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Favorite album(s) by....

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1. Reckoning

2. Murmur

3. Chronic Town

4. Automatic For the People

5. Dead Letter Office

6. Life's Rich Pageant

7. Fables of the Reconstruction

8. Out of Time

9. Green

10. Document

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Here is mine. I was afraid it would end up being chronological order but not quite.


1. Murmer

2. Chronic Town

3. Reckoning

4. Fables of the Reconstruction

5. Lifes Rich Pageant

6. Document

7. Automatic for the People

8. Out of Time

9. Green

10. Monster

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1. Murmur

2. Reckoning

3. Chronic Town

4. Life's Rich Pageant

5. Fables

6. Automatic for the People

7. Document

8. New Adventures in HiFi

9. Green

10. Out of Time


Reckoning used to be my #1 but then I got the remastered Murmur for Christmas and really heard the thing for the first time in ages. My goodness - what a strange and wonderful album.

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1. Reckoning

2. Murmur

3. Chronic Town

4. Fables of the Reconstruction

5. Life's Rich Pageant

6. Document

7. Green


Then I stopped paying attention to them.

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1. New Adventures In Hi Fi

2. Up (but only with Stylus' reconfiguration, check it out! http://www.stylusmagazine.com/articles/on_...ght/rem-up.htm)

3. Automatic for the People

4. Reckoning

5. Murmur

6. Life's Rich Pageant

7. Out of Time (memory side!)


honorable mention: Michael Stipe's singing "Kid Fears", Peter Buck on "Too Lick Your Boots", Mike Mills' piano on "Soma"

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I only own Reckoning and Murmur, like them a lot, and prefer Reckoning over Murmur. I used to own Monster and thought it was good but not great. What should I go to next?

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  mfwahl said:
I only own Reckoning and Murmur, like them a lot, and prefer Reckoning over Murmur. I used to own Monster and thought it was good but not great. What should I go to next?


I would say Chronic Town for sure. Just an EP but it's fantastic. I love Fables of the Reconstruction but not sure whether to recommend it to others. Life's Rich Pageant would also be on the list.

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  Moss said:
I would say Chronic Town for sure. Just an EP but it's fantastic. I love Fables of the Reconstruction but not sure whether to recommend it to others. Life's Rich Pageant would also be on the list.


Anything on I.R.S, really.

That is, except Document, which is good, but certainly not great. And not the best place for a neophyte to get their feet wet.

Hell, I'd even recommend Dead Letter Office before Document.

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I made a "best of" recently with songs suggested by the kind folks of VC.


I had dozens of songs to choose from and I picked my top 20 favorite. The majority of the songs are from Murmur, so I would say that's my favorite album. Document would be a close second.

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  Pillowy Star said:
1.) UP (by 10000000.....miles)



I don't agree with that, but I understand it.


It's just so great and beautiful in a LOT of ways. It's really a unique sounding album when compared to all their others...it almost doesn't sound like R.E.M.


It probably DOES deserve to be ranked high.

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  PopTodd said:
Anything on I.R.S, really.

That is, except Document, which is good, but certainly not great. And not the best place for a neophyte to get their feet wet.

Hell, I'd even recommend Dead Letter Office before Document.


I agree with you there. I never understand why some songs become popular. "The One I Love" is one of my least favorite REM songs.

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  Moss said:
I agree with you there. I never understand why some songs become popular. "The One I Love" is one of my least favorite REM songs.

No reason to dismiss the rest of the album.


I'm probably that way about Green for the same reason. But compared, I think Document easily still comes out on top.

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  One Wing said:
No reason to dismiss the rest of the album.


I'm probably that way about Green for the same reason. But compared, I think Document easily still comes out on top.


I'm not dismissing the album, and I do like it more than green. There are some great songs on it. I think it was a huge drop off from what came before however.

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I'm feeling listy and gradey so... I'll do both


01. Automatic For the People (A+)

02. Murmur (A+)

03. Reckoning (A)

04. Life's Rich Pageant (A)

05. Document (A)

06. New Adventures in Hi-Fi (A-)

07. Fables of Reconstruction (A-)

08. Green (B+)

09. Out of Time (B )

10. Accelerate (B )

11. Up (C+)

12. Monster (C+)

13. Reveal (C )

14. Around the Sun (C-)

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I'ver never liked "The One I love" either but not sure why, there's just something about it which bugs me. I't was probably the first REM song I heard too. I've never really liked Document too much either,it just has a coldness to it which bugs me.

Green is my favorite album by a long shot, I love everything about it,the stupid songs included. It was first first REM album as it happens too! I don't get why people dislike it so much but so be it!

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