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I don't see it as unfortunate. It's a fact of life in our society. There are also a lot more teachers in our country than professional athletes, so that is something to consider, and they simply don't create any money. It will always be this way, at least until the Chinese take over. Then everyone, teachers, lawyers, doctors, athletes, and everyone else will be paid less than minimum wage. YAY!


Well and but at the current rate at which non-heavily-subsidized-capitalism is self-destructing, it shan

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What, no derailment from the derailment to discuss the Florida couple who paid $150,000 to clone their dog? I'm disappointed in VC today.

That thing has got to turn on them some day and eat their brains, right?

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I'm not sure I understand your point. So talk show hosts who must find ways to obtain and hold on to listeners/viewers should ignore the most widely talked about news story of the last week?


And are both of these guys spending substantial time on this woman? When my sports talk station goes to commercial on my drive home for lunch, I switch over to Limbaugh and he's been pretty focused on Obama and the stimulus package. Then again, maybe I'm just catching the few moments where he isn't talking about her.



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It's not just parent 14 children. She is trying to use her children as a source of income and suck off money from people without earning it. She may not be what is wrong with our country, but she's certainly not what is right with it.

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"Suleman retained the Killeen Furtney Group to represent her last Friday. Furtney said the company, which normally handles corporate clients and crisis public relations, was referred to her by the hospital. Its clients include the Union Pacific Railroad and the California State Parks Department."


Yep, that makes sense.

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Who is the more compelling discussion topic


Batshit cracy





Morally bankrupt


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they had a segment about her/the cost of taking care of the babies on ABC World News last night. Apparently she paid for the fertility treatments with a $100,000 worker's comp settlement. She receives $1900 x 3 from the state of california for 3 of her children because they have disabilities. she also receives approximately $500 from the state for food stamps, although i don't know if that is per week or per month. the hospital taking care of the 8 babies said it is an average of $3500 a day to care for each baby (x8) and they have to stay in the hospital for 8 more weeks, the total hospital bill for the 8 will exceed $1million and the hospital has now asked the state to help pay for the bill. guess tax payers are footing the bill after all.


and the fertility doctor that has helped her have all 14 babies is now under investigation.

I look at this doctor like a deadbeat dad (or mom). He helped bring these kids into the world, he should provide child support before taxpayers pay 1 cent! Including her hospital bills.

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Again, I'm not sure I am watching the same news sources you are. I haven't really heard anyone hold this woman up as what is wrong with this country aside from the members on this board. Does this board constitute "the right"?



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J.nick so who exactly are you rallying against here?


I know you begrudgingly voted for Obama because you thought he was the better option, but if I

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J.nick so who exactly are you rallying against here?


I know you begrudgingly voted for Obama because you thought he was the better option, but if I

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See, again, I'm not sure there were too many people on "the right" that wanted to give trillions of dollars to anyone. Maybe our definitions of "the right" are different. But most people on "the right" that I have read, talked to, listened to, etc., did not want a huge stimulus bill.


And corporate greed has little to do with this recession. There are plenty of factors that go into it. But bank CEOs purchasing a corporate jet has nothing to do with anything other than allowing a few congressmen to get on their high horses at show trials (I mean, "congressional hearings").


I tend the believe the right wing, i.e. republican opposition to the stimulus package has less to do with adhering to a strict conservative code (which, they pretty much abandoned entirely for the past eight years, and happily so) of fiscal responsibility, and more to do with the points brought up in the following article , from Slate:


When President Obama's economic recovery plan passed the House along partisan lines Wednesday, 244-188, some Democrats expressed surprise that not a single Republican voted for the bill. "Not one person felt his or her district needed to have any of this assistance?" one Connecticut Democrat told the New York Times. "That can't be."


Of course not. Republicans have acknowledged as much. In notes jotted down during a Tuesday meeting with Obama, one GOPer noted: "We expect the vast majority of House Republicans to oppose the package tomorrow, but we are optimistic that after the bill passes the House there may be a real opportunity for a bipartisan package." In other words, we will come around. But at this moment, unanimous opposition was the smartest stance House Republicans could have taken

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I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that if bleedorange doesn't see, hear or read something it simply didn't happen. :P


Given that we've just forked over 1600 billion dollars (the largest upward redistribution of wealth in, as far as we know, the universe's entire fucking history)

I think you are forgetting the Tralfamadorian takeover of the First Galactic Bank of Meepzor, a 76.3 quadrillion-torgon deal. That works out to about 300 quadrillion USD at current exchange rates.

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