over the head with this. The metaphor is obvious enough.

What? I understand your point but to my wife and me, "God hates fangs" is witty. Also, you know that if the premise was real that Fred Phelps would be saying 'God hates Fangs'. Lighten up! It is funny and true.

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Bob Barr wrote it and it passed both houses very easily and was signed by Clinton. I can only guess that your response to these facts will be that this is an example of religious dogma permeating all levels of our government. I see it as a more complex issue relating to history, the ability of individual states to set their own laws, with some personal or religious belief thrown in.


Don't forget election year politics. DOMA was passed in late September during an election year. Of course it is going to pass overwhelmingly. It's controversial, and if you vote against it you will get eaten alive by your political opponants right when you don't want them to be gaining an advantage. The current "bailout" hhas the same taint to it. But the democrats are not going to do it unless the GOP is on board, and in the long run they are not going to do it because it violates their supposed principles.

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