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This is a link to blogger comments from sarahsarmy.blogspot.com. Some of them are pretty funny. Interesting about the twitter timeline too.


Total fake.


Plus, wouldn't her eye be all bloodshot and stuff?


The robber is described as a dark-skinned black man, 6 feet 4 inches tall, 200 pounds with a medium build, short black hair and brown eyes.

I knew Obama was full of shit with that 'sick grandma in Hawaii' thing. He just had a hankerin' for some wilding.

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I am not going to be on for a few days so I figure I will throw in one more thing here and run....


People are complaining about lobbyists?? What the hell?? Lobbyists and special interests are how and why legislation gets done. Sad but true. If you don't know that you don't know much about how the government is run. Without them the legislatures of the world including Congress would be sitting twiddling their thumbs (which they do alot of anyway), because it is lobbyists and special interest groups that bring issues to be legislated on. Not all lobbyists are bad. They represent both the good and bad. Nearly every organization in America hires one, including charitable organizations, community organizations, educational institutions, etc. etc. We only hear about the scum bags but this is how it is done. A lobbying group brings an issue to a legislator and they work up a draft of legislation, which goes to committee...yadda yadda, school house rock, etc. Most legistlators don't think this shit up themselves.


Is the proponderance of lobbyists a bad thing when the ones with the most money and influence get the most action. Of course it is, I am not defending that. But to think that even third party candidates like the egomaniac Ralph Nader or Ron Paul or anyone else would govern without listening to special interests AND those who give them campaign contrabutions is just plain bullshit. (Read the little article on Ralph Nader in the New Yorker this week...funny stuff.)


Okay carry on.



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Awesome. So you spend a paragraph railing against something no one said, then agree with what was actually said, all the while

chipping a statue to your position that everyone simply has to vote for the candidate you like. Same tired bit from the last



Okay, carry on.



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Awesome. So you spend a paragraph railing against something no one said, then agree with what was actually said, all the while

chipping a statue to your position that everyone simply has to vote for the candidate you like. Same tired bit from the last



Okay, carry on.



Hey whatever.....I am not really sure you read what I write, but fine. I was reflecting back to something that was said pages ago. I know, I really shouldnt be interrupting the stupid bullshit thread that is going on now with something about how government works...how unbelieveably tacky of me.....


What does chipping a statue mean anyway?



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Awesome. So you spend a paragraph railing against something no one said, then agree with what was actually said, all the while

chipping a statue to your position that everyone simply has to vote for the candidate you like. Same tired bit from the last



Okay, carry on.




maybe he was responding to your reference to lobbyists in this post you wrote yesterday afternoon?:


"I don't think any of that elevates this election over any other or the next one. If anything I think they grow less important until there is some reform in place to clean up the process and take our[out?] the influence of lobbyists."

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:lol Is the B for Biden? Seriously, it's backwards, too.


But isn't that what she said? The article said the police could not substantiate her story.


I probably should stop talking before someone comes in here to tell me I'm a cold hearted biatch or something.

I'm with you, other Jen. A backwards B somehow means Obama?

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So in your imagination none of us have a grasp of what was said pages ago

or how the government works. Oh please, unkie Lou, do regale us with the

tale of how a bill becomes law...and please don't leave out the part about

how all the pork ends up in there.

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Ashley Todd 20, was robbed at a cash machine in Bloomfield, Pittsburgh.


The attacker put a knife to her throat and stole $60. But police said he then became angry when he saw a John McCain bumper sticker on her car.


He punched and kicked Miss Todd before using the knife to scratch the letter 'B' into her face.


Miss Todd refused to comment, but friends told the Tribune Review newspaper she was in Pittsburgh volunteering for the McCain-Palin campaign.


A police spokesman said she refused medical treatment after the assault.


Public Information Officer Diane Richard said police cannot substantiate her story, however, and the investigation is ongoing. There was no indication what the B refered to, she said.


The Obama-Biden campaign released a statement, condemning on the attack.


"Our thoughts and prayers are with the young woman for her to make a speedy recovery, and we hope that the person who perpetrated this crime is swiftly apprehended and brought to justice," it said.


The McCain-Palin campaign also released a statement saying, "The McCain campaign is aware of the incident involving one of its volunteers.


"Out of respect, the campaign won't be commenting. The campaign also confirms that Senator McCain and Governor Palin have both spoken to the woman."


Despicable! Obviously no comparison to a direct physical attack, but a friend of my brother's had all four of her car tires slashed for having a personalized license plate that says "OBAMA" in Texas. What is wrong with people. I mean this dude was obviously already robbing her, so he wasn't a good guy to begin with, but still to take the extra time because of the candidate she supports... sickening! I've said it before, but politics in this country has come to resemble the worst of Red Sox/Yankees fans.

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October Surprise.


This this has hoax written all over it.


if the B was carved, i'm wondering why 12 hours later it just looks a semi-pale red with no blood or other evidence of actual cutting or carving. if that thing had been carved with a knife, some skin would have been broken and there would be dried blood. it does look fishy.


too bad no one loves obama enough to do this to herself. i don't; gee, i almost feel guilty.

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How the hell is McCain gaining ground in FLA?


sympathy? :)

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And we should begin to see that it's more "news" that McCain is gaining ground than Obama is holding/gaining at this point -- so more coverage of these events.

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Was this posted yet? :lol





Joe McCain Allegedly Calls 911 to Complain About Traffic


Alexandria (web|news) - A 911 tape, reportedly of Sen. John McCain (web|news|bio) 's brother Joe, could prove controversial for the McCain camp since the call was not for an emergency, but rather to complain about being stuck in traffic.


The call came into Alexandria's 911 system on October 21.


Operator: 911 state your emergency


Caller: It's not an emergency, but do you know why on one side at the damn drawbridge of 95 traffic is stopped for 15 minutes and yet traffic's coming the other way?


Operator: Sir, are you calling 911 to complain about traffic? (pause)


Caller: "(Expletive) you." (caller hangs up)


The complaint call about traffic on the Wilson Bridge forced the 911 dispatcher to call back. The voice mail on the other end, appears to belong to Joe McCain, brother of presidential candidate, John McCain.


"Hi this is Joe McCain. I can't take this message now because I'm involved in a very (inaudible) important political project. I hope on November 4th we have elected John."


"I think it's horrible. I can't believe somebody would tie up valuable resources to complain about traffic," said District resident Nancy Case.


"It seems stupid, my name can be tagged to this, why would I hose my brother, why would I do it," asked District resident Rob Case.


But that wasn't all. McCain apparently called 911 again to complain about the message the operator just left him, warning him such use of 911 is criminal.


Caller: Somebody gave me this riot act about the violation of police.


Operator: Did you just call 911 in reference to this?


Caller: Yeah.


Operator: 911 is to be used for emergencies only not just because you're sitting in traffic.


"The future president, possible president whatever, possible president, can't control what someone does, but this gentleman should be fined or something should happen to him," said tourist Suzanna Rey.


The McCain campaign has not commented on the issue, although it's said the campaign did listen to the call. ABC 7/NewsChannel 8 crews tried to reach Joe McCain, but were unable to.

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In other news: I heard there was a porn movie out now with a Palin look-alike in it. Hmmm...


Introducing Lisa Ann as 'Sarah' (From Huffington Post, no nudity, but not really SFW)


Hustler Video is shooting a porn with a look-alike, titled "Nailin' Paylin." The spelling is sic and so is Hustler.


The faux Sarah is Lisa Ann, who "will be nailing the Russians who come knocking on her back-door." In another scene -- a flashback -- "young Paylin's creationist college professor will explain a 'big bang' theory even she can't deny!"


There's also a threeway with Hillary and Condoleezza look-alikes. The video is in pre-production, but is being fast tracked for release before the election.



In brilliant casting, the legendary Nina Hartley (who was the gangbang wife in Boogie Nights as well) will play Hillary. Anyone familiar w/ her work can only imagine the possibilities this will provide in 'Hillary' 'sticking it' to 'Palin' and 'Condi'.

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Anyone familiar w/ her work can only imagine the possibilities this will provide in 'Hillary' 'sticking it' to 'Palin' and 'Condi'.

I've held a plaster cast of her pussy.

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