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Hot off the presses...Sarah Palin resigning as Governor of Alaska

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I thought that by combining all the all-caps words, I’d maybe CRACK some sort of secret code - but when distilled, all I got for my trouble was:





Which, makes about as much sense as the orignal post - oh well.

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Looks like this is her plan:


Palin says she's not leaving politics



Sun Jul 12, 3:26 pm ET


WASHINGTON – Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said she's not only staying involved in national politics, but she plans to jump back into the national scrum when she leaves office at the end of the month.


The former Republican vice presidential nominee said she plans to write a book, campaign for political candidates from coast to coast — even Democrats who share her views on limited government, national defense and energy independence — and build a right-of-center coalition.


"I will go around the country on behalf of candidates who believe in the right things, regardless of their party label or affiliation," she said during an interview published Sunday in The Washington Times.


Palin shocked critics and allies alike when she announced on July 3 that she would leave the governor's office while in the middle of her first term. The governor chose not to seek re-election and suggested it was unfair to hold onto the office as a lame duck. Instead, she will step down July 26 and pursue a national profile. She has not said whether she is building toward a presidential campaign for 2012.


Republican Women Federated of Simi Valley announced Palin was scheduled to speak to the group's private gala on Aug. 8 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California. The event — reporters will not be allowed to attend — will take place in an airplane hangar that houses a retired presidential aircraft Air Force One and will stir more questions about he curious resignation.


Palin defended the decision because "pragmatically, Alaska would be better off" if her state weren't spending time on ethical complaints against her. She also said the plan to resign had been in the works for months.


Her 2008 running mate disputed suggestions the telegenic and plainspoken soon-to-be-former-official was a quitter.


"Oh, I don't think she quit," said Sen. John McCain, the Republican presidential nominee in 2008 who plucked Palin out of near-obscurity and made her a household name. "I think she changed her priorities."


For now, though, Palin isn't detailing those priorities.


"I'm not ruling out anything. It is the way I have lived my life from the youngest age," she said in the Washington Times interview. "Let me peek out there and see if there's an open door somewhere. And if there's even a little crack of light, I'll hope to plow through it."


The self-described hockey mom plans to write a memoir but declined to discuss any potential deal for her to become a television commentator.


"I can't talk about any of those things while I'm still governor," she said.


Yet she's already reminding audiences of her bipartisan and family-oriented appeal.


"People are so tired of the partisan stuff even my own son is not a Republican," Palin said.


Like his father, 20-year-old Track Palin is registered as "nonpartisan" in Alaska, she said.


McCain said he believes Palin will play a major role in politics, telling NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday that "she has the ability to ignite our party and to galvanize us and get us going again and give us a strong positive message."


That said, McCain declined to endorse a Palin for President campaign.


"We've got a lot of good, strong, young, attractive, articulate spokespersons for our party and our principles," McCain said, citing former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

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I consider Palin just slightly right of a typical John Birch Society member.


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The former Republican vice presidential nominee said she plans to write a book, campaign for political candidates from coast to coast — even Democrats who share her views on limited government, national defense and energy independence — and build a right-of-center coalition.


What if Democratic candidates share her views on these things but are pro-choice and anti-NRA? It seems politically expedient of Palin to set her social conservatism aside in order to move towards the center. Whichever way the wind blows, I guess.

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Some sort of law ought to be passed forbidding her from ever seeking and/or attaining another position in government – period. She’s a.) incompetent, and b.) and more importantly, totally fucking insane. She’s qualified to hock Tupperware on the QVC, but that’s about it – and that has absolutely nothing to do with her gender, at all – not even a little – zero – nadda – zilch.

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I don't know if anyone knew this, but I have it on good authority that Good Old Neon is not a fan of Sarah Palin's. No confirmation, thus far, but my sources remain confident in the veracity of their claims.

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I don't know if anyone knew this, but I have it on good authority that Good Old Neon is not a fan of Sarah Palin's. No confirmation, thus far, but my sources remain confident in the veracity of their claims.



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It was a bit where I tried to seem like I didn't get it, just as the previous post was a bit where I tried to make it seem as if I thought that good old neon not liking Sarah palin was breaking news. The intended humor in both is that both posts I was responding to were obvious in their intentions, but I reacted as if I did not understand them.



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I am displaying no obvious signs of anger or distress, though I do apologize if my posts come off that way. Often it is difficult to tell how you come off to people, so I will try to ensure I do a better job.

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Remember this game??????/ Anybody?




That game fucking RULED! The sound of the smashing-- wait, didn't it also shake, like the whole thing shook when you smashed a building in? Or was the sound just that damn satisfying that I'm thinking it shook.

When you walked into the gameroom of Colonial Bowl, that game was on the right, the first video game after two pinball machines. That fucking game RULED!!

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That game fucking RULED! The sound of the smashing-- wait, didn't it also shake, like the whole thing shook when you smashed a building in? Or was the sound just that damn satisfying that I'm thinking it shook.

When you walked into the gameroom of Colonial Bowl, that game was on the right, the first video game after two pinball machines. That fucking game RULED!!


It did fucking rule. I don't think it shook though. But I once bet my brother that the original Star Wars crawl said "Episode IV: A New Hope". Of course, it was one of the many re-releases that featured such a crawl. So I'm a very unreliable source on such critical matters.

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