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The great iPod crash of 2009

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Hi guys,


Yesterday I lost my entire record collection. I had everything on my iPod, and it crashed and everything disappeared. I tried everything I could think of to get it back, but it was no use, so I reformatted and am starting from scratch. I am first and foremost trying to get the "core" back, I've got all the Wilco studio stuff back on it, as well as some other significant records for me. I found quite a few live shows I lost on Owl and Bear (thank-you O&B!) but there are a few that I had that they don't have anymore (I can't find my disc copies)


October 14, 2005


March 17, 2006


I also lost a ton of Frank Zappa, ELO, Beach Boys, Wings and Slobberbone (these are records that I don't own and got from my friend Chris in Athens when I was down there... not going back any time soon either... :( )


If anybody could help me out I would be so very happy, right now I am using Google Blog search to find stuff... not really working too well.


Hope you all have a good day!


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i know. :( i have CD's of them somewhere in my house, i just don't know where(and i tore my room apart looking last night) 10-14-05 was my 1st wilco show (and i got the nifty shout out too) so to lose that one would be really sad...

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I know your pain. I had my computer crash just about 2 months ago and lost my collection. I was partially prepared as I had an external hardrive with about 11,000 songs on it. I still was missing about 2,000 or so but found some of the cds scattered around my house and had to repurchase about 20 (thanks half.com...cheap cds weeee!) of them. Something to remeber for next time (myself included)...fully back up all your songs on a external hard drive! I can not stress this enough as it will save you a major headache later! Good luck in finding the rest of the items you are looking for! :thumbup

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I have the 14 Oct 2005 Asheville show. I'd be happy to send it to you though you may not want it as the discs, I believe, are flac but mp3 is on my harddrive. I don't know how to make a copy of the disc as flac. If you want mp3, pm me. Sorry I couldn't be of more help and sorry about your crash.


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Sorry to hear about your loss. Dumb question, but doesn't your iPod back up its contents to your computer whenever it's connected?

i disabled that. the computer we have at home is too small to handle the amount of stuff i had on the ipod. plus my sister connects her ipod to it too, so manually managing it was the safest thing to do. until now... :lol i'm def getting an external hard drive.

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I know this isn't the time to hear from someone real anal, but the only safe way is to back it up on an external harddrive and keep CD copies of everything. It is alot of work and I on a monthly basis back up and make CDRs of any new downloads, but it is worth it.

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I know this isn't the time to hear from someone real anal, but the only safe way is to back it up on an external harddrive and keep CD copies of everything. It is alot of work and I on a monthly basis back up and make CDRs of any new downloads, but it is worth it.

i used to do that too, but then school got ridiculous, so i stopped. i have so many CDs i don't even know what i have til i spend 3 hours digging... it's horrible!

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You can get a 1TB USB drive for $100. I bought one to transfer all of my iTunes files to, hoping that it wouldn't be too slow. It works seamlessly. No lag time at all.

Fantom 1TB drive

O.K., so do you have to dump your files from the external onto your computer if you want to access them through iTunes? Or can iTunes' library reference the external drive without duplication? (f that makes sense)

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I changed the setting for the folder iTunes reads from to be a folder on the external drive. I think it's in the Preferences menu. You can redirect iTunes to look for the folder somewhere besides its default location. I did this because I have a 250GB internal hard drive and about 230 GB of music files. ITunes bogged down the rest of my system so much that it wasn't good for anything except a music player. Once I moved all of the music to the external drive and freed up all that space the computer is screaming fast again.


I know this isn't the time to hear from someone real anal, but the only safe way is to back it up on an external harddrive and keep CD copies of everything. It is alot of work and I on a monthly basis back up and make CDRs of any new downloads, but it is worth it.


I'm actually going to buy a second 1 TB drive to back up my backup. :lol

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I changed the setting for the folder iTunes reads from to be a folder on the external drive. I think it's in the Preferences menu. You can redirect iTunes to look for the folder somewhere besides its default location. I did this because I have a 250GB internal hard drive and about 230 GB of music files. ITunes bogged down the rest of my system so much that it wasn't good for anything except a music player. Once I moved all of the music to the external drive and freed up all that space the computer is screaming fast again.




I'm actually going to buy a second 1 TB drive to back up my backup. :lol

Great news. That's *exactly* what I've been trying to do, consolidating onto an external drive just to see if it's doable. For my work laptop I have a pair of 320MB drives that power off the USB -- one for work and one for audio/visual files. Many thanks for the tip.

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Actually my anal retentive nature would say that a backup backup to the same media is not as safe as the CDs, because you're backed up to different media. But that's a buttload of CDs.


If you wanted to do CDs still though you could always make them data cds instead of audio. That would save tons of room if you are saving just your mp3s which would make sense if you are backing up itunes. Even then if you have 200 gigs of music you'd need like 250 + cds to do that. Still loads better than anything else. Plus the it will save all the tags.

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if you're just looking to backup the music, i'd go with dvd's. holds way more than a cd-r. dvd burners are really cheap these days too. i'd also recommend the external hd's like everyone else here. you can also get online backup storage (microsoft has like 25gb for free, i think?)


also. if you're really worried about losing data, i would recommend two external hd's also. one that you can access all the time and another you only use for backing up to. the more you write/read from an hd, the more it's likely to go bad after a while.


i actually have an external hd i need to reformat. i preach backing up all the time but rarely do it at home!

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O.K., so do you have to dump your files from the external onto your computer if you want to access them through iTunes? Or can iTunes' library reference the external drive without duplication? (f that makes sense)

Nope - I keep my library on my external. I pointed iTunes to that drive, and it works great.

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Actually my anal retentive nature would say that a backup backup to the same media is not as safe as the CDs, because you're backed up to different media. But that's a buttload of CDs.


It's not as safe, you're right, but it sure is a lot faster! And if one drive goes bad, I have the backup drive until I can get another 1TB drive for 100 bucks. :lol


Actually, I'm going to partition the second drive to also make a bootable backup of my entire system in case my internal hard drive crashes. Of course I've been saying this for a year now. I'm another one who preaches regular backups but rarely does them myself, which is why I also lost 3/4 of my music collection and all my personal photos 4 years ago. :realmad

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I keep my music on an external hard drive that iTunes reads from. It slows down my computer like a mofo though, and as a result, I hardly ever open iTunes when working at my computer. I pretty much only use iTunes when I'm away from the computer.

Right now, I'm working in Flash and Illustrator and listening to Pandora.

Sorry to hear about your crash, Sarah. I'll turn on my external drive later to see what I can send ya.

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I keep my music on an external hard drive that iTunes reads from. It slows down my computer like a mofo though, and as a result, I hardly ever open iTunes when working at my computer. I pretty much only use iTunes when I'm away from the computer.

Right now, I'm working in Flash and Illustrator and listening to Pandora.

Sorry to hear about your crash, Sarah. I'll turn on my external drive later to see what I can send ya.



Strange. Mine runs really fast, something that it didn't do when I housed everything on my internal HD.

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