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Could really use help

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Normally I would not ask something like this but there is a large group of very intelligent people here. My daughter has to write about a "Person who changed the world" and I would like to figure out an interesting person that most people would not have thought about. No MLK or Gandhi or whatever, something a little more off the wall.


She just did a report on Joe Strummer so that one is out but everything else is game on.

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how about J.C.R. Licklider


he was the MIT professor in the 1960s who envisioned a network of interconnected computers around the world where people could communicate with each other and share information. he urged scientists to pursue his vision and next thing you know, we're all on via chicago, arguing about whether john mayer is a talentless hack or a gifted musician whose lyrics need refinement

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Les Paul

The man who invented both the solidbody electric guitar AND multitrack recording.


or, for another musical one:


Leon Theremin

Invented not only his namesake instrument (the first electronic instrument and precursor to the synthesizer) but also an electronic bugging device used by the KGB (and later, US) during the Cold War. And, there is no shortage of information on him (including a great documentary for YOU to watch).

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I knew I could count on you. These are good. Would never have thought of Theramin, never heard of Licklider, Bob Dylan and Les Paul came to mind already and are good choices.

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There have been some good suggestions, but your daughter will get more out of the assignment if she comes up with somebody herself (with your help if she needs it). If she's stuck, talk with her about her interests and what's important to her and work outward from there. Or maybe talk with her about the music she likes, and maybe work backwards and see what artists influenced the artists she likes. That will help to fuel her sense of curiosity more.


It's very cool that you're so involved in her education :thumbup

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JOAN GANZ COONEY (Creator, "Sesame Street;" Founder, Children's Television Workshop)

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Damn, PT. I was thinking the same with Theremin.... Nice push.


Does the person have to have affected the world positively, only?


Either way, a couple of suggestions:


Elisha Otis

Jack Kevorkian.

Ruby Bridges.

Linus Pauling.

Carl Djerassi.

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There have been some good suggestions, but your daughter will get more out of the assignment if she comes up with somebody herself (with your help if she needs it). If she's stuck, talk with her about her interests and what's important to her and work outward from there. Or maybe talk with her about the music she likes, and maybe work backwards and see what artists influenced the artists she likes. That will help to fuel her sense of curiosity more.


It's very cool that you're so involved in her education :thumbup



Damn, PT. I was thinking the same with Theremin.... Nice push.


Does the person have to have affected the world positively, only?


Either way, a couple of suggestions:


Elisha Otis

Jack Kevorkian.

Ruby Bridges.

Linus Pauling.

Carl Djerassi.


I agree and the intent is to not pick for her but this does give me ideas and where to try to lead her. I tend to be too biased so an outside perspective is good. If nothing else I can throw out some names she has never heard of and she will have to go research and learn about them herself to see who she wants to choose.


It does not have to be someone who influenced positively but I told here that's the way I would probably go. There's enough negativity out there! Great suggestions!


Thanks everyone and feel free to keep em coming.

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speaking of Theremin...


Brian Wilson

Picasso (might have founded modern art after 1900, thereby contributing to a continuous change in art and design for 100 years)

John Maeda (RISD prez, MIT grad, all around brilliant thinker and innovator on the concept of simplicity)

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>something a little more off the wall


Rosalind Franklin


Andy Warhol


Leornardo da Vinci


Nikola Tesla




Since this thread is in Someone Else's Song, should the suggestions be music oriented?


If so,



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