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and the fertility doctor that has helped her have all 14 babies is now under investigation.

I hope they investigate the living shit out of that dude, until he is a puddle on the floor.

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I just made it up as I am wont to do when lacking the perfect word. :lol


It is brilliant! OK, off topic, but is baseball seriously that hard and that competitive that they ALL have to use steroids. i mean they're just hitting a ball around. hey, wait, bring it back to topic, crazy lady has more than enough kids to have her own baseball team!

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Maybe we should require her to have a webcam going on the 14 younguns and her. Nothing like watching batshit crazy if it isn't firsthand in your own house.

I like this idea - it could be the perfect trainwreck.


Take THAT, Osbournes! :thumbup

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As for the athletes and their taxpayer subsidized stadiums, pay them each 100 grand a year and tell them to shut the fuck up, and that they should get right down there on their padded knees and thank their god or gods of choice for allowing them to make a living throwing a ball around.



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As for the athletes and their taxpayer subsidized stadiums, pay them each 100 grand a year and tell them to shut the fuck up, and that they should get right down there on their padded knees and thank their god or gods of choice for allowing them to make a living throwing a ball around.


I'm assuming, then, that you aren't one of those people who gets all pissy about high CEO salaries?

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I'm assuming, then, that you aren't one of those people who gets all pissy about high CEO salaries?


I get pissy whenever anyone is like, wildly, just astronomically overcompensated for their efforts, especially in those cases in which one individual is responsible for like maybe 5% of, in this case, a given companies success. Cause, in most cases, if just the CEO showed up for work each day, not much or very little would ever actually get done.


I think there is a point at which compensating an individual for their efforts in an attempt to bring out their very best can sort of reach an oversaturation point, and, human nature being what it is, once we've reached and then surpassed that point, folks tend to sort of lose their marbles, and start behaving and/or spending a little screwy, and maybe become a little too enamored with themselves.


Which is to say, I

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I get pissy whenever anyone is like, wildly, just astronomically overcompensated for their efforts, especially in those cases in which one individual is responsible for like maybe 5% of, in this case, a given companies success. Cause, in most cases, if just the CEO showed up for work each day, not much or very little would ever actually get done.

I don't know where to start with this one.

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I get pissy whenever anyone is like, wildly, just astronomically overcompensated for their efforts, especially in those cases in which one individual is responsible for like maybe 5% of, in this case, a given companies success. Cause, in most cases, if just the CEO showed up for work each day, not much or very little would ever actually get done.


I think there is a point at which compensating an individual for their efforts in an attempt to bring out their very best can sort of reach an oversaturation point, and, human nature being what it is, once we've reached and then surpassed that point, folks tend to sort of lose their marbles, and start behaving and/or spending a little screwy, and maybe become a little too enamored with themselves.


Which is to say, I

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So, what you are advocating by paying every professional athlete 100,000 is that the owners pocket the 100 million+ they are putting into payroll every year. So you are in favor of high CEO salaries in this case.


You know why professional athletes are paid as much as they are, so I'm not going to go into the painfully obvious reasons they are.


Given that the teams are associated with states (or regions), and claim to represent them, I

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Privately owned, but publicly subsidized in most cases.

No kidding. And my tax $$$ goes in part to support the fucking Yankees.

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They still have no obligation to do any of the things Neon is advocating. Mayhaps the cities that subsidize them could work out some arrangement so that the money they give would be repaid in some way, though many of these teams do provide communities a number of jobs.


Should movie studios also be forced to put money into schools, roads, etc?

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I don't see it as unfortunate. It's a fact of life in our society. There are also a lot more teachers in our country than professional athletes, so that is something to consider, and they simply don't create any money. It will always be this way, at least until the Chinese take over. Then everyone, teachers, lawyers, doctors, athletes, and everyone else will be paid less than minimum wage. YAY!

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No kidding. And my tax $$$ goes in part to support the fucking Yankees.





Let's get back on the rail here. We were talking about the batshit crazy lady 14 kids and Angelina Jolie lip injections.


This trainwreck is a much more fun topic.


One can always count of thread derailment...but let's have more fun with this one first. lol

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maybe start a thread about salaries and jobs and why some things are valued so much higher than others.


back to crazy lady: what i wonder is, what could possibly be done to stop the crazy mom from having more kids. it is a bit baffling to think that she is receiving state aid, can't pay the hospital bills, but if she got pregnant again tomorrow, that's that, more state aid, more hospital bills, and so on. she's worse than the crazy cat people that have 100 cats they can't take care of. although, i suspect, if you take the 14 kids away, she'd just go get more. yet, you can't force her to stop having children, you can't deny the children care, they're just kids and didn't pick their lot in life. what a conundrum.


and she really did make that $100,000 go a long way.

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Let's get back on the rail here. We were talking about the batshit crazy lady 14 kids and Angelina Jolie lip injections.


This trainwreck is a much more fun topic.


One can always count of thread derailment...but let's have more fun with this one first. lol

Oh, all right. Gee, what was that woman thinking? Uteri should never be "standing room only."

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Oh, all right. Gee, what was that woman thinking? Uteri should never be "standing room only."




You gotta admit...this is the craziest story to come down the pike in years. This poor lady is in such need of psychiatric help.


But, you know...if you wanna talk about corporate compensation or sports franchise insanity, that is certainly up to you.


But for my money...batshit crazy is more interesting at this point than beating on the usual horses...


I ain't no internet cop...I just stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

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